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传统观念中,速溶咖啡与上乘品质不沾边,速溶咖啡从来都是那.. 翻译

传统观念中,速溶咖啡与上乘品质不沾边,速溶咖啡从来都是那些咖啡爱好者们、甚至也是视咖啡品质与消费体验为生命的星巴克所不屑一顾的。星巴克正是因为将咖啡打造为独特的文化和空间体验,与食品巨头的大众产品显著区分开来,才广受人们喜爱,身价暴增。 星巴克的核心竞争力是体验式消费 更多: ,消费者去星巴克更大的原因是因为开放式的环境和专业真诚的服务,而不是因为咖啡好喝。星巴克的速溶产品实在让人很难捉摸,因为,这看起来似乎是要放弃或者减弱其赖以生存的体验文化。我们无法预知,走出星巴克门店的的消费体验会变成什么样子。
Traditionally, the instant coffee with superior quality detached, instant coffee has always been those coffee lovers, and even as the coffee quality and consumer experience of life, Starbucks dismissive. Starbucks is the coffee experience to create a unique culture and space, and food giant Volkswagen products significantly distinguish, was well loved by the people 更多: , worth jumped. Starbucks core competitiveness of experiential consumption, consumers go to Starbucks even more important reason is because the open environment and a professional and sincere service, rather than because the coffee tastes better. Starbucks instant products really make it difficult to fathom, becauseThis may seem to give up or weaken its experience and cultural survival. We can not predict, out of the Starbucks stores in the consumer experience, what will become.

Traditional values, instant coffee is not detached with superior quality, instant coffee is always those coffee lovers, even as consumption of coffee quality and dismissed by the Starbucks experience to life. Because Starbucks coffee into the unique culture and the space experience, and food giant mass of product differentiate significantly, is widely popular 更多: , the value is number. Starbucks is the core competence of experienced consumption, consumers go to Starbucks more due to an open environment, and professional services in good faith, and not because of the coffee drink. Starbucks instant products really make it hard to because,This seems to give up or to weaken their live experience of culture. We cannot foresee, out of the Starbucks stores what consumer experience.

Traditional concepts of instant coffee and excellent quality McGrady, instant coffee never is the coffee lovers, even on the quality and coffee consumption is for the life experience of the starbucks disdain. Starbucks coffee because it is made into unique culture and space experience,And food giant mass products significant to distinguish, just loved by most people, is worth swell. starbucks experience is the core competitive power consumption 更多: , the consumers to starbucks more of the reason of the open environment and professional sincere service, and not because of good drink coffee.Starbucks instant products can be difficult to understand, because, it seems likely to give up or reduce its live experience culture. We can not predict, out of starbucks store consumption experience what would happen.


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