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Crab lice eggs, or nits, o.. 翻译

Crab lice eggs, or nits, on hairs The eggs, or nits, of all human lice (head lice, body lice and crab lice) are about 1 mm long and are either glued onto individual hairs 更多: , as in head and crab lice, or are laid on clothing, as in body lice. Nits need body heat in order to hatch. Nits generally hatch in seven to ten days. Lice molt through several immature stages before becoming adults. Treating pubic lice Pubic lice, like head lice, do not live for long off their host so treatment of your home and clothing is not as important as treating the infestation itself. Treat pubic lice as you would head lice with medicated lice shampoo and nit combing (see How To Treat Lice and links above). Sexual partners of an infested person should be informed and possibly treated as well.
蟹虱卵,或尼特,毛 鸡蛋,或尼特所有的人虱(头虱,体虱和阴虱),约1毫米长,被粘到个别毛发在头和螃蟹,衣服上的虱子,或者被解雇 更多: ,体虱。尼特需要身体的热量,以孵化。尼特一般在7到10天孵化。虱子蜕皮成为成年人之前,通过几个不成熟的阶段。 治疗阴虱 阴虱,头虱,没有住长了他们的主机,使您的家庭和衣物的治疗是不作为治疗的侵扰本身的重要。治疗阴虱,你将领导与药膳虱洗发水和梳理(见如何治疗虱子和上面的链接)吹毛求疵的虱子。应当告知被感染的人的性伴侣,以及可能的治疗。

Crab lice eggs, or nits, on hairs The eggs, or nits, of all human lice (head lice, body lice and crab lice) are about 1 mm long and are either glued onto individual hairs 更多: , as in head and crab lice, or are laid on clothing, as in body lice. Nits need body heat in order to hatch. Nits generally hatch in seven to ten days. Lice molt through several immature stages before becoming adults. Treating pubic lice Pubic lice, like head lice, do not live for long off their host so treatment of your home and clothing is not as important as treating the infestation itself. Treat pubic lice as you would head lice with medicated lice shampoo and nit combing (see How To Treat Lice and links above). Sexual partners of an infested person should be informed and possibly treated as well.

蟹虱子蛋,还是空白,在毛 鸡蛋,或空白,所有的人类的虱子(头上的虱子,身上的虱子和蟹虱)是大约1毫米长 更多: ,要么是粘到个人的毛发,在头部和蟹虱,或在衣服上了,就像在身上的虱子。身体的热量却需要为了孵化。空白通常在7 - 10天孵化。虱子通过几个未成熟阶段之前蜕皮的成人。 治疗阴虱阴虱,像头上的虱子,不长期忍受从他们的主人如此对待你的家庭和服装是重要治疗成灾本身。就像你对待阴虱与药物头上的虱子虱子洗发水和nit梳理(参见如何对待虱子和上面链接)。被感染的人的性伴侣应该被告知并可能视为好。


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