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所谓人性化产品,就是包含人机工程的产品,只要是"人"所使.. 翻译

所谓人性化产品,就是包含人机工程的产品,只要是"人"所使用的产品,都应在人机工程上加以考虑,产品的造型与人机工程无疑是结合在一起的。我们可以将它们描述为:以心理为圆心,生理为半径 更多: ,用以建立人与物(产品)之间和谐关系的方式,最大限度地挖掘人的潜能,综合平衡地使用人的肌能,保护人体健康,从而提高生产率[4]。
The so-called user-friendly products, ergonomic products that contain, as long as the products used by the "people" should be taken into account the ergonomic shape and ergonomics of the product is undoubtedly the combination. We can describe them as the center: psychological 更多: , physiological radius to establish a harmonious relationship between persons and things (products) to tap the human potential, a comprehensive and balanced use of the person's muscle to protect the human health, thereby increasing productivity [4].

So-called humanized product, is to contain human-machine engineering products, as long as the "person" used product, should be considered in human-machine engineering, product design and ergonomics are combined together. We can describe them as: psychology as the Centre, physical RADIUS 更多: , to create people with (product) harmonious relation between way of, mining of human potential to the maximum extent, balanced use of human muscle, protecting human health, so as to increase productivity [4].

The so-called human products, containing man-machine project is the product, as long as it is "people" that use the product, should be taken into consideration in the man-machine engineering, product modeling and man-machine engineering is undoubtedly together. We can will they described as: to the right on psychological 更多: , physical for radius.To establish people and objects (products) harmonious relationship between the way, maximum limit mining person's potential, comprehensive balance to the using of the muscle can, to protect human health, so as to raise productivity [4].


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