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摘 要 奈曼旗耕地面积很大,但是耕地质量较差,加之人.. 翻译

摘 要 奈曼旗耕地面积很大,但是耕地质量较差,加之人们对耕地的认识不足,耕地的保护仍然得不到重视。耕地资源沙化,非农建设占用等现象频繁出现。尤其在当今的发展时期,经济用地需求必将更加旺盛 更多: ,耕地资源将面临更大的压力和挑战。本试验是通过耕地特点、土壤质地和土壤养分对通辽市奈曼旗耕地资源质量进行评价,提出现存的问题,通过多方面的分析做出科学的对策,以解决耕地利用中的问题,实现耕地资源的可持续利用。 关键词:奈曼旗;耕地资源;可持续利用
Abstract Naiman Banner, a large cultivated area, but the poor quality of arable land, coupled with the lack of arable land, protection of arable land is still lack of attention. Arable land resources aridity, the frequent appearance of phenomena such as non-agricultural construction occupancy. Especially in today's stage of development 更多: , the economic demand for land is bound to be more vigorous, cultivated land resources will face greater pressure and challenges. This test is to characteristics of arable land, soil texture and soil nutrients on the Naiman Banner, Tongliao City, the quality of arable land resources evaluation, put forward the existing problems through a wide range of analysis to make a scientific countermeasures to solve the problem in arable land use to achieve the arable land sustainable use of resources. Sustainable use of Keywords: Naiman Banner; arable land resources;

Summary In naiman County of cultivated land area is large, but the poor quality of cultivated land, coupled with insufficient knowledge of the land and cultivated land protection and have no importance. Cultivated land resource desertification, non-agricultural construction occupation phenomenon frequent. Especially in the current period of development, economy will demand more robust 更多: , will face even greater pressure of cultivated land resources and challenges. This test is by characteristics, soil texture and soil nutrient of cultivated land quality evaluation of cultivated land resource in tongliao naiman banner, made existing problems, through a wide range of analysis and countermeasure of science to solve problems in utilization of cultivated land, realize the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources. Keywords: naiman banner; cultivated land resources; sustainable use

NaiManQi pick to cultivated area is very big, but the quality of cultivated land is poorer, and cultivated land change people lack of understanding of the protection of arable land in still can't get attention. The cultivated land resource desertification, non-agricultural construction takes up the phenomenon such as frequent. Especially in today's development period, land will become more robust economic demand 更多: ,The cultivated land resources will face more pressure and challenges. This test is through the cultivated land characteristics, the soil texture and soil nutrient NaiManQi tongliao city of cultivated land resource quality evaluation, puts forward the existing problems, through various analysis to make scientific countermeasures to solve the problems of cultivated land use,Realize the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources. keywords: NaiManQi; Cultivated land resources; sustainable use


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