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三、人力资源外包风险规避 通过上述论述,我们了解到外.. 翻译

三、人力资源外包风险规避 通过上述论述,我们了解到外包是把“双刃剑”,如何才能有效利用外包为企业获利本文提出以下建议: (一)在企业生命周期指导下进行外包选择 企业按发展阶段可分为创业期、发展期、稳定期、衰退期,不同阶段风险不同,着重处理的业务也有很大差异。 1.创业期 企业规模小,业务不多,前景不明晰,企业文化尚未形成,此时正是管理者与员工建立良好关系,为企业发展共同奋斗时期,同时企业资金有限,不能对外包商有效评估,对外包风险认识不足,不宜外包。 2.发展期 企业规模扩大,业务增多,人力资源需求增加,这时考虑自身实际情况选择部分业务外包,如招聘员工、社会保障代理等,有助于将更多精力放在核心业务上促进企业发展。 3.稳定期 企业发展趋于稳定,规模和业务平稳增加,人力资源管理工作战略性越来越强。此时企业能得到先进的人力资源管理服务,将人力资源行政事务外包可节约成本与精力,提升企业管理能力,为企业获得更多利润。 4.衰退期 由于技术落后缺乏创新,市场占有率不断下降,竞争力减弱,人力资源活动应由本企业完成,拉近企业与员工关系,使员工考虑到企业文化等因素增加忠诚度。 (二)加强员工培训 引入外包可能使员工不适应,因此,引入外包前,应对员工开展人力资源外包相关培训,让员工理解外包意义,使其从内心接受外包 更多: ,如:企业可设置宣传栏或以小资料形式发给员工自行学习,同时聘请专业咨询师为员工开展外包知识培训。外包过程中,应积极跟踪员工满意度,加强沟通,发现问题及时处理,避免人才流失。外包结束后,向员工征集意见,提高员工参与度,为下次外包业务顺利进行打好基础。 (三)选择专业外包商 选择外包商时不能只考虑成本最优而忽略外包商能力,好的做法是选择成本与效益双重最优的外包商。首先,企业应做好外包商背景调查,选择专业化、信誉高的外包商,做好成本与效益比分析。其次,了解外包商文化理念。最后,与外包商进行文化沟通,使文化融合与企业发展一致。唯有如此,才能真正选出最适合的外包商。 (四)熟悉相关法规 我国尚无一项保护人力资源外包业务的法规,目前主要依据法律有《劳动法》《民法通则》《技术合同法》《反不正当竞争法》等零星条文,企业应及时建立商业秘密管理体系,将本企业核心技术和关键信息加密,纳入法律保护范围。与外包商签订保密合同,并在协议中明确企业秘密范围及相互间权利与义务,同时对外包商中熟悉商业秘密的人员离职等作出规定,避免离职人员导致信息泄露时外包商推卸责任。为更好完成此项措施,人力资源部应在签订合约时由本公司律师顾问对合约内容进行审核。 (五)加强对外包商监督 人力资源外包后并不意味着人力资源部可以放手不管。人力资源部作为外包活动最重要的部门,应对外包商行为全程监督。一,定期对外包商的工作评估,了解外包商任务完成情况,衡量与既定目标发展方向是否一致。二,对员工在外包过程中提出的合理建议与外包商沟通,同时对外包商遇到的问题给予解答帮助。三,为避免机密信息泄露,人力资源部应与各部门协作建立文件管理和信息安全保障机制。四,了解外包商运营状况,防止外包商破产、解散等造成企业损失并做好预警措施。 综上所述,在经济全球化和竞争加剧的背景下,人力资源外包已成大势所趋,在其引入中国后,许多企业通过它精简了原来的工作,提高了决策效率,但许多失败的实践经验也告诫我们,在外包过程中一定要深刻分析,并在外包过程中切合实际认清面临的风险,寻找最好的途径去规避风险,实现效益最优,提高企业核心竞争力。
Third, human resources outsourcing risk aversion By the above discussion, we understand that outsourcing is the "double-edged sword," How can we effectively use outsourcing for corporate profits in this article makes the following recommendations: (A) under the guidance of the corporate life cycle outsourcing options. According to the stage of development, the enterprise can be divided into venture period, the development of stable, recession, different stages of risk, focusing on the processing business are quite different. 1. Start-up Enterprises are small, not much business, the prospects are not clear, the corporate culture has not yet formed, is the manager and staff to establish good relations, joint efforts of the period for enterprise development.Enterprise funds are limited, not external contractors to effectively assess the lack of knowledge of outsourcing risk should not be outsourced. 2. Development of To expand the enterprise scale, business increased, the increase in demand for human resources, this time to consider their own situation to select the part of the business of outsourcing, such as the recruitment of staff, agents of social security, help to focus more on core business and promote enterprise development. 3 The stability of Enterprise development, stabilize, steady increase of the size and business, strategic human resources management is growing. Businesses can get the advanced human resource management services, human resources administrative services outsourcing can save the cost and effort,Improve business management capabilities for enterprises to get more profit. 4. Recession Due to the lack of backward technology innovation, market share continues to decline, less competitive, the human resources activities to narrow the relationship between enterprises and employees of the enterprise should be completed, so that employees take into account factors such as corporate culture to increase loyalty. (B) to enhance staff training The introduction of outsourcing may make employees not suited, therefore, the introduction of outsourcing to deal with employees to develop the human resources outsourcing, training, so that employees understand the outsourcing significance, from the heart to accept outsourcing, such as: can be set billboards or in the form of small data to employees on their own learning,To hire professional consultants to carry out the outsourcing of knowledge training for employees. The outsourcing process should be actively tracking employee satisfaction, enhance communication 更多: , identify problems in time to avoid brain drain. After the end of the outsourcing, for comments to the staff, improve staff involvement, to lay the foundation for the next outsourcing business is carried out smoothly. (C) professional outsourcer Select the outsourcer can not only consider