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摘 要 通辽市位于内蒙古自治区东部,总面积59535平.. 翻译

摘 要 通辽市位于内蒙古自治区东部,总面积59535平方公里,南北长约418公里,东西宽约370公里。东靠吉林省、西接赤峰市、南依辽宁省、西北和北边分别与锡林郭勒盟、兴安盟为邻,属东北和华北地区的交汇处。辖2个市辖区、一个县、5个旗,代管一个县级市。夏季较温暖湿润,冬季较寒冷干燥 更多: ,春秋多大风。该地区年降水量330一450mm,冬春降水少,空气干燥,夏秋降水多一些,但夏秋气温高,干燥度仍然很大,可属半湿润半干旱、春秋多大风的大陆性季风气候。通过对通辽市水资源情况、地理化性质、土壤肥力、自然生态环境以及人为因素的研究讨论分析通辽市耕地资源质量。提出了适合于通辽市的耕地资源的合理利用与改良的方法。展望将土壤微生物作为耕地资源的质量评价标准。 关键词:通辽市;土壤;降水;耕地资源质量评价
Abstract Located in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, eastern part, with a total area of ​​59,535 square kilometers, north and south about 418 km from east to west 370 km. East Jilin Province, west of Chifeng City, according to the South Liaoning Province, northwest and north side adjacent to the Xilin Gol League, Hing'an, is the the confluence of the Northeast and North China. Jurisdiction of the two municipal districts, a county, five flags, hosted a county-level city. Summer than in warm and humid 更多: , cold and dry winter, spring and autumn gale. Annual precipitation in the region 330 a 450mm, less in winter and spring precipitation, dry air, more of the summer precipitation, but high summer temperatures and the dryness is still large, is a semi-humid and semi-arid,Spring and Autumn Period more than gale continental monsoon climate. Quality of arable land resources in Tongliao City, Tongliao City water resources, geographical and chemical properties, soil fertility, the natural ecological environment and human factors research, discussion and analysis. And improved methods of rational use of resources of arable land suitable for Tongliao City. Looking to the soil microbes as the quality of arable land resources evaluation criteria. Keywords: Tongliao City; soil; precipitation; the evaluation of the quality of arable land resources

Summary East located in tongliao city of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, the total area is 59,535 kilometers, 418 kilometers long from North to South, about 370 kilometres wide. East West in chifeng city, Jilin province, in the South of Liaoning province, Northwest and North respectively, and Xilin gole League, xingan neighbourhood, an interchange of the North-East and North China. Jurisdiction of 2 municipal districts, counties, 5 flag, hosting a county-level city. More warm and humid in the summer 更多: , cold and dry during the winter, spring and autumn winds. The region's annual rainfall of 3,301,450 mm, less precipitation in winter and spring, dry air, more precipitation in summer and autumn, but high temperatures in summer and autumn, drying is still very large, can be semi-humid semi-arid,Spring and autumn wind continental monsoon climate. Through the water resources in tongliao city, geo-chemical properties, soil fertility, natural ecological environment and human factors research discussion analysis of cultivated land quality in tongliao city. Made for rational utilization of cultivated land resources in tongliao city and improved methods. Looking forward to the quality evaluation of cultivated land resources in the soil micro-organisms as standard. Keywords: tongliao; soil; precipitation; quality evaluation of cultivated land resources

Pick to tongliao city in Inner Mongolia autonomous region east, the total area 59535 square kilometers, about kilometers long from south, things about 370 km wide. By jilin province, west meets east chifeng city, liaoning province in the south, northwestern and north respectively with the XiLinGuoLeMeng, XingAnMeng a neighbour, and north China, northeast of the interchange.Over two districts, a county, 5 a flag, hosting a county. Summer is warm and wet 更多: , cold winter is dry, the spring and autumn and the many strong wind. The annual precipitation in 330 a 450 mm, and less rainfall, and the air is dry, summer precipitation some more, but summer air temperature is high, dry degree is very big still,But half of humid and drought, spring and autumn winds of more continental monsoon climate. Through the water resources situation, the land of the tongliao physical and chemical properties, soil fertility, natural ecological environment and human factors of cultivated land resource tongliao city paper quality.Put forward the suitable for tongliao city of cultivated land resources reasonable use and the improved method. Prospects will soil microbial as the quality of cultivated land resource and the standard of appraisal. keywords: tongliao city; Soil; Precipitation; cultivated land resource quality evaluation


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