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今天是我15岁的生日,妈妈给我买了一个玩具小熊。小熊全身.. 翻译

今天是我15岁的生日,妈妈给我买了一个玩具小熊。小熊全身雪白,毛绒绒的,非常可爱。小熊戴一顶粉红色的帽子,帽子上挂着一个蓝色的小绒球。小熊穿着一件蓝色的小夹克 更多: ,胳膊胖胖的,腿又短又粗。这个玩具小熊我很喜欢,每天晚上都抱着它入睡,这样就感觉妈妈也在陪我睡觉一样。
Today is my 15-year-old's birthday, my mother bought me a toy bear. Winnie the body white, fluffy and very cute. Winnie wore a pink hat, a hat hanging on a blue balls of fluff. Bear wearing a blue jacket 更多: , arm fat, Tuiyou short and thick. I really like this toy bear, every night to fall asleep holding it, so that you feel that the mother was to accompany me to sleep the same.

Today is my 15 years birthday, my mom bought me a toy bear. Bear body white, fluffy, very cute. Bear wears a Pink Hat, hat hanging on a blue ball. Bear is wearing a little blue jackets 更多: , arm fat, legs are short and thick. I liked this toy bear, holding it to sleep every night, so that you feel mother sleeping with me.

Today is my 15 years old birthday, mom bought me a toy bear. Little bear the whole body white, fluffy, very lovely. Little bear wear a hat pink hat, hat hung a small blue ball of fluff. Little bear wearing a small blue jacket 更多: , fat arms, legs and short and coarse.This toy bear I like, every night the hold it to sleep, so feel mother also in sleep with me.


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