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si je retourne le sac les fr.. 翻译

si je retourne le sac les frais de port sont a ma charge et rien ne prouve que je recevrai le sac que je vous ai commander je ne souhaite pas payer les frais de retour il me semble que vous pourriez les prendre a votre charge comme geste commercial 更多: . il me faudrai l'adresse pour vous retourner le colis
if I return the bag shipping costs are my responsibility and has no evidence that I receive the bag that I have ordered I do not want to pay back I think you could take your responsibility as a gesture business 更多: . I faudrai the "address for you to return the package

If I returned the bag port charges are my dependants and there is no evidence that I receive the bag that I have order I do not wish to pay the costs of return it seems to me that you could take it has your workload as gesture commercial. it me borne the address for to return you the package 更多: .

If i returned the bag the costs of port are has my support and there is no evidence that I will receive a bag that i you have order i do not want to pay the costs of return it seems to me that youThe take has your charge as goodwill gesture 更多: . I must be the address for you return the package


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