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habe heute die Rückmeldung d.. 翻译

habe heute die Rückmeldung der UniCredit erhalten mit dem Finanzierungsangebot nach Prüfung aller vorgelegten Unterlagen: Finanzierungsstruktur: - Eigenkapital: TEUR 1.245 – 28,33% - Darlehen: TEUR 3.150 – 71,67% (ggf. ist die Bank bereit hier noch ca. 100-200 TEUR anzupassen, d.h. max. 3.350 TEUR) - aktuelle Konditionen ca. 4 更多: ,6% Zinssatz - Strukturierungsentgelt ca. 40 TEUR - Die KfW hat für Unternehmerkredite Änderungen vorgenommen, d.h. Anlagen zu Erneuerbaren Energien sind hier nicht mehr zu platzieren. - Nachdem die Anlage bereits am Netz ist, muss das Projekt über Bankmittel finanziert werden. Bitte klären Sie mit Ihrem Steuerberater ab, ob diese Rahmenbedingen für Sie passen. Die Bank würde dann die weiteren Schritte (Kreditvertrag etc.) in die Wege leiten.
Today I received the feedback of the financing offered by uniCredit the review of all submitted documents: Financing structure: - Equity: eur 1245 to 28.33% Loans - : eur 3150 to 71.67% (if the bank is still willing to adapt 100-200 eur, 3350 eur ie max.) - Current conditions approximately 4.6% interest rate - About restructuring charge40 eur - The kfw has made loans for owner changes, ie plants to renewable energies are no longer here to place. - After the plant is already on the network 更多: , the project must be financed through bank-medium. Please clarify them with their tax advisors as to whether this condition frame fit for them. The Bank would then further steps (credit contract, etc.) Lead into the paths.

have received today the UniCredit feedback with the offer of financing after examining all documentation provided: Financing structure: - Equity capital: EUR 1.245 - 28,33% - Loan: EUR 3.150 - 71,67% (if necessary the Bank is willing to adapt here approximately 100-200 EUR, i.e. Max-3,350 thousand) - current conditions around 4.6% interest rate - Structuring fee approx. 40 EUR -the KfW has made changes for business loans 更多: , i.e. equipment for renewable energies are here no longer to place. - After the plant is already on the network, the project of Bankmittel must be financed. Please you clarify with your tax advisor, whether these framework conditions for you fit. The Bank would then further steps (credit agreement, etc.)) in the lead.

Today I received the feedback of the UniCredit with the finance Unterlagen: submitted after examining all Finanzierungsstruktur: * * * - Equity: TEUR 1,245 - 28.33 % * - loans:TEUR 3,150 - 71.67 % (if necessary, the Bank still here ready to adapt approximately 100 - 200 thousand, i.e. maximum 3 更多: ,350 TEUR) * - current conditions approximately 4.6 % interest rate * - Strukturierungsentgelt approx.40 Thousand * - the KfW has made for Unternehmerkredite changes, i.e. installations in the area of renewable energy sources are here not to place more. * - after the system is already on the network,The project must be funded via cross-border bank flows * * please check with your tax advisor, whether this homeless fit for you.The Bank was then the further steps (credit agreement etc.) in the way bring about * *


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