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意大利队驻扎在波兰克拉科夫市郊的萨维奇卡,当地有座和意大.. 翻译

意大利队驻扎在波兰克拉科夫市郊的萨维奇卡,当地有座和意大利渊源颇深的修道院卡马尔多雷塞。意大利足协副主席阿尔贝蒂尼曾在驻地对着卡马尔多雷塞修道院许了个愿:“如果意大利队小组出线,我们会步行来这里还愿。” 18日晚上如愿出线后,意大利队返回驻地已是19日凌晨3时。普兰德利、阿尔贝蒂尼一行15人经过3个半小时的长途跋涉,抵达距离萨维奇卡21公里外的修道院进行还愿。随后 更多: ,一行人乘车返回驻地,此时已是当地时间早上7时15分。 按照《米兰体育报》的说法,普兰德利还许下了新的愿望,如果球队晋级4强,他还会来修道院
Italian team stationed in the outskirts of Krakow, Poland Javier Chica, the local seat monastery and Italian origins deep 卡马尔多雷塞. Albertini, Vice-Chairman of the Italian Football Federation, the resident expectations facing 卡马尔多雷塞 Abbey made a wish: "If the Italian team win the group, we will walk to here would also like to." To do so qualify in the evening of the 18th, the Italian team returned to the resident at 3:00 on the 19th. The Prandelli Albertini and his entourage of 15 people after three and a half hours to travel long distances 更多: , arrived at the monastery 21 km distance Javier Chica would also like to. Subsequently, a pedestrian ride back to the station,Is am local time 7:15. According to the Gazzetta dello Sport, "saying, Prandelli the promise of a new desire, if the team qualify for the Top 4, he will come to the monastery

Italy team stationed in Poland Kraków suburb of savage cards, local and Italy source quite dark convent of kamaerduoleisai. Italy Football Association Vice President Demetrio Albertini was at his residence at kamaerduoleisai monastery in make a wish: "if Italy team team leads, we will walk to here also. ” 18 day after night out, Italy team returning resident is 19th. Prandelli, Albertini 15 people after 3.5 hours to travel long distances, savage cards 21 km to arrive outside of the monastery would also like to. Subsequently 更多: , a pedestrian return of the resident coordinator,7:15 A.M. at this time is the local time. According to the Milan sports daily said, prandelli has promised a new desire, if promotion 4 strong teams, he will come to the convent

The Italian team based in Poland Krakow suburb of robbie savage card, a local and Italian origin is quite deep KaMaEr monastery of kaldorei plug. The Italian football was vice chairman of the stations in il metronomo KaMaEr kaldorei plug monastery made a wish: "if the group stages, ItalyWe will walk to any here. " 18 night after wish to qualify, the Italian team back to headquarters has is 19, when three in the morning. Cesare prandelli albertini, a line of 15 people after three and a half hours of a long journey 更多: , arrived in distance 21 kilometers robbie savage card for Thanksgiving monastery. Then,A line of people go back to headquarters, at this time is at 7 a.m. local time 15 points. according to la gazzetta dello sport that cesare prandelli also made a new wish, if the team through four strong, he will also to the monastery


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