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1、电镀锡板 电镀锡薄钢板和钢带,也称马口铁,这类钢板.. 翻译

1、电镀锡板 电镀锡薄钢板和钢带,也称马口铁,这类钢板(带)外貌镀了锡,有很好的耐蚀性,且无毒,可用作罐头的包装质料,电缆表里护皮,仪表电讯零件,电筒等小五金。 2、热镀锌板 在薄钢板和钢带外貌用连续热镀方法镀上锌,可以防止薄钢板和钢带外貌腐化生锈。镀锌钢板和钢带广泛用于机械、轻工、建筑、交通、化工、邮电等行业。 3、沸腾钢板与镇静钢板 4、沸腾钢板是由普通碳素布局钢沸腾钢热轧成的钢板。沸腾钢是一种脱氧不完全的钢,只用一定量的弱脱氧剂对钢液脱氧,钢液含氧量较高,当钢水注入钢锭模后,碳氧反应孕育发生大量气体,造成钢液沸腾,沸腾钢由此而患上名。沸腾钢含碳量低,由于不用硅铁脱氧,钢中含硅量也低(Si沸腾钢的外层是在沸腾所酿成的钢液剧烈搅动的条件下结晶成的,故表层纯净、致密,外貌质量好,有很好的范性和冲压性能,没有大的集中缩孔,切头少,成材率高,而且沸腾钢生产工艺简略,铁合金消耗少,钢材成本低。沸腾钢板大量用于制造各种冲压件,建筑及工程布局及一些不过重要的机器布局零部件。但沸腾钢心部杂质较多,偏析较严重 更多: ,组织不致密,力学性能不均匀。同时由于钢中气体含量较多,故韧性低,冷脆和时效敏锐性较大,焊接性能也较差。故沸腾钢板不适于制造承受冲击荷重、在低温条件下工作的焊接布局及其他重要布局。 5、镇静钢板是由普通碳素布局钢镇静钢热轧制成的钢板。镇静钢是脱氧完全的钢,钢液在浇注前用锰铁、硅铁和铝等举行充分脱氧,钢液含氧量低(一般为0.002-0.003%),钢液在钢锭模中较平静,不孕育发生沸腾现象,镇静钢由此患上名。在正常操作条件下,镇静钢中没有气泡,组织均匀致密;由于含氧量低,钢中氧化物同化较少,纯净度较高,冷脆和时效倾向小;同时,镇静钢偏析较小,性能比力均匀,质量较高。镇静钢的缺点是有集中缩孔,成材率低,价格较高。因此,镇静钢材主要用于低温下承受冲击的构件、焊接布局及其他要求强度较高的构件。低合金钢板都是镇静钢和半镇静钢钢板。由于强度较高,性能优越,能节约大量钢材,减轻布局重量,其应用已越来越广泛。 6、优质碳素布局钢板 优质碳素布局钢是含碳小于0.8%的碳素钢,这类钢中所含的硫、磷及非金属同化物比碳素布局钢少,机械性能较为优良。按含碳量不同可分为三类:低碳钢(D≤0.25%)、中碳钢(D为0.25-0.6%)和高碳钢(D>0.6%);优质碳素布局钢按含锰量不同分为正常含锰量(含锰0.25%-0.8%)和较高含锰量(含锰0.70%-1.20%)两组,后者具有较好的力学和加工性能。 7、优质碳素布局钢热轧薄钢板和钢带 优质碳素布局钢热轧薄钢板和钢带用于汽车、航空工业及其他部门。其钢的商标为沸腾钢:08F、10F、15F;镇静钢:08、08BL、10、15、20、25、30、35、40、45、50。25及25以下为低碳钢板,30及30以上为中碳钢板。 8、优质碳素布局钢热轧厚钢板和宽钢带 优质碳素布局钢热轧厚钢板和宽钢带用于各种机械布局件。其钢的商标为低碳钢包孕:05F、08F、08、10F、10、15F、15、20F、20、25、20Mn、25Mn等;中碳钢包孕:30、35、40、45、50、9、60、30Mn、40Mn、50Mn、60Mn等;高碳钢包孕:65、70、65Mn等。
1, plating tin plate Electroplated steel sheets and strips, also known as tinplate, such sheet (strip) appearance plated tin, good corrosion resistance, and non-toxic, can be used as canned packaging material, cable table sheath meter telecommunications parts, flashlight, and other hardware. 2, hot galvanized plate Sheet and strip appearance with continuous hot-dip coated with zinc can prevent rust sheet and strip appearance of corruption. Galvanized steel sheets and strips are widely used in machinery, light industry, construction, transportation, chemical industry, telecommunications and other industries. 3, boiling steel and sedation steel 4 boiling plate layout by ordinary carbon steel boiling steel hot-rolled steel plate.Boiling steel is a deoxidizing not entirely of steel, only a certain amount of weak deoxidizing agent for deoxidation of the molten steel, the higher the oxygen content of the liquid steel, when the molten steel into ingot molds, carboxyhemoglobin reaction conceived a large number of gas, causing the liquid steel boiling, boiling steel suffering name. Boiling steel carbon content is low, because they are not ferrosilicon deoxidizing steel, the silicon content is low (Si boiling steel outer layer is crystallized under conditions of vigorous agitation boiling lead to the molten steel into, so the surface pure, dense , appearance, good quality, good range of sexual and stamping performance, there is no large concentration of shrinkage, less cutting head, high-yield, and boiling steel production process briefly, ferroalloys consumes lessLow cost of steel. The boiling steel plate used extensively for manufacturing various stamping parts, construction