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阿波罗与达芙妮的爱情故事古希腊有一个关于太阳神阿波罗与河.. 翻译

阿波罗与达芙妮的爱情故事古希腊有一个关于太阳神阿波罗与河神之女达芙妮的爱情故事,据说这个故事阐述了1000个关于爱的哲理,每个人都会因为自己独特的经历而怀有自己的看法和感受。 故事说有一次阿波罗看到小爱神丘比特正拿着弓箭玩。他不客气的警告丘比特说:“喂,弓箭是很危险的东西,小孩子不要随便拿来玩。” 原来小爱神丘比特有两枝十分特别的箭。凡是被他用那枝用黄金作成的利箭射到的人,心中会立刻燃起恋爱的热情。要是被那枝铅做的钝箭射到的人,就会十分厌恶爱情。 丘比特被阿波罗这么一说,心里很不服气。他趁着阿波罗不注意的时候,飕的一声把爱情之箭射向阿波罗 更多: ,阿波罗心中立刻对爱情有了强烈的渴望。 正巧这时候,来了一个名叫达芙妮的美丽少女,调皮的丘比特把那枝铅做的钝箭射向达芙妮,被钝箭射中的达芙妮,立刻变得十分厌恶爱情。 这时候,被爱情之箭射中的阿波罗已经深深的爱上了达芙妮,立刻对她表示爱慕。可是达芙妮却很不高兴的说:“走开,我讨厌爱情!离我远一点儿!”说着,就像羚羊似的往山谷里飞奔而去。 可是阿波罗对于追求达芙妮并不灰心,他拿着竖琴,弹出优美的曲子。不论谁听到阿波罗的琴声,都会情不自禁的走到他面前聆听他的演奏。 躲在山里的达芙妮听到了这优美的琴声,也不知不觉陶醉了,顺着琴声走向阿波罗这边来。 躲在一块大石头后面弹竖琴的阿波罗立刻跳出来,走上前要拥抱达芙妮。 达芙妮看到阿波罗,拔腿就跑。阿罗在后面苦苦追赶,并且大声叫喊:“我又不是你的仇人,也不是凶猛的野兽,更不是无理取闹的莽汉,你为什么要躲避我?” 尽管阿波罗在后面不停的对达芙妮呼喊,达芙妮仍然当作没有听到,继续往前飞奔。 不过,达芙妮跑得再快,也跑不过阿波罗。跑了好一阵子,达芙妮已经跑得筋疲力尽,上气不接下气。最后她倒在地上,眼看阿波罗就要追上了,达芙妮急得大叫:“救命啊!救命啊!” 这时候,父亲河神听见了女儿的求救声,立刻用神力把她变成一棵月桂树。只见达芙妮的秀发变成了树叶,手腕变成了树枝,两条腿变成了树干,两只脚和脚指变成了树根,深深的扎入土里。 阿波罗看到了,懊悔万分。他很伤心地抱着月桂树说:“你虽然没能成为我的妻子,但是我会永远爱着你。我要用你的枝叶做我的桂冠,用你的木材做我的竖琴,并用你的花装饰我的弓。同时,我要赐你永远年轻不会衰老。” 变成月桂树的达芙妮听了,也被深深地打动了,连连点头表示感激。也许是受到了阿波罗的祝福,月桂树终年常绿,是一种很受人们喜爱的植物。 月桂树边成为奥林匹克动会胜利的象征。月桂冠是有爱情编织而成,达芙妮象征黎明,阿波罗追逐达芙妮正如太阳追逐着黎明,和对爱亘古不变的追逐
Apollo and Daphne, the love story of ancient Greece, a love story on the sun god Apollo and Alpheus female Daphne, said that this story describes a 1000 on the philosophy of love, everyone because of their unique experience cherish their own views and feelings. Story of the first Apollo to see the little Cupid holding a bow and arrow to play. He bluntly warned Cupid said: "Hey, bow and arrow is a very dangerous thing, a child should not be used to play." So Cupid has two very special arrows. Who was he with sticks hitting the gold made a lever, the hearts immediately kindled the enthusiasm of love.To be blunt arrow that sticks made of lead, will be very offensive to love. Cupid by Apollo so a say, and my heart is not convinced. He took advantage of the Apollo pay attention when the wind is blowing I love arrows at the Apollo, Apollo hearts immediately love with a strong desire. Happened this time, to a 名叫达芙妮, beautiful girls, naughty Cupid blunt arrows made of lead that sticks to Daphne, Daphne in the blunt arrows, and immediately became very disgusted love . At this time, the arrows of love Apollo fell in love with the Daphne, immediately said to her love.But Daphne is very unhappy, said: "Go away, I hate love away from me!" Then, like the antelope-like flew away to the valley. But Apollo for the pursuit of Daphne was not discouraged, he is holding a harp, pop-up a beautiful song. No matter who hear Apollo's sound, can not help but walked over to him to listen to his playing. Hiding in the mountains of Daphne heard the beautiful sound of the piano, unknowingly intoxicated and down the piano to Apollo here. Apollo hid behind a big rock harp immediately jumped out, walked up to embrace Daphne. Daphne to see the Apollo, he hurried off.Arrow struggling to catch up in the back and shouted: "I am not your enemy 更多: , nor is it a ferocious beast, nor vexatious boor, why do you want to avoid me?" Although Apollo in the back of Duff Minnie cries, Daphne still deemed not to hear, continue to gallop forward. However, Daphne and then run fast, run, however Apollo. Ran for quite a while, Daphne has been exhausted from running out of breath. Finally, she fell to the ground, seeing Apollo will catch up with Daphne anxious shouting: "Help ah! Help ah!" At this time, the father Alpheus heard her daughter's cry for helpImmediately bends her into a laurel. I saw Daphne's hair turned