the optimal cost and the ability to ignore the outsourcer, good practice is to choose the outsourcer of the costs and benefits of the dual optimal. First, businesses should do background checks of the outsourcer to choose a specialization, reputation outsourcer, do the costs and benefits analysis. Secondly, theLearn cultural concepts of the outsourcer. Finally, with the outsourcer, cultural communication, cultural integration and enterprise development. The only way to truly choose the best outsourcers. (D) be familiar with relevant laws and regulations There is no one to protect the human resources outsourcing business laws and regulations in China, mainly in accordance with the law, "Labor Law" "Civil Law", "Technology Contract Law" Anti-Unfair Competition Law "and other sporadic provisions, enterprises should be established in time to trade secrets management system, the core technology and key encryption, included in the scope of legal protection. Sign a confidentiality contract with the outsourcer.And clear corporate secrets range in the agreement and the mutual rights and obligations, while the external contractor familiar with trade secrets and staff that make provisions to avoid separations lead to information disclosure outsourcer to shirk its responsibility. Better to complete this measure, the Human Resources Department should audit lawyer consultant by the Company on the terms of the contract when the contracts are signed. (E) the foreign contractor oversight Human resources outsourcing does not mean that the human resources department can let go no matter what. The Human Resources department as the most important outsourcing activities to deal with the behavior of the outsourcer full supervision. A regular basis external contractor's job evaluationUnderstand outsourcer task is completed, measure the direction of development is consistent with the goals. Second, the reasonable proposals put forward by the employees in the outsourcing process outsourcer communication problems encountered by the external contractor to give answers to help. Third, in order to avoid disclosure of confidential information, human resources and the various departments worked together to establish a document management and information security mechanisms. Fourth, to understand the operational status of the outsourcer, to prevent the outsourcer bankruptcy, dissolution, resulting in loss of business and do a good job of warning measures. To sum up, in the context of economic globalization and increased competition, human resources outsourcing has become a trend, after its introduction in China,Through it, many companies streamlined original work, improve the efficiency of decision-making, but many failed the practical experience teach us that in the outsourcing process must be a profound analysis, and practical to recognize the risks faced in the outsourcing process, looking for the best ways to avoid risks, to achieve optimal efficiency and improve the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Third, human resources outsourcing risk avoidance By the above discussion, we understand that outsourcing is "double-edged sword", how to effectively use outsourcing for corporate earnings this article makes the following recommendations: (A) carried out under the guidance of the corporate life cycle outsourcing choice Enterprise according to the stages of development can be divided into periods, development phase, stabilizing phase, recession, different stages of different risks, focusing on business is also a big difference. 1. business Enterprises were small, not much business, prospects are not clear, the corporate culture has not yet been formed, is the Manager and staff at this time to establish good relations, joint efforts for enterprise development,At the same time capital limited, outsourcers can no longer be effective assessment and lack of knowledge on the risks of outsourcing, should not be outsourced. 2. development stage Enterprise scale, increasing business, human resource demand increased, when considering their own actual situation choice business outsourcing, recruitment of employees, social security agency, helps to focus more on their core business to promote enterprise development. 