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跑步是最简单易行的运动之一。在自己家的周围可以进行,只要.. 翻译

跑步是最简单易行的运动之一。在自己家的周围可以进行,只要有类似跑道的地方也可马上开始。在减肥健身等打造美丽身型方面,具有显著的效果。 “太辛苦了”,“对运动不足的我来说太勉强了”类似这样随随便便就下结论的做法是错误的。“根据自己的节奏来跑步的话,其实就不会那么辛苦,即使对自己的体力没有信心,最初从散步开始也完全没有问题,”运动教练坂结真二解释道。 尤其重要的是迈出第一步。只要体会到了一次这种快乐,就会欲罢不能哦。给坚持下去的自己不断的表扬,效果也自然就看出来了。为了避免三天打渔两天晒网,首先就让我们来了解一下会让你半途而废的原因吧! 专家咨询: 坂结真二美国NSCA公认的资深运动调整领域专家。是深受运动员喜爱很信赖的人气教练。 Q1 什么时候跑步最好? 在适合自己的时间跑步最好。喜欢早晨跑步的人可以在去公司上班前,而偏爱夜晚跑步的人则可以在回家之后。 比选择什么时候跑步更重要的问题是“既不要在空腹时也不要在满腹(吃饱饭)的时候运动”(坂结真二)空腹的话会使不上力气,满腹则会由于血液的消化管集中,剧烈运动会对健康不利。最佳时间是在饭后2到3小时。 在清晨等空腹状态跑步时,最好提前30分钟左右饮用一些帮助消化和补充体力的运动型饮料或者可以吃根香蕉。 Q2 跑多长时间最合适? 只要自己的身体状态和体力能适应其实跑多久都没有问题。不过好不容易换好衣服做好准备了如果只跑5分钟就有点太浪费了。 目标低一点的话可以先定为20分钟。20分钟的程度基本上不会让人觉得很难坚持,并且这个时间也可以给身体的代谢一个转换,呼吸顺畅自然足下轻松。 如果想再多跑一会,则该逐渐延长至30分钟,40分钟。如果能跑到1个小时的话,你就是非常了不起的专业选手啦! Q3 感觉到辛苦的时候走一下可以么? 当然走一下也没有什么问题,但是”跑步——走路——跑步“这样重复的话则会带来不必要的疲劳。就像汽车从0开始加速时需要更多动力的道理一样,跑步的话开始的时候“走路——跑步”这个加速的过程是需要在瞬间有一个较大的力量的。因此再回到疲劳的原点会造成新陈代谢物质的堆积,而更易感觉疲劳。 “按照一个相对稳定的速度来跑步可以减少负担 更多: ,也能坚持的时间更长”坂结说。 Q4 以什么样的速度来跑步最合适? 不是跟谁比赛跑步,所以没有必要跑那么快。 开始时跑得太快很容易在途中无力而导致半途而废。正确的速度是以差不多能够呼吸顺畅的节奏来跑步,并且有余力跟遇见认识的人微笑着交谈几句。这也正是我们常说的“微笑节奏”。 即使是跟谁一起跑步的时候,也不要为了适应对方的速度而勉强自己,应该根据自己的节奏来跑步。不过应当注意气温,湿度,风向等周围的环境的变化而适当调整自己的速度。不要忘记一边跟自己的身体交谈,一边微笑着跑步哦。 Q5 一周跑几次比较好? 把目标定得太高往往实施起来会比较困难。就是说一周跑步一次的话,如果偷了一次懒,加起来效果就是0,如此下去也会有彻底放弃的危险。 一般的,一周2到3次比较好,如果因为工作忙没有时间一周一次也没有关系。平日里可以跑一到两回,周末则跑一次放松一下。“每天都想跑步”,如果这样想,最好也控制在一周5次内,因为超过这个范围可能会不知不觉中堆积骨头和关节的疲劳,还会蓄积心理上的压力。最后变成了疾病的成因。 Q6 感到累了不想再跑的时候该怎么办? 即便是运动员身体状态不好的时候也会暂停跑步。不适合锻炼的日子没有必要勉强自己跑步。不过,因为日常琐事等原因而“感到很累不想跑步”的时候,一点轻松的运动往往反而可以转换心情。 “生活压力带来的静态疲劳,常常能够通过运动身体改善血液循环最后得到消除,”坂结真二介绍说。
Running is one of the most simple movement. Around in their own homes, as long as there is a similar runway to get started. To build a beautiful body, with significant results in weight loss and fitness. "Too hard" and "lack of exercise Taimian Jiang such casual practice of the conclusion is wrong. "Running according to their own rhythm, in fact, would not be so hard, even if no confidence in their physical, initially from the walk start no problem," sports coach Osaka knot really explained. It is particularly important to take the first step.Appreciate the time this happiness, it will not stop Oh. To stick to their own recognition, the effect is naturally seen. In order to avoid the three days of fishing two days of drying, first let us understand what makes halfway! Expert advice: Sakamoto knot really two U.S. nsca recognized senior sports adjust the experts in the field. Very popular among athletes love trust popular coach. Q1 when running the best? Suited to their time running the best. Like running in the morning can go before work, in favor of the running of the night you can go home. Than when running the more important question is "Do not full of (meal) when the movement" (Osaka knot true b) in the fasting fasting then make the effort, full of is due to blood The digestive tract concentrated, intense exercise is bad for your health. The best time is in after a meal 2-3 hours. The running of the fasting state in the early morning, etc., preferably about 30 minutes before drinking a sports drink to help digestion and to add strength or to eat bananas. Q2, run a long time the most appropriate? As long as his physical condition and physically able to adapt to in fact run as long as there is no problem.But finally Huanhaoyifu to prepare If you only run five minutes a bit too wasteful. The target for 20 minutes. The extent of 20 minutes is basically not people find it difficult to adhere to, and this time can also be a conversion to the metabolism of the body, breathe easier, naturally taking the first step easy. If you would like more than to run for a while, then gradually extended to 30 minutes, 40 minutes. If you can only get to 1 hour, you are very great professional players! Q3 feel hard time walking? Of course, to go no problem.But "jogging - walking - running" This is repeated, will cause unnecessary fatigue. Need more power like the car from 0 to accelerate the same reason 更多: , the running, then the beginning of the walk - running "to accelerate the process of a larger force in an instant. Back to the origin of fatigue caused by the accumulation of metabolic substances, and more likely to feel tired. "According to a relatively stable speed running can reduce the burden, but also can persist longer Osaka knot. Q4 what kind of speed to running the most appropriate? Whom the game running, so there is no need to run so fast. Running too fast when it is easy on the way to weakness caused by halfway. The correct speed is almost able to breathe a smooth rhythm to run, and there is spare capacity and meet people who know a smile exchange a few words. This is what we often say "smile rhythm." With whom running when not in order to adapt to each other's speed to force himself to running, it should be according to their own rhythm. However, it should pay attention to changes in temperature, humidity, wind direction and the surrounding environment and appropriate to adjust their speed. Do not forget the side of the conversation with their bodies, while a smile running Oh. Q5 run several times a week is better? The target is too high tend to implement more difficult. Running time means that one week, if you steal once lazy, the combined effect is zero, and so on will have to completely abandon the danger. General, a week 2 to 3 times better, if busy with work that did not have time once a week does not