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(1)汽车用镀锌板产品 2010年,我国汽车产.. 翻译

(1)汽车用镀锌板产品 2010年,我国汽车产量为1000万辆,比2009年增长27.6%,超过德国的538万辆,成为仅次于美国(1100多万辆)和日本(1063万辆)的世界第三大汽车生产国。镀锌板主要用于轿车外板,少量用于轿车内板,基本上用于较大的零部件。尽管随着热镀锌板生产工艺水平的不断提高,产品质量的逐步完善及成本优势,经济型车用镀锌板有被热镀锌板取代的可能性,但中、高挡乘用车、新型车用镀锌板被热镀锌板取代的可能性很小。另外,由于使用习惯、材料性能的优势,许多车型及一些关键零件必须采用镀锌板。预计至2010年国内汽车总量将达到1000万辆,汽车整车制造、配件及工损件用镀锌板需求总量约65万t 更多: ,弯曲试验是衡量薄板工艺性能的主要项目,但各国标准对各种镀锌板的要求并不一致,美国标准除结构级以外,其余均不要求弯曲和抗拉试验。而日本则除结构级、建筑波纹板及一般波纹板以外其余均要求作弯曲试验。。 (2)家电用电镀锌产品 镀锌板主要用于微波炉、洗衣机、空调器、电冰箱等家电产品。据统计,2002年主要家电产品消费镀锌板约为100.56万t,其中镀锌板58.56万t。另外,小家电产品需镀锌板8.3万t,其中镀锌板2.8万t。主要用于洗碗机、消毒柜、面包机等,取样部位及数量见最后一节有关产品标准,弯曲角度为180,内侧间隔与试验样品板厚之比,见最后一节中所列的有关产品标准。 。电镀锌钢板。用电镀法制造这种镀锌钢板具有良好的加工性。但镀层较薄,耐腐蚀性不如热浸法镀锌板;
(1) automotive galvanized sheet products In 2010, China's auto output to 10 million, an increase of 27.6% from 2009, 5.38 million more than in Germany, to become the world's third-largest automaker behind the United States (11 million) and Japan (10630000) producer. Galvanized sheet is mainly used in cars outside board to board a small amount for cars, basically used for larger parts. With the increasing levels of hot dip galvanized sheet production process of the gradual improvement of product quality and cost advantages, economy cars with galvanized sheet hot galvanized plate, passenger cars, but in high gear unlikely new car galvanized sheet hot galvanized plate instead.In addition, due to the advantages of the use habits, material properties, many models and some of the key parts must be galvanized sheet. Expected to total 2010 domestic car will reach 10 million, automobile manufacturing, accessories and industrial wear parts with galvanized sheet total demand of about 65 million tons bending test to measure the process performance of sheet project, but national standards the requirements of a variety of galvanized sheet is not consistent with U.S. standards in addition to the structural level, the rest do not require bending and tensile test. Japan in addition to the structural level, building corrugated board and corrugated board outside the rest requirements for bending test. . (2) appliances electricity galvanized products Galvanized sheet used in microwave ovens, washing machines 更多: , air conditioners, refrigerators and other home appliances. According to statistics, the consumption of major household appliances in 2002 galvanized sheet about 1,005,600 t 585,600 t, which galvanized sheet. In addition, small home appliances need 83,000 tons of galvanized sheet, which galvanized sheet 28,000 t. Mainly used in the dishwasher, disinfecting cabinet, toaster, see the last one of the relevant product standard sampling site and the number of the bending angle of 180, the the medial interval with the test sample plate thickness ratio, see the last one listed the relevant product standard. . Galvanized steel.Manufactured by plating such a galvanized steel plate having good workability. However, the coating is thin, the corrosion resistance is not as good as hot dip galvanized sheet;

(1) automotive galvanized sheet products 2010 year, China's auto output to 10 million units, than the 2009 growth, more than Germany 5.38 million vehicles, after the United States (1100duowanliang) and Japan (10.63 million) of the world's third-largest automaker. Galvanized steel is mainly used for automobile outer panel, a small amount for car plates, largely used for larger parts. Although, with the continuous improvement in the level of production technology of hot galvanizing plate, the gradual improvement of product quality and cost advantages, cheap car with galvanized plates has possibilities of being replaced by hot galvanizing plate, yet, high retaining galvanized plates for passenger cars, new cars being replaced by hot galvanizing plate is a small possibility.In addition, due to the advantages of usage, material properties, many models and some key parts must be galvanized. Between 2010 and total domestic car is expected to reach 10 million vehicles, vehicle manufacture, accessories and wear parts are zinc-coated plates total demand of about 650,000 t, bending test is a measure of process performance of thin plate main project, but the standards to the requirements of various zinc-plated Board is not consistent 更多: , United States standards other than by structural level, the rest does not require bending and tensile test. Japan, subject to structural level, remaining outside the building of corrugated board and corrugated board are asked to bend test ... (2) household appliances electric galvanized products Galvanized sheet is mainly used for microwave ovens, washing machines, air conditioners, refrigerators and other home appliances. According to statistics, 2002 major home appliance consumption galvanized sheet about 1.0056 million t, zinc-plated Board 585,600 t. In addition, small household electric appliances products zinc-plated Board 83,000 t, zinc-plated Board 28,000 t. Mainly used for dishwashers, disinfection Cabinet, bread machine, sampling sites and see the last section in the number on product standards, bending angle is 180, medial septal thickness ratio and test samples, see last section listed in the relevant product standards. 。 Electro-galvanized steel sheets.Using electroplating method to manufacture such galvanized steel has good machinability. But to a thin coating, corrosion resistance than the method of hot-dip galvanized sheet;

(1) automotive galvanized sheet product 2010, our country auto output for 10 million cars, a 27.6% increase over 2009, more than Germany's 5.38 million vehicles, be second only to the United States (more than 1100 a) and Japan (10.63 million a) the world's third largest automobile producer. Galvanized sheet is mainly used in car plate,A small amount of used for cars in plate, basically used for larger parts. Although with hot galvanized steel sheet production technology level unceasing enhancement, the product quality is the gradual improvement and cost advantage, economical car galvanized sheet has been hot galvanized steel sheet replace possibility, but, high quality passenger cars,The new car galvanized sheet was hot galvanized steel sheet to replace the possibility is very small. In addition, due to the usage, material performance advantages, many models and some key parts must use galvanized sheet. Expected to 2010 domestic automobile amount to a total of 10 million cars, auto manufacturing,Parts and working damage parts with galvanized sheet total demand of about 650000 t, bending test is measured sheet process performance of the main projects, but the national standards for all kinds of galvanized sheet request is not consistent 更多: , American standard except structure level beyond, the others all does not require bending and tensile test. But Japan is in addition to structure level,Building corrugated board and general corrugated board outside the others all requirements for bending test.. (2) home appliance electricity galvanized products galvanized sheet is mainly used in microwave oven, washing machine, air conditioner, refrigerator etc electrical appliances product. According to statistics, in 2002, the main electrical appliances product consumption galvanized sheet is about 1.0056 million t, including galvanized sheet 58.560000 t. In addition, small home appliance products should be galvanized sheet 83000 t, 28000 t of galvanized sheet. Mainly used for dishwasher, disinfection cabinet, bread machine, etc., sampling location and quantity see the final quarter relevant product standards, bending Angle for 180, inside interval and test sample thickness ratio,See the last section listed in the relevant product standards. . Electric galvanized steel sheet. Use plating method manufacturing this kind of galvanized steel sheet with good workability. But coating is thinner, corrosion resistance than hot dip galvanized sheet method;


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