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Bonjour, J'ai 3 questions.. 翻译

Bonjour, J'ai 3 questions: 1) Quand vous dites sac à l'état neuf 更多: , est-ce qu'il n'a jamais été porté? 2)Quelle garantie a le client quand il passe une commande qu'il va recevoir bel et bien le sac décrit lors de la commande. 3)Comment expliquer cette différence de prix entre le site origine des marques et le votre. Merci de votre réponse.
Hello , j "have 3 questions: 1 ) when you say the bag" when new 更多: , is it that "it n" unworn? 2) what guarantee was there when the customer places an order that "he will get well and truly describes the bag when ordering. 3) how to explain this difference in price between the original site and your registered. thank you for your response.

((( Hello, I have 3 questions: 1) when you say bag the State nine 更多: , he never was carried? 2) what guarantee the client when placing an order that he will indeed receive the bag described in the command. 3) how do we explain this difference in price between the origin of the marks and your site. thank you for your response. .

Hello, I have 3 questions: 1) When you say bag in new condition 更多: , is it has never been door? 2)what guarantee the customer when it passes a command it will receive beautiful and well describes the bag at the time of ordering. 3)How to explain this difference in price between the original site of marks and the your. Thank You for your reply.


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