matter. Weekdays can run one or two back, the run time on weekends to relax. "Want to running every day," If you think that the best control in five times a week, more than this range may unknowingly accumulation of bones and joints, fatigue, but also accumulation of psychological pressure. Into the causes of disease. Q6 feel tired when you do not want to run again how to do? Even the bad state will suspend running of the athletes body. Not suitable for the day of exercise there is no need to force himself to running. However, because of the daily chores and other reasons "feel tired do not want to run" when a little easy exercise often but can be converted to the mood. "Static fatigue brought about by the pressure of life, often sports body to improve blood circulation the last to get rid of," Sakamoto knot true two introduced.

Running is one of the most simple and easy. Around the home, as long as there is a similar runway can also begin at once. In terms of weight-loss fitness, build a beautiful body, has a significant effect. "Too hard", "lack of movement was too reluctant for me" just like the conclusion is wrong. "To run according to their own rhythm, in fact is not so hard, even if the manual does not have confidence in themselves, initially starting from walking perfectly fine," coaching Sakata junction is the second explains. First step is particularly important.Whenever you feel a joy, Bewitched, Oh. To keep themselves constantly praised, the effect is also naturally see. In order to avoid a three-day fishing liangtianshaiwang, first of all, let us take a look will make you give up halfway because of it! Expert advice: Sakata junction is the second United States NSCA senior campaign adjustments recognized experts in the field. Trust is well received by players like very popular coach. Q1 when running the best? In the tailored to its running time of the best. Like running in the morning before the people can go to work, and preference for the night after running the others can go home in. Is more important issues than the Select when to run "when neither fasting nor in full (eat meal) at which time" (Sakata junction II) on an empty stomach will make no effort, full is due to the digestive tube of blood concentration, violent games bad for the health. Best time is 2-3 hours after meals. State when running on an empty stomach in the morning, about 30 minutes before drinking the best aid digestion and add physical sports drink or eat bananas. Q2 How long does it run the most appropriate? As long as their bodies and physical able to run as long as there is no problem.But finally changed clothes ready if you just run a little too wasted 5 minutes. Target low to set for 20 minutes. 20 minute levels hardly makes it difficult to adhere to, and this time can also be a conversion to the metabolism of the body, breathing and smooth natural foot easily. If you want to run again for a while, it gradually extended to 30 minutes, 40 minutes. If you could run to 1 hour, then, you are really great professional players! When Q3 feel hard OK? No problem, of course 更多: ,But the "run-walk-run--" this duplication is unnecessary fatigue. Just like when the car starts from 0 acceleration needs more like power point, running at the beginning of "running walk--" this accelerated procedure at the moment has a larger force was needed. So go back to the origin of the fatigue will result in accumulation of metabolic substances, and more likely to feel tired. "In accordance with a relatively stable running speed can reduce the burden, and can persist for longer" Sakata junction said. What kind of speed to run Q4 to the most appropriate? Not who the game running, so there is no need to run so fast. Ran too fast at the beginning can easily be caused by the inability to stop halfway along the way. The correct speed is almost able to breathe smoothly to the rhythm of running, and there is spare capacity to meet someone you know smiled and exchanged a few words. This is what we call "smiling rhythm". Even when running with who, not forced their own in order to adapt to the speed of the other, should be run according to their own rhythm. However it should be noted that the temperature, humidity, wind speed, change and adjust to the environment around at your own pace. Do not forget to talk with their bodies while running with a smile. Q5 ran several times a week is better? Too high goals often are difficult to implement. That is running once a week, if you steal a lazy, combined result is 0, so it is in danger of completely give up. General, 2 to 3 times a week is better, because the work does not have time once a week and it does not matter. By day you can run one or two back, run time to relax over the weekend. "Want to run every day", if you think so, well within the 5 times a week, because above this range may be stacked without fatigue of bones and joints, also accumulation on the psychological pressure. Turned out to be causes of disease. Q6 was tired when you don't want to run what should I do? Even bad players are running will be suspended. Is not suitable for day of exercise is not necessary to force your own running. However, because of factors such as the daily chores and "felt very tired and do not want to run" when motion often can easily convert. "Static fatigue brought about by pressure, often to improve blood circulation finally be eliminated through sports body," Sakata junction II said.