into leaves, the wrist into the branches, the two legs into the trunk, two feet and toes into the roots of trees, deep bar buried. Apollo saw the extremely remorseful. He was very sad holding laurel said: "You could not be my wife, but I will always love you. I use your branches crown your timber to be my harp, and you flowers to decorate my bow, I want to give you forever young and do not age. "into a laurel Daphne listening to, but also was deeply moved, nodded grateful.Perhaps due to the blessings of Apollo, laurel evergreen, is a highly popular plant. Laurel edge to become a symbol of the Olympic action will win. The Yue Guiguan is love woven, Daphne's a symbol of the dawn, Apollo chasing Daphne chasing dawn as the sun, and the pursuit of love everlasting

Love story of Apollo and Daphne in ancient Greece there's a Sun God Apollo and God of the river's daughter Daphne's love story, it is said that this story illustrates a 1000 on the philosophy of love, everyone will have their views because of its unique experience and feelings. Story says Apollo to see little aishenqiubite is holding a bow and arrow to play. He bluntly warned that Cupid says: "you know, bow and arrow is a very dangerous thing, kids don't get to play. "The original small aishenqiubite have two very special arrows. Those that were using the gold arrow shot to the people, he immediately lit a passion of love.Is lead by the blunt arrow shot to the people, there will be very sick of love. Cupid is the Apollo have said, was not convinced. He took advantage of Apollo pays no attention when whizz with a love arrow hit Apollo, Apollo heart love has a strong desire to immediately. Happened at this time, to a beautiful girl named Daphne, naughty Cupid's arrow into Daphne blunt that lead was shot Daphne blunt, immediately became very sick of love. At this time, love arrow of Apollo has been deeply in love with Daphne, immediately expressed admiration for her.Daphne, however, is not pleased to say: "go away, I hate love! a little away from me! "Say, like antelope ran away into the Valley. However, Apollo pursuing Daphne did not lose heart, he holding a harp, eject the beautiful music. No matter who heard the music of Apollo, can't help but go to him and listen to him play. Hiding in the mountains of Daphne heard the beautiful music, also unknowingly intoxicated, down the music to Apollo here. Hiding behind a big rock play the harp of Apollo jump out immediately, before the path to embracing the Daphne. Daphne see Apollo, show a clean pair of heels.Arrow at the back struggling to catch up, and shouted: "I am not your enemy, or ferocious beasts 更多: , and certainly not vexatious fool, why did you hide from me?" even though Apollo at the back keep on Daphne shouted, Daphne is still deemed to have failed to hear, going running. However, Daphne runs faster, run the Apollo. Ran good for a while, Daphne has ran out of breath. Finally, she fell to the ground, will catch up with Apollo, Daphne was screaming: "help! help!" at this time, God heard the sound of a daughter for help fathers rivers,Immediately vows to turn her into a Laurel tree. Daphne's hair became leaves, wrist into the branches, two legs into tree trunks, two feet and toes into roots, deep dive into the. Apollo was seen, sorry. He was holding the Laurel says sadly: "you failed to become my wife, but I will always love you. I want to do with your Crown of leaves do I, do I harp with your wood, and you spend decorating my bow. At the same time, I will give you forever young not aging. "Laurel Daphne heard, was deeply moved, and nod of gratitude.May be affected by the blessings of Apollo, Laurel is covered with Evergreen, is a very popular plant. Laurel became the Olympic movement is the symbol of victory. Month title is love but Daphne dawn, Apollo chasing Daphne as chasing the dawn of the Sun, and to love everlasting, unchanging Chase

