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企业文化是优化企业内部机制的关键。它是发挥企业核心专长与.. 翻译

企业文化是优化企业内部机制的关键。它是发挥企业核心专长与技能的源泉,是企业可持续发展的基本驱动力。针对目前苏州企业在创建和实践企业文化中的问题,企业文化建设有一个渐进的过程,需要企业上下共同努力。加强企业文化建设,推进企业文化管理 更多: ,成为现代企业走向成功的强大动力和重要法宝。企业文化管理直接关系到企业的凝聚力和市场竞争力,作为企业管理者,最重要的才能就是影响、创造以及管理企业文化的能力,最重要的职责就是要努力建设以人为本的优秀企业文化,努力创造企业文化管理的新境界。
The corporate culture is key to optimize the internal mechanism. It is the source of enterprise and core competencies and skills, is the basic driving force for sustainable development of enterprises. Suzhou enterprises in the creation and practice of corporate culture, corporate culture, building a gradual process, requires companies to the concerted efforts. Strengthen the building of enterprise culture 更多: , promoting the management of corporate culture, and become a powerful driving force of modern business success and an important magic weapon. Corporate culture management is directly related to the cohesion of the enterprise and market competitiveness as a business manager, the most important in order to influence the creation and management of corporate culture's ability toThe most important duty is to strive to build a people-oriented corporate culture of excellence, and strive to create a new realm of corporate culture management.

Enterprise culture is the key to optimizing enterprise internal mechanisms. It is the source of enterprise core competence and skills, is the fundamental driving force for sustainable development. Created for current enterprises in Suzhou and issues in the practice of corporate culture, corporate culture construction, there is a gradual process, enterprises need to work together. Strengthen enterprise culture construction, promoting enterprise culture management, strong impetus to become a modern enterprise success and an important magic weapon. Directly related to the enterprise cohesive force enterprise culture management and market competitiveness 更多: , as a corporate Manager, talent is the most important ability to influence, create, and manage corporate culture,Most important responsibilities is to work to build people-oriented excellent enterprise culture, and strive to create a new realm of enterprise culture management.

Enterprise culture is the key to optimize the enterprise internal mechanism. It is play enterprise core expertise and skills of the source, the sustainable development of enterprise is the basic driving force. In view of the current suzhou enterprise in the creation and practice of the culture of enterprise, enterprise culture construction is a gradual process, need to enterprise joint effort.To strengthen the building of enterprise culture, promote enterprise culture management, become a modern enterprise to success and a powerful driving force and an important weapon. Enterprise culture management directly related to the cohesive affinity of the enterprise and market competitiveness 更多: , as managers of enterprises, the most important is to influence, create and the management of the enterprise culture of ability,The most important responsibility is to strive to build a people-oriented excellent enterprise culture, work hard to create a new state of the management of the enterprise culture.


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