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希腊人上演惊天神话,将出线形势一片大好的俄罗斯挤出八强。.. 翻译

希腊人上演惊天神话,将出线形势一片大好的俄罗斯挤出八强。不过在赛前,似乎受到了外界乐观情绪的影响,俄罗斯球员们显得异常轻松,唯一例外的只有队长阿沙文,这名上届欧洲杯蹿红的球星被摄像机镜头捕捉端坐在替补席 更多: ,安静地读着日本作家村上春树的《旋转木马的鏖战》,这是一本关于都市人生活和心理的书。本届欧洲杯上,“思考人生”的球星已经足够多,但是把书本直接端上赛场的,阿沙文估计是第一位。
The Greeks staged shaking mythology, was a good outlet Russian extrusion quarterfinals. But before the game, seems to be outside the influence of optimism, the Russian players was extremely easy, the only exception the only captain Andrei Arshavin, the last European Cup jump red star is the camera lens to capture to sit at the bench 更多: , quiet to read Japanese writer Haruki Murakami's "Carousel of fierce battle, this is a book about city life, and psychological. The current European Cup, the star of "thinking life" has more than enough, but the books directly to the side on the field, Andrei Arshavin is estimated first.

Greece people staged all the myths, outlet situation is excellent Russia out of the last eight. However in racing Qian, seems to was has outside optimistic emotional of effects, Russia players were is exception easily, only exceptions of only Captain ashawen, who last European Cup jump red of star was camera lens capture sits in replacement seats 更多: , quiet to read with Japan writers village Shang spring tree of rotating definition of in fierce battle under, this is a this on city people life and psychological of book. This session of the European Cup, "thought life" star had been enough, but directly on the end game book, ashawen estimate is the first.

The Greek drama on myth, will be a great good situation qualify Russian extrusion quarterfinals. But before the game, the outside world seems to be the influence of optimism, Russian players is extremely easy, the only exception only o captain could,The name of the euro last leap up is red star is sitting on the bench cameras capture 更多: , quietly read the Japanese writer haruki murakami's novel merry-go-round of fighting ", this is a book about life urbanite and psychological books. The euro, "think life" star has enough,But the books on the field directly, could estimate is the first o.


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