7月2日电 据ESPN报道,菲尔普斯在美国游泳奥运选拔赛.. 翻译
7月2日电 据ESPN报道,菲尔普斯在美国游泳奥运选拔赛中,以51秒14的成绩获得男子100米蝶泳项目的冠军,泰勒•麦克吉尔以51秒32获得第二名,名将罗切特排名第三,这并不是罗切特的奥运项目。
偶像级的菲尔普斯有望在伦敦奥运会上复制2008年北京奇迹 更多: ,他将竞争:100米和200米蝶泳、200米和400米个人混合泳、200米自由泳和三个接力项目,共8枚金牌。如果完成,他又将自己的记录提升,连续两届八枚金牌和22枚奥运金牌的惊人成绩,恐怕后人再难超越。
July 2 According to espn reported in the U.S. Olympic swimming trials, Phelps, 14 to 51 seconds to score the men's 100 meters butterfly champion of the project, Tyler McGill finished second 51 seconds 32 Rochester star Special Third, this is not the Rochette Olympic project.
Idol-class Phelps is expected to be replicated in the London Olympics in 2008 a miracle, he will compete: 100 m and 200 m butterfly 更多: , 200 m and 400 m individual medley, 200m freestyle and three relay events, a total of eight gold medals. If completed, he will also raise their own records, the amazing results of two consecutive terms of eight gold medals and 22 Olympic gold medals,I am afraid that future generations is hard to surpass.
July 2 according to the ESPN report, Phil Phillips in United States swimming Olympic trials, obtained with 51 seconds of the men's 100-meter Butterfly project champions, taile·maikejier in 51 seconds, was second, third star Joannie Rochette, this is Joannie Rochette Olympics projects.
Iconic miracle Phelps is expected to be copied on the London Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 更多: , he will compete: 100 m and 200 m butterfly, 200 m and 400 m individual medley, 200 m freestyle and three relays project, a total of 8 gold medals. If completed, he will own the record improved, eight gold medals and 22 two consecutive Olympic gold medal in the astonishing achievementsI'm afraid people hard to surpass.
On July 2, according to ESPN reports, Phelps swim in the U.S. Olympic trials to 51 seconds and results won the men's 100 m butterfly project champion, Taylor McGill to 51 seconds and won the second prize, he's cut ranked third, and this is not, he cut of the Olympics.
idol level in the London games Phelps is expected to copy the 2008 Beijing miracle 更多: , he will compete for: m and 100 m butterfly, m and 200 m individual medley, 200 m freestyle and three relay project, a total of eight gold MEDALS. If completed, he and his record to ascend,The eight gold MEDALS for two consecutive gold medal and 22 of the amazing achievements, I'm afraid to later generations to transcendence.
意大利遭淘汰众球星神情落寞 博努奇泪洒颁奖台,眼泪是冰冷的,就像意大利队的蓝色球衣一样。当泪水顺着脸颊滴落在一片蓝,insert boot media selected boot de,韩国女排奥运名单出炉 金延璟等名将悉数入围,7月2日电 日前,韩国女排奥运12人大名单出炉,金延璟、金莎妮、郑大,chairman mao's memorial hall,菲尔普斯再次瞄准包揽8金 如能成功将空前绝后,south,part,张路:西班牙赢球不意外 意大利战术失误欠缺运气,赛前我就说,意大利和德国那场比赛状态太好,到了这场和西班牙队的比赛是,孙海英:博斯克用兵如神 西班牙夺冠实至名归,其实意大利和德国那场球踢完,我就说了,这是提前上演的决赛了。因为意大,安切洛蒂高薪招募旧将特里 拉维奇即将驾临巴黎,7月2日电 据英国《每日邮报》报道,财大气粗的巴黎圣日耳曼队正密谋以,