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我是林涛,我非常喜欢参加学校的兴趣小组和活动。在上个月未.. 翻译

我是林涛,我非常喜欢参加学校的兴趣小组和活动。在上个月未参加了学校的科技兴趣小组,并且我和朋友在科学实验室做实验,。我们必须自己种花并且写出实验报告。刚开始时,我犯了很多错误 更多: ,而且影响到别人。之后我的一个好朋友帮我,我做的一次比一次好,老师也说我聪明。我感觉非常高兴和我对科学非常感兴趣,这会使我放轻松。
Lin Tao, I very much like to participate in interest groups and activities of the school. Last month did not participate in the school of science and technology interest group, and me and my friends in the science lab doing experiments. We must own flowers and write experimental reports. The beginning, I made a lot of mistakes 更多: , but also affects others. After one of my good friends to help me, I do every time, the teacher said I was so clever. I feel very happy and I am very interested in science, this will make me relax.

I was Lin Tao, the interest group and I very much enjoy going to school activities. Last month, did not participate in the school of science and technology interest group, and my friends and I in a science lab experiment 更多: ,. We must be our own flowers and write laboratory reports. When I first started, I made a lot of mistakes, but also affects other people. A good friend of mine helped me after I do better than a teacher says I'm smart. I feel very happy and I am very interested in science, which makes it easy for me.

I is Lin tao, I really like the school interest groups and activities. In the last month not take part in the school of science and technology of interest group, and a friend and I were science laboratory experiment,. We must growing flowers and write experiment report. At the beginning, I made a lot of mistakes 更多: , and affect others.After a good friend to help me, I do every time, the teacher also say I am smart. I feel very happy and I'm very interested in science, this will make me relax.


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