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鞋面材料和构造透气、轻质,就像袜子一样舒适 -.. 翻译

鞋面材料和构造透气、轻质,就像袜子一样舒适 -鞋面材料和构造透气、轻质,就像袜子一样舒适 NIKE FREE 4.0男子跑鞋 -鞋面轻质,但并不牺牲支持力和舒适性 -轻质大底并不牺牲摩擦力和耐磨性 -曲线沟槽使脚趾参与支撑中期动作 更多: ,在启动时提供额外的推进力 NIKE FREE 5.0男子训练鞋 -轻质透气的鞋面材料和构造,贴合舒适 -脚掌支持鞋带有助于在侧向移动中锁定脚部,增强稳定性 -独特弯曲沟槽使脚部更自然地活动
Breathable upper materials and construction, light weight, like socks and comfortable - upper materials and construction of breathable, lightweight, like socks 更多: , comfortable nike free in 4.0 men shoes - upper light, but without sacrificing a supportive and comfortable - lightweight outsole - curve trench so that the toes to participate in the support medium-term action to provide additional propulsion when it starts nike free in 5.0 man does not sacrifice the friction and wear resistance Training shoes - lightweight, breathable upper materials and construction, fit and comfortable - feet support the laces to help lock the foot in a lateral move,Enhancing stability - a unique curved groove so that the foot a more natural

Upper material and constructed breathable, and light, on like socks as comfortable -upper material and constructed breathable, and light, on like socks as comfortable NIKE FREE 4 man running shoes -upper light 更多: , but does not sacrifice support force and comfortable sexual -light large end does not sacrifice friction and wear sexual -curve Groove makes toe participation support medium-term action, in started Shi provides additional of promoting force NIKE FREE 5 man training shoes -light breathable of upper material and constructed, Fitting and comfortable -feet support lock foot in shoes helped the side to move, -Enhanced stability unique curved grooves make your foot more naturally active

Vamp material and construction breathable, lightweight, like - socks comfortable vamp material and construction breathable, lightweight, like socks comfortable NIKE FREE 4.0 - man running shoes vamp light 更多: ,But not sacrifice - upward force and comfort of lightweight outsole doesn't sacrifice friction and wear resistance -curve to participate in the middle toe grooves support action, on start-up provide extra propulsion NIKE FREE 5.0 man -light training shoes breathes freely vamp material and construction, - joint comfortable foot shoes help by moving in support of locking foot, enhance the stability -unique curved groove that foot more natural to activities


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