and engineering layout and some important, but the layout of machines parts. Boiling steel core part of impurities, segregation is more serious, is not dense tissue mechanical heterogeneity. More gas content in the steel, so the low toughness, the cold brittle and aging acumen large welding performance is also poor. The boiling steel plate is not suitable for the manufacture withstand impact load, welding layout and other important layout work in low temperature conditions. 5, killed steel sheet by ordinary carbon layout steel sedation made of steel hot-rolled steel plate. Sedation steel deoxy entirely of steel, molten steel before pouring ferromanganese,Ferrosilicon and aluminum held fully deoxidized, low oxygen content of the liquid steel (0.002-0.003%), general the liquid steel ingot mold calmer, not nurture occur boiling phenomenon killed steel thus suffering from the name. Under normal operating conditions, no bubbles killed steel uniform and dense tissue; assimilation less due to the low oxygen content, steel oxide, high purity, the the cold brittle and aging tendency; same time, killed steel segregation is small, performance than force uniform 更多: , high quality. Killed steel disadvantage is concentrated shrinkage, low timber prices higher. Therefore, sedation steel is mainly used for low temperature components to withstand impactWelding layout and other requirements of high strength components. Low-alloy steel plate are killed steel and semi-killed steel plate. High strength, superior performance, you can save a lot of steel to reduce the layout weight, its application has been more and more widely. 6, the layout of the high-quality carbon steel plate Layout of the high-quality carbon steel is the carbon content of less than 0.8% carbon steel, sulfur, phosphorus, and non-metallic type of steel contained less assimilation layout than carbon steel, more excellent mechanical performance. According to the carbon content can be divided into three categories: low-carbon steel (d ≤ 0.25%), medium carbon steel (d 0.25-0.6%), and high-carbon steel (d> 0.6%);Layout of high-quality carbon steel manganese content is divided into different the normal manganese (manganese 0.25% -0.8%) and high manganese content (0.70% -1.20% manganese) groups, which has good mechanical and processing performance. 7, the layout of high-quality carbon steel hot-rolled steel sheet and strip Quality carbon layout steel hot rolled steel sheet and strip for the automotive, aerospace, industrial and other sectors. Trademarks of steel rimmed steel: 08f, 10f, 15f; killed steel: 08,08 the bL, 10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50, 25 and 25 for the low-carbon steel plate, 30 30 in carbon steel plate. 8Layout of steel rolled plates of high-quality carbon and wide strips The layout of the high-quality carbon steel plates and wide strips for various mechanical layout pieces. Trademarks of steel for low carbon steel Conceiving: 05f, 08f, 08,10 f, 10,15 f, 15,20 f, 20,25,20 mn, 25mn; Conceiving medium carbon steel: 30,35,40,45,50 9,60,30 mn, 40mn, 50mn, 60mn; high carbon steel Conceiving: 65,70,65 mn.