Running is one of the most simple movement. In their own home around the can, as long as there is a similar runway place also can begin at once. In losing fitness and create beautiful body type, has the remarkable effect. "too hard","The lack of the movement's too force" similar to yield to conclusions that it is wrong. "According to their own rhythm to run it, actually won't so hard, even for their own physical no faith, first to walk from there were no problems"The sports coach ryo" really two explained. especially important is taking the first step. As long as realized a of this happiness, will be unable to stop oh. To persist on his unceasing praise, the effect also naturally see out....... In order to avoid served three days two days a nets,First let us to know what will make you last the reason! expert consultation: prefer "really two American NSCA is recognized as one of the senior experts in sports adjustment. Is deeply loved very trust the popularity of the athletes coach. 25 th when running the best? on the right time running the best.Like running in the morning to go to the company can before going to work, but their night while running in back home. choice than when running more important question is "not only don't on an empty stomach and don't whine (meal) movement (prefer" really 2) hollow words will make no effort on,Paranoia is due to the digestive tube blood concentration, violent games are adverse to health. The best time is in the meal, 2 to 3 hours. early in the morning on an empty stomach when running such as state, had better shift to an earlier date 30 minutes or so drinking some help digestion and replenish physical strength of sports drinks or can eat banana. Q2 ran the most appropriate how long? as long as his fitness and physical strength can adapt to actually how long run all have no problem. But very not easy to change your clothes ready if only ran five minutes is too much waste. target a low first 20 minutes as you can.The extent of the 20 minutes basically won't let a person feel hard to insist, and the time can also give their metabolic a conversion, breathing smooth natural one step easily. if want to run for a while, the gradually increased to 30 minutes, 40 minutes. If can run to 1 hours of words,You are very great professional players! percentile feel hard time to take the can? of course go once to also do not have what problem, but "running-walk--running" so repeated words will be unnecessary fatigue. Just as cars starting from 0 to accelerate the word of more power,Running at the start of the word "walk--running" this accelerated process is to be in instant there is a bigger force. So back to the origin of fatigue can cause metabolism substance accumulation, and are more likely to feel tired. "according to a relatively stable speed to running can reduce burden,Also can insist the time is longer "and said ryo. Q4 is prevented with what kind of speed to running the most appropriate? not heel who game running 更多: , so there is no need to run so fast. started ran so fast easy way in and inability to lead to stop halfway. The correct speed is almost can breathe smoothly rhythm to run,And spare capacity to meet know a few words of conversation with a smile. This is what we used to say "smile rhythm". even with anyone running, also don't in order to adapt to each other's speed and force yourself, should according to his own rhythm to running. But should pay attention to the temperature, humidity,The direction of the wind, the change of the environment around and adjust their speed. Don't forget to side with his body, talking to one side smile running well. Q5 run several times a week is better? set the target too high often implementation up will be difficult. That is a week running a word, if stole a lazy,Add up the effect is 0, and so on will have completely give up of danger. general, two to three times a week is better, if because work busy to once a week and no relationship. Daily can run one to two back to, over the weekend run one more time to relax. "Every day all want to run", if think so,Also had better control in within five times a week, because more than the range might unconsciously accumulation of bone and joint fatigue, still can accumulation of mental stress. The cause of the disease that eventually turned into. Q6 feel tired don't want to run this do? even athletes' physical state is bad, you will also stop running. Not suitable for the day of the exercise no need to force himself running. But, for reasons such as daily trifles and "very tired don't want to run," a little easy movement instead often can change the mood. "life the pressure static fatigue, can often movement through the body to improve blood circulation finally get eliminated," prefer "really two introduced said.


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