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那只永远追着松果的小松鼠鼠奎特,一不小心让大陆板四分五裂.. 翻译

那只永远追着松果的小松鼠鼠奎特,一不小心让大陆板四分五裂,使得猛犸象曼尼、树懒希德、剑齿虎迭哥因此和家人、伙伴失散分离,在板块激烈的运动并分裂漂移后,只能使用一块流冰作为的船 更多: ,展开一段惊奇的海上大冒险,在海上他们会遭遇险恶的自然环境,也会遇到海盗,而回家与家人团聚是他们的终极愿望。
Pinecone bird forever chasing the Komatsu norvegicu cuite accidentally let the continental plates apart, making the mammoth Manny, the sloth Sid, saber-toothed tiger Diego separation and family members, partners separated, and intense movement in the plate split drift 更多: , you can only use a flow of ice as the ship commenced for some amazing adventure at sea, in the sea, they encounter a sinister natural environment, will encounter pirates, home to reunite with their families, their ultimate desire.

That only forever recovery with pineal of small squirrel rat qetesh, accidentally let continent plate torn, makes mammoth as Mann Nepal, and tree lazy Greek de, and Saber-toothed Tiger Diego brother therefore and family, and partners separated separation 更多: , in plate fierce of campaign and split drift Hou, only using a stream ice as of ship, expand a surprised of sea large adventure, in sea they will suffered sinister of natural environment, also will encountered pirate, and home and family reunion is they of ultimate desire.

It was always chasing the pine cones little squirrel rat kikwete, carelessly let the continental plate fall apart, making the mammoth manny, sloth sid, saber-toothed tiger diego therefore and family, a partner strays apart 更多: , in the plate intense campaign and split the drift, can only use a piece of ice as a ship,To start an amazing adventures at sea, in the sea they will encounter inclement natural environment, will also meet pirates, and go back home for family reunion is their ultimate desire.


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