1, tinplate Tin plating steel sheet and strip, also known as tinplate, such plates (Strip) appearance Tin plated, very good corrosion resistance and non-toxic, can be used as a packaging material of canned, cables, exterior protective skin, instrument telecommunication parts, torches and other hardware. 2, hot galvanized Strip In the appearance of thin steel plate and steel strip continuous hot-dip zinc plated, you can prevent the appearance of thin steel plate and steel strip rust of corruption. Galvanized steel plates and steel belts, which are widely used in machinery, light industry, construction, transport, chemicals, telecommunications and other industries. 3, sedation boiling plate and steel plate 4 layout, boiling steel plate is composed of ordinary carbon steel boiling steel hot-rolled steel plate.Deoxygenation is a completely steel boiling steel, using only a weak quantitative deoxidizer on deoxidation of molten steel, higher oxygen content in molten steel, when after the injection mould molten steel, carbon and oxygen reaction giving birth to large amounts of gas, resulting in liquid steel in boiling, boiling steel and suffer from. Boiling steel containing carbon volume low, due to without ferrosilicon deoxidation, steel in the containing Silicon volume also low (Si boiling steel of outer is in boiling by breed of steel liquid violent stirred of conditions Xia Crystal into of, so surface pure, and tight, appearance quality good, has is good of fan sexual and stamping performance, no large of concentrated shrinkage, cut head less, glued laminated timber rate high, and boiling steel production technology briefly, Ferroalloy consumption less,Steels and low cost. Boiling plates is used extensively in manufacturing stamping, construction and construction layout and some machines but important layout components. But the rimmed steel heart more impurities, segregation more serious, organizations are not tight, the mechanics performance is not uniform. And because more gas in steel, low toughness, large cold brittle and time-sensitive, welding performance is also poor. Boiling plates does not apply to manufactured to withstand shock loading, in low-temperature conditions of welding and other important layouts. 5, sedation layout plate is composed of ordinary carbon steel made of killed steel hot-rolled steel plate. Deoxidation fully killed steel is steel, ferromanganese before the pouring of molten steel, andFerro-silicon and aluminum deoxidation full, low oxygen content in molten steel (usually 0.002-0.003%), calm in the mold of molten steel, not giving birth to boiling phenomenon occurs, killed steel by suffering from. Under normal operating conditions, no bubble in the killed steel, organizations uniformly dense; because of the low oxygen levels, fewer oxides assimilation in steel 更多: , high purity, cold and crisp and aging small; at the same time, killed steel less segregation, performance than even, good quality. Disadvantage is concentrated shrinkage of killed steel, low yield, higher price. Therefore, calm steel main components used to withstand impact at low temperature,Welding layout and other requirements and high strength components. Steel low alloy steel plate is sedation and semi-killed steel plate. Due to the high strength, excellent performance, can save large amounts of steel, reducing the weight of the layout, its application has been more and more widely. 6, layout of high quality carbon steel plate Layout of high quality carbon steel is a carbon-carbon steel less than 0.8%, steel-sulfur and phosphorus contained in this class and assimilation of non-metallic material less layouts than carbon steel, mechanical performance is excellent. According to the carbon content can be divided into three categories: low carbon steel (d ≤ 0.25%), carbon steel (d 0.25-0.6%) and high carbon steel (D>0.6%);Layout of high quality carbon steel containing manganese content is divided into different normal and manganese (MN-0.25%), and high level of manganese (MN-0.7%), two groups, which has good mechanical properties and processing. 7 layout, high quality carbon steel hot-rolled steel sheet and strip Layout of high quality carbon steel hot-rolled steel sheet and strip for automobile, aviation industry and other sectors. Trademarks of their steel rimmed steel: 08F, 10F, 15F; killed steel: 08 g, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. 25 and 25 low carbon steel plates, 30 and 30 per cent for carbon steel plate. 8, andLayout of high quality carbon steel hot-rolled plates and wide strips Layout of high quality carbon steel hot-rolled plates and wide strips for various mechanical layouts. Trademarks of their steel to mild steel subsume: 05F, 08F and 08, 10F, 10, 15F, 15 g, 20, 25, 20Mn, 25Mn; carbon steel subsume: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 9, 60 g, 40Mn, 50Mn, 60Mn; subsume high carbon steel: 65, 70 g, and so on.