3. phase stability Enterprise Development tended to be stable, increase in scale and stable business, strategic human resources management more. Enterprises can get the advanced human resource management services, human resources outsourcing can save the cost and effort of administrative services,Enhance management capacities, for more profits for the enterprise. 4. the recession Due to the lack of innovation in technology, declining market share, competitiveness weakened human resource activity should be completed by this company, close relationship between enterprises and employees, the employees are taking into account the corporate culture, and other factors to increase loyalty. (B) to enhance staff training Introducing outsourcing can make the employee does not fit, so, before the introduction of outsourcing, employee human resources outsourcing-related training for staff to understand the significance of outsourcing, its from the heart to accept outsourced, such as: information bar or in the form of small information can be set enterprise to employees on their own learning,While hiring professional consultant outsourcing knowledge training for the staff. In the outsourcing process, should be actively tracking employee satisfaction, enhance communication, problems promptly to avoid brain drain. After the end of outsourcing 更多: , call for comments to staff, increasing employee engagement, lay a solid foundation for next outsourcing business. (C) select a professional outsourcing Select outsourcers can not only take into account the cost-optimal and ignore the outsourcer, double the cost effectiveness is a good idea to select the optimal outsourcing business. First of all, enterprises should do outsourcers background research, choose a specialization, outsourcing of high reputation, cost-benefit analysis. Second,Understanding cultural ideas of outsourcing. Finally, cultural communication with outsourcers, cultural integration and the development of enterprises. Only in this way can truly elect the most suitable for outsourcing. (D) familiar with the regulations There is no protection of human resources outsourcing business regulations, mainly based on the law of the labour code of the technical contract law of the General principles of the civil law of the sporadic provision of the law against unfair competition, enterprises should promptly establish a commercial secret management system, the core technology and key information is encrypted, included in the scope of legal protection. Confidentiality contract with outsourcers,And clear range of business secrets in the agreement and the mutual rights and obligations, outsourcers are familiar with trade secrets at the same time provides for a separation of people, avoid leaving officers Outsourcer result in information disclosure of shirking its responsibilities. To better fulfil this measure, should be the signing of the contract by the Department of human resources the company lawyer consultant to audit the contracts. (E) strengthen supervision on outsourcers Human resources outsourcing does not mean that the human resources department can be hands-off. Department of human resources as the most important sector of outsourcing activities, whole-process supervision of outsourcing. A, outsourcers assessment on a regular basis,Learn outsourcing tasks complete, measure the development direction is consistent with the established goals. Second, employees in the outsourcing process outsourcer and reasonable proposals put forward in the communication, outsourcers have questions to answer at the same time help. Third, in order to avoid disclosure of confidential information, Department of human resources and the Department collaboration, document management and information security protection mechanisms. Four, understand the outsourcing operations, prevent outsourcers caused business losses such as bankruptcy, dissolution and early warning measures. The above, in the context of economic globalization and increasing competition, human resources outsourcing has become the general trend, in its introduction of China,It streamlines the work adopted by many enterprises, improve the efficiency of decision-making, but many failed experiences also warned us that in the outsourcing process must be a deep analysis, and practical in the outsourcing process understand the risks, looking for the best way to avoid risks, achieve optimal benefit, improving core competitiveness of enterprises.

