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近几年政府有意在把国家经济从“生产制造型经济”向“知识密.. 翻译

近几年政府有意在把国家经济从“生产制造型经济”向“知识密集型”缓慢转型,但物流企业的制造业客户却未能快速转型。中国不可能永远扮演“世界工厂”的角色,政府在几年前即早已采取政策限制生产含量相对偏低的产品出口,并不断加强加快。2007年财政部有关负责人曾明确表示,各项关税调整是“为进一步限制高耗能、高污染、资源性(两高一资)产品出口,促进节能降耗,鼓励原材料进口”。内部的国家经济政策的调整 更多: ,加上外部的金融危机的影响,催化了大量竞争力不强,高耗能低附加价值的生产企业倒闭。 近2年,广东一带的类似企业成千上万的倒闭,致使其物流服务链也发生严重震荡。 市场中留下的企业都是精锐,此时国家又采取了扶持和保护政策,对重要行业进行了出口退税乃至是振兴扶持。
In recent years, the Government intends to put the country's economy from manufacturing-based economy "to" knowledge-intensive "slow transition, but the logistics enterprise manufacturing customers failed to rapid transformation. Can not always play the role of "world factory", the Government has already taken a few years ago that policies to restrict the export of production was relatively low, and continue to strengthen to speed up. 2007 Ministry of Finance official made it clear that the tariff adjustment is to "further restrict exports of high energy consumption, high pollution, resources (two high a capital) 更多: , to promote energy saving and encourage raw material imports. Within the national economic policy adjustments,Coupled with the external financial crisis a catalyst for a less competitive, high energy consumption and low value-added production business failures. Nearly two years, thousands of similar enterprises of Guangdong area collapse, resulting in its logistics service chain is also a serious concussion. Left in the market are the corporate elite, the state has adopted a policy of support and protection, and important industry export tax rebates as well as the revitalization of support.

In recent years, the Government intends to put the national economy from "manufacturing economy" to the "knowledge-intensive" slow transition, but the rapid transformation of logistics enterprise's manufacturing customers have failed to. China cannot always play "world factory" role, a few years ago, the Government had adopted policies limiting production relatively low content of exports, and growing faster. 2007 finance charge made it clear that, the tariff adjustment was "to further limit of high energy consumption, high pollution, resources (two high and funding) exports 更多: , promotion of energy saving and consumption reducing, encourage imports of raw materials". Internal adjustment of the national economic policies,Plus the external impact of the financial crisis, catalyzed by a lot of competitiveness is not strong, energy-intensive and low value-added production companies fail. For nearly 2 years, closure of tens of thousands of similar enterprises in Guangdong area, reducing the logistics chain are also experiencing serious turbulence. Market enterprises were the elite of the left, State support and protection policies, important sectors of export tax rebates is to revitalize the support.

In recent years the government, is interested in the economy from "manufacturing economy" to "knowledge intensive" slow change, the logistics enterprise manufacturing customers is not rapid transformation. China may not always be a "world factory" character,In a few years ago that the government had to take policy limiting production content of relatively low export, and strengthen the speed up. 2007 years relevant person in charge of finance has made it clear that the tariff adjustment is "for further restrict production, high pollution, resource (two higher endowment) products export, promote saving energy and reducing consumption 更多: ,Encourage the import of raw materials ". Internal national economic policy adjustment, plus external financial crisis, triggered a lot less competitive, low value-added production will business failures. nearly 2 years, guangdong area of similar enterprise tens of thousands of collapse,If the logistics service chain also has a serious concussion. market remains in enterprise are elite, the nation and the support and protection to policy, an important industry for the export tax rebates and even is the support.


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