1, electrolytic tinplate electroplating tin plate and steel belt, also called tin, this kind of steel plate (with) appearance plated tin, and has good corrosion resistance, and non-toxic, can be used as packing material canned, cable in protecting skin, instrument telecommunication parts, flashlight, etc hardware. 2,Hot galvanized steel sheet in thin steel plate and steel band appearance with continuous hot dip method on plating zinc, can prevent thin steel plate and steel band appearance and corruption rust. Galvanized steel plate and steel belt are widely used in machinery, light industry, construction, transportation, chemical industry, telecommunications, etc. 3, boiling steel plate and calm steel 4,Boiling steel plate are made up of common carbon steel rimming steel hot rolled into the layout of the steel plate. Rimmed steel is a kind of deoxidizing incomplete steel, only a certain amount of weak deoxidizer to liquid steel deoxidized, steel liquid oxygen content is higher, when molten steel into the ingot mould, carbon oxygen reaction incubation happen a lot of gas, resulting in steel liquid boiling,Rimmed steel which suffer from name. Rimmed steel carbon content is low, with no ferrosilicon deoxidizing, steel containing silicon quantity and low (Si rimmed steel outer is in boiling the spawn of the liquid steel vigorous agitation conditions crystal into, so surface pure, dense, appearance quality is good, has the very good plastic and stamping performance,There was no big concentration shrinkage cavity, cutting head is little, high yield, and rising steel production process simple, and ferroalloy consumption, steel with low cost. A large number of boiling steel plate used in the manufacture of all kinds of stamping parts, construction and engineering layout and some but important machine layout components. But rimming steel core impurity is more, segregation more serious.Organization is not dense, mechanical performance is not uniform. At the same time because in steel gas content more, the toughness is low, cold short and aging sharpness is bigger, welding performance is poor. The boiling steel plate is not suitable for manufacturing under impact load, in low temperature under the working conditions of welding layout and other important layout. 5,Calm steel plate are made up of common carbon layout steel killed steel hot rolled steel plate made of. Calm steel is deoxidized complete steel, steel liquid before casting with ferromanganese and ferrosilicon and aluminum held fully killed, steel liquid oxygen levels low (generally 0.002-0.003%), liquid steel in ingot mold is calm, not pregnant happen boiling phenomenon,Calm steel which suffer from name. In normal operation condition, killed steel without bubble, organize uniform density; Due to the low oxygen content, in steel oxide assimilation less, high purity, cold short and aging tendency small; At the same time 更多: , killed steel segregation is lesser, performance than force uniform, high quality.Calm steel defect is a concentrated porosity, and yield is low, the price is higher. Therefore, calm steel is mainly used for low temperature impact under the component, welding layout and other requirements of the high strength member. Low alloy steel plate are killed steel and half killed steel plate. Due to the high strength, superior performance,Can save a lot of steel, reduce layout weight, its application has been more and more widely. 6, high quality carbon layout plate quality carbon layout steel is carbon less than 0.8% of carbon steel, this kind of steel contain sulphur, phosphorus and non-metallic photosynthate than carbon layout steel less, mechanical performance is excellent.According to carbon content can be divided into three categories: low carbon steel (D quartile 0.25%), medium carbon steel (D 0.25-0.6%) and high carbon steel (D > 0.6%); High quality carbon steel layout according to the amount of manganese content in the different divided into normal manganese quantity (including manganese 0.25% - 0.8%) and high manganese quantity (including manganese 0.70% - 1.20%) two groups,The latter has better mechanical and processing properties. 7, high quality carbon layout steel hot rolled sheet steel and steel belt quality carbon layout steel hot rolled sheet steel and steel strip used for automotive, aerospace industry and other departments. Its steel trademark for rimming steel: 08 f, 10 f, 15 f; Calm steel: 08, 08 bl, 10, 15, 20, 25,30, 35, 40, 45 and 50. 25 and under 25 for low carbon steel plate, 30 and more than 30 for medium carbon steel plate. 8, high quality carbon layout steel hot rolled plate and wide strip layout high quality carbon steel hot rolled plate and wide strip used for various machinery layout parts. Its steel trademark for low carbon steel including: 05 f, 08 f, 8, 10 f,10, 15 f, 15, 20 f, 20, 25, 20 mn, 25 mn etc; Medium carbon steel including: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 9, 60, 30 mn, 40 mn, 50 mn, 60 mn etc; High carbon steel including: 65, 70, 65 mn, etc.


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