Three, hr outsourcing risk aversion through the argument, we know that outsourcing is "double-edged sword", how to effectively use outsourcing for enterprise profit in this paper the following advice: (1) in the enterprise life cycle under guidance of outsourcing enterprise according to the development stage, the choice can be divided into entrepreneurial period, development,Stable, recession, different stage different risks, this paper processing business also have very big difference. 1. business period the small scale of the enterprise, business is not much, foreground is not clear, enterprise culture has not been formed, it is time to establish good relationship managers and employees, for enterprise development period of struggle together,At the same time the enterprise limited funds, not the foreign contractor effective evaluation, outsourcing, inadequate understanding risk, unfavorable outsourcing. 2. enterprise scale development, business increased, human resource demand increases, then consider its actual situation choose part business outsourcing, such as staff recruitment, the social security agency etc,Help will be more focused on the core business to promote the development of the enterprise. 3. stable enterprise development be more stable, scale and stable business increase, the human resources management strategic is more and more strong. This time can be advanced enterprise of human resources management service,Human resources administrative affairs outsourcing can save cost and energy, and promote enterprise's management ability, for the enterprises to gain more profit. 4. recession because of backward technology lack of innovation, the market share declining, competitiveness is abate, human resources activities should be completed by the enterprise, the enterprise and employee relations close,Make staff considering enterprise cultural factors increase loyalty. (2) strengthening the training of staff into outsourcing may make workers don't adapt, therefore, before introducing outsourcing, hr outsourcing to develop employee training, let people understand outsourcing significance, and make it from the heart accept outsourcing, such as:Enterprise can be set in small material form billboards or to employee to study, and hire a professional consultant on outsourcing knowledge training for employees. Outsourcing process, should actively tracking employee satisfaction 更多: , strengthen communication, find out problems timely treatment to avoid the brain drain. After the outsourcing, collected the suggestion to the employees,Improve employee participation, as the next outsourcing smoothly to build the foundation. (3) choose professional contractors choice providers cannot consider only cost the optimal and ignores the outsourcing business ability, good practice is to choose the costs and benefits of double the best contractors. First, the enterprise should do well in outsourcing business background investigation,Choose professional, high reputation of the contractors, completes the cost and benefit analysis than. Second, understand the outsourcing business culture idea. Finally, and contractors of cultural communication, make culture mixing and enterprise development agreement. Only that can really choose the most suitable for the outsourcing business. (four) familiar with relevant laws and regulations in our country a no protection of human resources outsourcing of the regulations, which are mainly based on laws have "labor law" the general rules of civil law "the technology contract law of the anti-unfair competition law, sporadic provisions, the enterprise should be timely to establish a business secret management system,This enterprise core technology and key information encryption, into the scope of protection of the law. And contractors non-disclosure contract, and specify in the agreement that the enterprise secret range and mutual rights and obligations, and the foreign contractor familiar in the commercial secrets of the personnel turn-over make a provision,Avoid leaving personnel which leaked the outsourcing business when the buck. For better finish the measures, the human resources department should sign a contract in by the company lawyer advisors to audit contract. (5) strengthen the supervision of foreign contractor human resources after the outsourcing does not mean that the human resources department can let go no matter.The human resources department as the most important activities of the department of outsourcing, deal with outsourcing supervised the commercial act. A, the foreign contractor regularly work evaluation, understand the outsourcing business mission accomplished, measure and established goal development direction is consistent. Second, employees in outsourcing the process of submitting reasonable suggestion and outsourcing business communication,And the problems of the foreign contractor to help answer. Three, to avoid leaking classified information, human resources department should cooperate with all departments establish file management and information security mechanism. Four, understand the outsourcing business operations, prevent outsourcing went bust, dissolution and loss caused by enterprise and make preventive measures. above all, in the economic globalization and competition background, hr outsourcing has become the trend of The Times, in its introduced into China, many enterprises through it cut the original work, improve the decision-making efficiency, but many failure experience also warned us, in outsourcing process must the profound analysis,And in the process of outsourcing practical recognize the risk of face, looking for the best way to avoid risk, to realize efficient optimal, improving the core competitive capacity of enterprises.


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