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随着经济的发展人们的生活水平提高了,越来越多的人拥有了私.. 翻译

随着经济的发展人们的生活水平提高了,越来越多的人拥有了私家车,一些人认为,拥有私家车会使他们的生活变得方便,例如,可以不用挤公交车,可以耍帅拉风;但也有一些人认为拥有私家车不经济 更多: ,会增加家庭负担,不如坐公交或者挤地铁实惠。 根据我的观点,拥有私家车有一下几点坏处: 首先,拥有私家车不仅增加交通的拥挤而且会造成环境污染;除此之外,越来越多的人拥有私家车会引起跟风买车的热潮,一些买得起车养不起车的人会眼红。总之,拥有私家车是不好的行为。
With the economic development of people's living standards improve, more and more people have private cars, some people believe that private car ownership will make their life convenient, for example, can not crowded bus, you can Shuashuai pull the wind; but there are some people that have a private car economy 更多: , will increase the family burden, as by bus or crowded subway affordable. According to my point of view of private car ownership has a few disadvantages: First of all, private car ownership not only increase traffic congestion and cause environmental pollution; In addition, more and more people have private cars will be caused to follow suit to buy a car craze.Afford to buy the car could not afford cars will be jealous. In short, private car ownership is bad behavior.

With the economic development of the people's standard of living has increased, more and more people have private cars, some people believe that own cars will make their life easier, for example, they can not crowded buses, you can play cool wind; but there are also some people think that private car ownership is not economic, family burden will increase 更多: , rather than take a bus or a crowded subway affordable. According to my view, private car ownership has several disadvantages: First, private car ownership not only increased traffic congestion and environmental pollution; in addition, caused by more and more people own cars will follow the car boom,Some can't afford car vehicles will jealous. In General, private car ownership is bad behavior.

With the development of the economy in the living standard of people raised, more and more people have cars, some people think, with private cars will make their lives have become more convenient, for example, can need not crowded bus, can play handsome to pull breeze; But some people thought to have private cars don't economy 更多: , will increase the family,As sit bus or subway crush benefits. according to my point of view, have some disadvantages about the private cars: first, have not only increase traffic of private cars crowded and can cause environmental pollution; In addition, more and more people have private cars will cause follow suit of buying a car boom,Some can afford a car couldn't afford it would envy. In short, with private vehicle is bad behavior.


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