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Madame monsieur , J'ai pa.. 翻译

Madame monsieur 更多: , J'ai passe commande pour un sac damier Vuitton et un portefeuille Hermès rose ...seulement après avoir donné les informations pour payer en carte visa pour le montant de 264.11 euros cela me met web site not find error ne sais pas si la commande à été passée du coup ! Veuillez me le confirmer au plus vite ! Respectueusement .
Mrs. sir 更多: , I "ve placed an order for a bag and a checkered vuitton hermes wallet pink ... only after giving the information to pay by visa card for the amount of 264.11 euros web site it makes me not find error .. . I do not know if the order has been passed from shot! please let me confirm asap! respectfully.

Madam Sir 更多: , I have past command for a damier Vuitton bag and a Hermes portfolio rose.. .seulement after giving information to pay for the amount of EUR 264.11 visa card this makes me web site not find error.. .i don't know if the command was passed at the time! please confirm me more than fast! respectfully. .

Madam Mr. 更多: , I spent command for a checkerboard Vuitton bag and a Hermes portfolio pink ... only after giving the information to pay for visa card for the amount of 264.11 Euros it puts me web site not find error ... I do not know if the command has been moved from the coup ! Please confirm this for me at the faster ! . respectfully


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