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Thank you for listing your website with the Active Search Results (ASR) Search Engine Your current ASR Ranking Points value for this week is 15 out of a possible 27. Find out how to increase your ASR Ranking Points. As described on our website, the more ASR Ranking points you have, the higher your website will appear in ASR's search engine results pages. About ASR Ranking For a complete list of your activity for the week and how to increase your points, login and view your Activity Report. ======================================================= Featured Link: Click on the following Featured Link and ASR will add additional ASR Points to your account. ASR - Home Page ======================================================= Use the Alexa Toolbar while signed in to ActiveSearchResults and ASR will rank your site higher. Install the Alexa Toolbar Past Articles Recommended by the ASR Search Engine Main Article Page Add backlinks on your site that point to ActiveSearchResults and ASR will rank your site higher when ASR's Backlink Checker finds them. Sign In and add 更多: , edit or delete your backlinks to the ActiveSearchResults Search Engine. Click Here to confirm that this email was opened and receive ASR Points. Your Sign In information is as follows: - Sign In Name: - Password: (Please request your password.) Thank you, The ActiveSearchResults Support Team Please reply to ======================================================= One click Opt Out: Click on the following link or copy and paste it into your browser if you do not wish to have your web site indexed in the Active Search Results Search Engine and do not wish to receive emails from Active Search Results. Opt Out Or, if your browser does not support the link, forward this email to and type unsubscribe in the subject line. A copy of this email must be included so we know which email address to unsubscribe. ======================================================= This email was sent to: by ActiveSearchResults 520 Maiden Court Middletown Delaware 19709 Please contact us at:
感谢您列出的主动搜索结果(ASR)的搜索引擎您的网站 您目前ASR排名点本周的值是15 27的可能。 找出如何增加您的ASR积分排名。 我们的网站上所述,更多ASR排名积分,您有,您的网站将出现在ASR“的搜索引擎结果页。 有关ASR排名 一周,以及如何增加您的积分,为您的活动的完整清单,请登录并查看您的活动的报告。 ================================================= ====== 功能链接: 点击以下功能的链接,ASR会添加额外的的ASR点到您的帐户。 ASR - 首页 ================================================= ====== 使用Alexa工具栏,同时在activesearchresults签署和ASR将您的网站排名更高。 安装Alexa工具条 建议由ASR搜索引擎 过去的文章 主要文章页 添加您的网站上,这一点到activesearchresults和ASR将您的网站排名较高 更多: ,ASR“反向检查时发现他们的反向链接。 签署并添加,编辑或删除您的activesearchresults搜索引擎的反向。 点击此处确认电子邮件被打开了,这和接收ASR点。 您的登录信息如下: - 登录名 - 密码:(请要求您的密码。) 谢谢大家, activesearchresults支持团队 请回复到 ================================================= ====== 一键退出: 点击下面的链接,或复制并粘贴到您的浏览器,如果你不希望有主动搜索结果的搜索引擎索引你的网站中,不希望收到电子邮件从活跃的搜索结果。 退出 或者,如果您的浏览器不支持链接,将此电子邮件转寄给support@activesearchresults.com并在主题行中键入退订。必须包含此电子邮件的副本,所以我们知道退订的电子邮件地址。 ================================================= ====== 此电子邮件发送到 activesearchresults 520少女法庭 米德尔敦特拉华州19709 请联系我们

谢谢你主动搜索结果 (ASR) 搜索引擎列出您的网站 本周您当前 ASR 排名点值是不可能的 27 15。 找出如何提高您的 ASR 排名积分。 如所述,在我们的网站,越 ASR 排名的点你有,越高您的网站将出现在 ASR 的搜索引擎结果页。 关于 ASR 排名 周和如何提高你点、 登录名和查看您的活动的完整列表,您的活动报告。 ======================================================= 特色的链接: 点击下面的特色链接,ASR 会将额外 ASR 点添加到您的帐户。 ASR-主页 ======================================================= 使用 Alexa 工具栏时登录到 ActiveSearchResults 和 ASR 将排名较高的网站。 安装 Alexa 工具栏 过去的文章推荐的 ASR 搜索引擎 主要文章页面 您指向 ActiveSearchResults 的网站上添加反向链接和 ASR 将排名较高的网站时 ASR 的反向链接检查发现他们。 符号中,添加、 编辑或删除你的反向链接到 ActiveSearchResults 搜索引擎。 单击此处以确认此电子邮件被打开 更多: ,并接收 ASR 点。 您登录的信息如下所示: -登录名称: -密码: (请要求您的密码)。 谢谢你, ActiveSearchResults 支持团队 请请回复 ======================================================= 单击选择出之一: 点击下面的链接或副本并将其粘贴到您的浏览器中,如果您不想有的主动搜索结果搜索引擎索引的网站并不想接收的电子邮件从活跃的搜索结果。 选择退出 或者,如果您的浏览器不支持链接,转发这封电子邮件到 并键入退订在主题行中。因此,我们知道哪个电子邮件地址以取消订阅,必须包括此电子邮件的副本。 ======================================================= 这封电子邮件被发送到: 由 ActiveSearchResults 520 少女法院 米德尔敦特拉华州 19709 请联系我们:

谢谢你清单你网站搜索结果的活跃(ASR) 你当前的搜索引擎排名ASR这个星期的点值15有27个。 找出如何增加你的ASR得分等级。 描述在我们的网站上,更多的ASR评价点你的增大,网站会出现在ASR的搜索结果页面。关于 ASR排名为一个完整的名单,你一周的活动以及如何增加你的点,登录并查看你的活动报告。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 特色链接: 点击以下链接和ASR特色将添加额外的ASR点到你的账户。 ASR -主页= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 用Alexa的工具栏而登录到ActiveSearchResults和ASR将你的网站排名更高。 Alexa的安装工具栏过去文章推荐的ASR搜索引擎 主要文章页面在你的网站上添加反向链接指向ActiveSearchResults和ASR将你的网站排名当ASR的反向链接检查发现它们。 签到并且添加、编辑或删除你的反向链接到ActiveSearchResults搜索引擎。点击这里 证实 更多: ,这封邮件是打开和接收ASR点。 你的签到信息如下: -登录名称:jgb@shdoc。com -密码:(请您的密码。) 谢谢你,ActiveSearchResults 的支持团队support@activesearchresults请回覆。com = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 一点击退出: 点击以下链接或复制并粘贴到您的浏览器,如果你不希望您的web站点的索引搜索结果的搜索引擎的活跃和不希望收到电子邮件活跃的搜索结果。 退出,或者如果您的浏览器不支持这个链接,提出这邮件给support@activesearchresults.com和类型退订在主题栏里。这封电子邮件的副本必须包括所以我们知道哪些电子邮件地址取消订阅。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 邮件发送到:jgb@shdoc。 . com的 ActiveSearchResults 少女法院 米特拉华 请联系我们


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