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Los cuatro valores se relaci.. 翻译

Los cuatro valores se relacionan entre sí de la siguiente manera: Nuestras empresas existen gracias a la confluencia de líderes, que ha encontrado en ellas una vía para desarrollar su alto potencial humano y profesional. Como líderes genuinos, sabemos que hemos de comportarnos con ética para influir positivamente en nuestro entorno. Ese entorno reclama de nosotros solidaridad 更多: , pues nuestras empresas serán sostenibles en la medida en que cuidemos y respetemos ese entorno humano y natural.Nuestros valores están constituidos en un Código de Valores, Ética y Conducta (COVEC), que constituye el principal punto de referencia para nuestro trabajo cotidiano.
the four values ​​are interrelated as follows: our companies exist because of the confluence of leaders, who found in them a way to develop its high human and professional potential. Genuine leaders, we know that we behave ethically to positively affect our environment. environment demands of us that solidarity 更多: ,because our companies will be sustainable to the extent that we care and respect the human environment and natural.nuestros values ​​are incorporated in a code of values, ethics and conduct (Covec), which is the main reference point for our daily work.

Four values are interrelated in the following way: our businesses exist thanks to the confluence of leaders, which has found in them a path to develop their human potential high and professional. As genuine leaders, we know that we have to behave with ethics to positively influence our environment. This environment demands of us solidarity, our companies will be sustainable 更多: , so that we care for and respect the human and natural environment.Our values consist in a code of values, ethics and conduct (COVEC), which is the main point of reference for our daily work.

The four values are interrelated in the following way: Our companies exist thanks to the confluence of leaders,That has been found in them a track to develop its high human and professional potential. As genuine leaders,We know that we have to behave with ethics to positively influence our environment. This environment calls for us solidarity 更多: ,Since our companies will be sustainable to the extent that we care and respect the natural and human environment.Our values are formed in a code of values, ethics and conduct (COVEC),That is the main reference point for our work cotidiano. * *


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