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有关产品标准都列明镀锌板推荐的标准厚度、长度和宽度及其允.. 翻译

有关产品标准都列明镀锌板推荐的标准厚度、长度和宽度及其允许偏差。 1、表面状态:镀锌板由于涂镀工艺中处理方式不同,表面状态也不同,如普通锌花、细锌花、平整锌花、无锌花以及磷化处理的表面等。德国标准还规定有表面级别。 2、镀锌板应具有良好的外观,不得有对产品使用有害的缺陷 更多: ,如无镀、孔洞、破裂以及浮渣、超过镀厚、擦伤、铬酸污垢、白锈等。国外标准对具体外观缺陷规定都不十分明确。订货时对一些具体缺陷应在合同上列明。 3、镀锌量标准值:镀锌量是表示镀锌板锌层厚度的一个普遍采用的有效方法。镀锌量的单位为g/m2。日本、美国及德国标准对镀锌薄钢板镀锌量的规定; 4、尺寸规格 有关产品标准都列明镀锌板推荐的标准厚度、长度和宽度及其允许偏差。可查阅本节"8" 中所提供的有关产品标准。 5、外观 6、性能指标:一般说来,只有布局用、拉伸用和深冲用镀锌板有抗拉性能要求。其中布局 用镀锌板要求有给哥唱征服点、抗拉强度和伸长率等;拉伸用只要求伸长率。具体数值见本节"8 "中有关产品标准; 7、由公称厚度(扩大100倍的值)+代号G:表示普通质料,P:表示高取向性质料+铁损保证值(将频率50HZ,最大磁通密度为1.7T时的铁损值扩大100倍后的值
Relevant product standard sets out the standards recommended by galvanized sheet thickness, length and width of its allowable deviation. 1, the surface state: galvanized sheet coating technology to deal with different ways, the surface state is different, such as ordinary spangle fine spangle formation spangle spangle-phosphated surface. German standard also provides a surface level. 2, galvanized sheet should have a good appearance, without using products harmful defects, such as no plated holes, rupture and scum over plating thickness, scratches, dirt, chromate, white rust. Foreign standards for the specific appearance of defects in the regulations are not very clear.Order on some specific defects should be set out in the contract. 3 更多: , galvanized the amount of standard values: galvanized zinc galvanized sheet thickness commonly used method. Galvanized amount of units g/m2. Japan, the United States and Germany, the provisions of the standard of galvanized sheet steel galvanizing amount; 4 sizes Relevant product standard sets out the standards recommended by the galvanized sheet thickness, length and width of its allowable deviation. Can consult this section "8" on product standards. 5, the appearance of 6, performance indicators: In general, only the layout with stretching and deep red with galvanized sheet tensile performance requirements.Layout with galvanized sheet requirements with brother sing conquer point, tensile strength and elongation; tensile elongation with the only requirement. Specific values ​​of the relevant product standards in this section, see "8"; 7, by the nominal thickness value (enlarged 100 times) Code g: represents ordinary material, p: indicates the nature of the highly oriented material iron loss guaranteed values ​​(the frequency of 50Hz, the maximum magnetic flux density of the iron loss value of 1.7T when expanded 100 times the value after

Related products recommended by the criteria set out in galvanized sheet thickness, length and width and tolerances. 1, surface State: zinc-plated Board dealt with since the coating process in different ways, surface conditions are different, such as thin normal spangle, spangle, spangle, spangle-free smoothness as well as surface phosphate processing, and so on. Germany standard also provides a surface level. 2, zinc-plated Board should have a good look, there shall be no use of the product harmful defects, such as plating, holes, cracked and dross-free, more than thick, scrape 更多: , chromic acid, such as dirt, white rust. Foreign standards on specific appearance defects provisions are not very clear.When ordering on some specific defects shall be stated in the contract. 3, galvanized standard values: volume are galvanized sheet of galvanized zinc layer thickness of a common effective methods. Galvanized units are g/m2. Japan and the United States, and Germany standards imposed on galvanized steel sheet of galvanized; 4, size specifications Related products recommended by the criteria set out in galvanized sheet thickness, length and width and tolerances. Can be found in the section "8" as provided in the relevant product standards. 5, appearance 6, performance specification: generally speaking, only the layout, lashenyong and the tensile galvanized sheet for deep drawing performance requirements.Galvanized plate layout requires a sing brother conquest points, such as tensile strength and elongation; tensile elongation are only required. Numerical values, see the section "8" in the relevant product standards; 7, yougong thickness (expanding the value of 100 times) code g: indicates that the ordinary material, p: indicates that the nature of iron loss high orientation guarantee values (frequency 50HZ, maximum magnetic flux density is 1.7T the iron loss expanded 100 times after times of values

Relevant product standards are listed galvanized sheet recommended standard thickness, length and width and the allowable deviation. 1, surface state: galvanized sheet due to besmear plating process processing different ways, surface state is different also, such as ordinary zinc flowers, fine zinc flower, flat zinc flower, no spangles and phosphating surface, etc.The German standard also provides a surface level. 2, galvanized sheet should have good appearance, there shall be no use of the product harmful defects such as no plating, hole, fracture and scum, more than plating thickness, bruises, chromic acid dirt 更多: , white rust, etc. Foreign standard of specific appearance defects provisions are not very clear.When you place an order for some specific defect should be shown in the contract. 3, galvanized quantity standard: galvanized quantity is said galvanized zinc layer thickness of a widely adopted effective method. Galvanized amount of the unit is g/m2. Japan, the United States and Germany standard of galvanized sheet steel galvanized amount of regulations; 4,Size relevant product standards are listed galvanized sheet recommended standard thickness, length and width and the allowable deviation. Can refer to this section "8" is provided in the relevant product standards. 6, 5, exterior performance index: generally speaking, only layout, tensile and deep drawing with galvanized sheet have tensile performance requirements.The layout with galvanized sheet require to elder brother sing conquer point, tensile strength and elongation, etc.; Tensile use only requires that the elongation. Specific numerical see this section "8" relevant product standards; 7, the nominal thickness (100 times to expand the value) code G: says ordinary material, P:Said high orientation nature material iron loss guarantee value (will frequency 50 hz, the biggest magnetic flux density of 1.7 T of iron loss value expand 100 times the value after the


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