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近日,两家权威机构不约而同的发布预测,认为德国2012年.. 翻译

近日,两家权威机构不约而同的发布预测,认为德国2012年的贸易顺差将超过中国,成为全球最大的贸易顺差国。当然,在欧元区其它国家万马齐喑的当下,德国的这一“成绩”不可避免的遭到来自布鲁萨尔怒火的攻击。 据媒体报道,经合组织周一预计 更多: ,德国2012年的贸易顺差将达到2000亿美元,成为世界第一。不论中国、日本还是石油出口国都难以企及。无独有偶,德国慕尼黑经济研究所也做出了类似的预测,不过他们的预测值是2100亿美元。相比之下,中国前7个月累计贸易顺差为941亿美元,预计全年顺差总额与去年持平,在1600亿美元左右
Recently, the two authorities spontaneously released forecast that in 2012 Germany's trade surplus will overtake China as the world's largest trade surplus country. Of course, the moment of immobility in the other countries of the euro area, Germany, the "results" will inevitably have been the from Broussard anger attacks. According to media reports, the OECD is expected on Monday, Germany's 2012 trade surplus will reach 200 billion U.S. dollars, becoming the first in the world. China 更多: , Japan and oil exporting countries is difficult to match. Coincidentally, Munich, Germany, Institute of Economic Research made a similar prediction.However, their predictive value is $ 210 billion. In contrast, the first seven months of accumulated trade surplus to $ 94.1 billion estimated annual total surplus last year, about $ 160 billion

Recently, two authoritative institution, without any intent to publish forecasts, believe that Germany 2012 year will be over China's trade surplus, as the world's largest trade surplus countries. Of course, the chords of the here and now in other eurozone countries, Germany this "score" from Broussard fury attack inevitable. According to media reports, the OECD is expected on Monday 更多: , Germany 2012 annual trade surplus will reach $ 200 billion to become the world's first. Whether China, Japan also is an oil exporting country inaccessible. Coincidentally, Germany Institute for economic research in Munich has also made similar predictions,But their predictive value is US $ 210 billion. By contrast, China's former 7-month cumulative trade surplus of us $ 94.1 billion, are expected to total annual surplus flat with last year, at around US $ 160 billion

Recently, two authoritative organization happen to coincide release forecast that Germany 2012 years of trade surplus will more than China, as the world's largest trade ShunChaGuo. Of course, in the euro zone other countries horses stand mute. Now, Germany's this "achievement" inevitable were from bloom sall rage attack. according to media reports, the oecd is expected on Monday, Germany 2012 years of trade surplus will reach $200 billion to become the world's first. No matter China 更多: , Japan or oil export countries elusive. Similarly, Munich, Germany economic research institute also made similar forecast,But their predicted value is $210 billion. In contrast, China's first seven months accumulated trade surplus for 94.1 billion us dollars, estimated annual total surplus with the same last year, at about $160 billion


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