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我来自中国。中国位于亚洲东部,它的版图像一只金鸡。中国陆.. 翻译

我来自中国。中国位于亚洲东部 更多: ,它的版图像一只金鸡。中国陆地面积在世界各国中,仅次于俄罗斯、加拿大,居第三位。中国陆地有15个相邻的国家。例如:朝鲜,俄罗斯,印度等等。中国的地势西高东低。喜马拉雅山位于中国西藏同印度、尼泊尔等国的边境上,是世界上最雄伟的山脉。喜马拉雅山的主峰珠穆朗玛峰耸立在中国与尼泊尔边境上,是世界第一高峰。长江的流量位居中国第一,世界第三。长江发源于青藏高原上的唐古拉山脉,注入东海。黄河发源于青藏高原,是中国第二长河,也是中华民族的母亲河,黄河含沙量很大。
I come from China. China is located in eastern Asia, its version of the image a Rooster. China's land area in the world, after Russia, Canada, and ranks third. China's land with 15 neighboring countries. For example: North Korea, Russia, India and so on. China's terrain west to east. The Himalayas, located on the border of Tibet, China, India 更多: , Nepal and other countries, is the world's most majestic mountains. Stands in the main peak of Mount Everest, Himalayas, on the border between China and Nepal, is the world's highest peak. The flow of the Yangtze River ranked first in China, the world's third. Yangtze River rises on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau TanggulaInjected into the East China Sea. Yellow River originate in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is China's second longest river, the mother river of the Chinese nation, the Yellow River sediment concentration is great.

I come from China. China is located in East Asia, its territory like a rooster. In China's land mass in the world, after Russia, and Canada, third place. Land adjacent to the 15 countries in China. For example, North Korea, Russia, India, and so on. Terrain of West to East high and low in China. The Himalayas located in Tibet 更多: , China and India, and Nepal on the border of the State, is the world's most majestic mountain ranges. Himalayan mountains's highest peak Mount Everest stands in China and Nepal on the border, is the highest peak in the world. Flow of the Yangtze River in China, the world's third. Tanggula Mountains on the Yangtze River has roots in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau,Into the East China Sea. Originate of the Yellow River in Qinghai-Tibet plateau, is the second river in China, is the Chinese nation's mother River, sediment of the Yellow River.

I come from China. China is located in the east of Asia, it's like a golden territory. The area of China's land in the world, next only to Russia and Canada, in third place. China's land has 15 adjacent countries. For example: north Korea, Russia, India, and so on. China's relief west and lower in the east.The Himalayas is located in China's Tibet with India, Nepal and other countries of the border 更多: , is the world's most majestic mountains. The peak of mount Everest stands in China and Nepal border, is the highest peak in the world. The flow of the Yangtze river in China first, the world's third.The Yangtze river originates from the Tibetan plateau on tangula mountain, into the east China sea. HuangHeFa comes from the Tibetan plateau, is China's second river, is also the mother river of the Chinese nation, the Yellow River sediment concentration greatly.


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