Apollo and daphne love story ancient Greece have a about Apollo and the daughter of HeShen daphne love story, it is said that the story describes the 1000 about love philosophy, everyone for their unique experiences and have their own opinions and feelings.The story said once Apollo see small Cupid was holding bow to play. He welcome warning Cupid said: "feed, bow and arrow is a dangerous thing, kids don't literally brought to play." The original small Cupid, the two branches special very special arrow.Whatever was he used that branch made with gold and a sharp arrow shot the man, in the heart of love will immediately with enthusiasm. If is the branch of lead blunt arrow shot the person, would be very dislike love. Cupid was Apollo so say, in the mind very defy spirit. While Apollo don't pay attention to him,The rattling of the sound of a love of the arrows at the Apollo, Apollo heart to love immediately strong longing for. Just at this time, to a beautiful girl named daphne, naughty Cupid put the branch of lead blunt arrows at daphne, be blunt arrow of daphne, immediately become loathed love. By this time,Love is the arrow Apollo has deeply in love with daphne, she said at once to love. But I was happy to daphne said: "go away, I hate to love! A little far away from me!" Say, like antelope valley like to galloped away. But the pursuit of daphne does not lose heart Apollo,He take a harp, pop-up beautiful tunes. No matter who hear Apollo performance, will can't help before him go to listen to his playing. Hiding in the mountains of daphne heard the beautiful piano, unconsciously intoxicated, walked down the piano to Apollo here.Hide behind one of the large boulders play the harp Apollo immediately jump out, walk to come forward to want to hug daphne. Daphne saw Apollo and ran. Our behind in hot pursuit, and shouted, "I'm not your enemy, also not be fierce beast 更多: , more is not vexatious tough specimen,Why do you want from me? "Though Apollo behind to cry on daphne, daphne still as not hear, keep one. But, daphne run any faster, also run but Apollo. Run for a long time, daphne had run exhausted, breathless.Finally she fell on the ground, see Apollo will overtake, daphne nasty shout loudly: "help! Help!" By this time, father HeShen heard the sound of the daughter cry for help, and immediately her to become a power with laurel tree. See the hair of the leaves become daphne, wrist became the branches,Two legs into the tree trunk, two feet and toes into the roots, deep plunge in the fields. Apollo saw, regret extremely. He sadly holding laurel said: "although you didn't to be my wife, but I'll always love you. I want to use your branches and leaves do my crown,Use your lumber to do my harp, and your flowers adornment my bow. At the same time, I will give you forever young never grows old. "Into a bay daphne to listen to, also be profoundly moved, repeatedly nod grateful. Maybe by the Apollo blessing, laurel throughout the evergreen,Is one of the most popular plants. Laurel edge become the Olympic symbol of victory will move. Crown is on love woven, daphne symbol dawn, Apollo chasing daphne as the sun chasing the dawn, and to love everlasting chasing it


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