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英格兰即将在小组赛首战中面对自己的老对手法国,为自己的球.. 翻译

英格兰即将在小组赛首战中面对自己的老对手法国,为自己的球队加油助威也各有奇招。 英国《太阳报》就派出工作人员将巨幅的英格兰圣乔治十字旗,投影到了埃菲尔铁塔和凯旋门上。用《太阳报》自己的说法就是“我们已帮助英格兰先得一分”。 《太阳报》表示:“我们展现了我们的爱国之心,希望霍奇森和他的球队能够取得满意的结果。英格兰同法国的欧洲杯比赛还没有开始,但是我们已经用我们的方式提前开球了,那就是让英格兰圣乔治十字旗飘扬在法国的标志性建筑物上。” 《太阳报》选定的第一个目标是埃菲尔铁塔 更多: ,工作人员可谓行动迅速,“在巴黎人说‘真该死’前”就已完成了任务。这面巨幅的英格兰圣乔治十字旗上写着“加油英格兰”。 《太阳报》随后的目标是凯旋门,也“偷袭”成功。不过就在太阳报准备转往下一个目标的时候,两辆警车将他们拦了下来。 英格兰球迷显然对《太阳报》的这一“壮举”赞叹不已,29岁的查尔斯沃斯表示:“感谢《太阳报》,希望英格兰队能够在顿涅斯克给我们带来骄傲。”
England is about to face his old rival, France, in the group stage opener to cheer for their team also have their own style all their own. British "Sun", sent the staff will be huge in England St George Cross flag, projected onto the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe. "The Sun" saying "we have to help England-come a point. "Sun said:" We show our patriotism, Hodgson and his team were able to obtain satisfactory results. England with France in the European Cup has not yet begun, but we have our way ahead of kick-off,That is, England St. George Cross flag flying in France's iconic buildings. " "The Sun" selected the first target is the Eiffel Tower 更多: , the staff can be described as the quick action, "said 'damn' in the Parisian had already completed the task. This huge photos of England, St. George's Cross flag that read "Come on England. "The Sun" the next target is the Arc de Triomphe, the "surprise attack". However, in the Sun, ready to turn down a goal when two police cars stopped. England fans obviously amazed at the Sun "feat,29-year-old Charles Worth, said: "thank you" Sun ", to England to bring pride to us in Dayton Nie Sike."

England will face their old rivals in the group stage first France, team cheer cheer for yourself the odd. United Kingdom the Sun dispatched staff to huge St George Cross England flag, projection on to the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe. The Sun of their argument is that "we have helped England to a point". The Sun said: "we showed our patriotic heart, hope Hodgson and his team to achieve satisfactory results. England and France's European Cup competitions have not yet started, but we have our way ahead of kick off,That St George Cross England flag flying in France on landmark buildings. ” The Sun selected the first target is the Eiffel Tower, staff was quick 更多: , "Paris said ' damn ' former" tasks have been completed. This huge St George Cross England flag says "come on England". The Sun then the target is the Arc de Triomphe, but also "surprise attack" succeeded. But in the Sun when ready to go to the next destination, two police cars stopped them down. England fans on the Sun of this "feat" admiration,Chaersiwosi, aged 29, said: "thanks to the Sun, hope the England team to niesike gives us pride. ”

England is in the group opener facing their own old rivals France, for his team cheered also have each odd recruit. the sun newspaper sent staff to the England st. George's cross a flag, projection to the Eiffel Tower and the arc DE triomphe.With the sun his saying that "we have helped England first get a minute". the sun said: "we show our of patriotism, hope hodgson and his team can get satisfied results. England's euro match against France has yet to start,But we have been using the way we advance the kick-off, it is to make England st. George's cross in France flag flying the landmark building. " the sun selected the first aim is to the Eiffel Tower, the staff is move quickly 更多: ,"In Paris said 'hell' former" had to finish the task. The giant face England st. George's cross flag write "come on England". the sun and then is the goal of the arc DE triomphe, also "attack" success. But in the sun is getting ready to turn down a target,Two police car will they stopped. England fans obviously for the sun of the "heroic" admiration, 29, Charles wo said: "thank you to the sun, the hope can be in the England team at donetsk bring us proud."


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