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据美国媒体消息,曾被视为NBA第一黑哨的赌球裁判多纳西在.. 翻译

据美国媒体消息,曾被视为NBA第一黑哨的赌球裁判多纳西在出版自己自传后因为费用问题将出版商告上了法庭。 2007年,多纳西赌球事件东窗事发,这位在NBA工作13年的裁判因涉嫌操纵比赛被起诉,多纳西在受审中供出了很多的联盟黑幕,其中就包括2005年季后赛“黑掉”姚明。2008年7月,他在承认涉赌后被判入狱15个月,但释放后还要接受三年监管。 不过多纳西是一个能够将污点转化为财路的人,他将自己曾经的吹罚经历以及联盟的黑哨内幕汇集在一起,出了一本名为《个人犯规》的自传,自传中透露了多起裁判黑幕 更多: ,第一版刚一推出便立刻被抢购一空。可是过了不久,多纳西便因为出版费用以及利润分成问题与出版商发生了矛盾,结果前黑哨决定将出版商肖恩?维切尔和他的公司告上了法庭,要求后者支付大约20万美元的费用。 多纳西的律师尼古拉斯?穆尼声称,维切尔知道可以利用多纳西的往事去大赚一笔,但维切尔的律师则称由于多纳西方面要求一些额外条件,导致出版的利润减少,这类额外条件包括要求出版公司将书拍成电影以及寻求该书在中国出版。 这桩案子在美国当地时间6月12日已经开始审理,有消息称多纳西之所以要求维切尔赔偿20万美元,原因之一是希望偿还一笔旧债———2007年事发后NBA对他处以19.5万美元的罚金,他至今没有缴纳。(
According to U.S. media, has been regarded as the gambling referee Donaghy nba first black whistle because of cost issues in the publication of their own autobiography to publishers sued to court. 2007, Donaghy gambling incident became public, who for 13 years in the nba referee being sued for alleged match-fixing, Donaghy confessed at his trial in a lot of Union shady, including the 2005 playoffs, the "black out" Yao Ming. In July 2008, in recognition of gambling, he was sentenced to 15 months' imprisonment, but have to accept three years of supervision after release. But Donaghy is able to stain transformed into the way of getting money.He had whistled experience as well as the Union of Black Whistle insider brings together an autobiography entitled "Personal foul", the autobiography revealed from the referee shady, the first edition is just a launch will be immediately sold out. But before long, Donaghy will be because the publishing costs 更多: , and profit-sharing in a conflict with the publishers, pending the outcome of Black Whistle decided to sue the publishers the Sean? Witschel, and his company to the court to require the latter to pay about 20 million in fees. Donaghy's lawyer, Nicholas? Mooney claimed Witschel know the Donaghy past to go to make a small fortune,But Witschel lawyers claimed that because of Donaghy requires some additional conditions, resulting in reduced profits of publication and such additional conditions including a requirement for publishing the book into a film, and the search for the book was published in China. Implicated in the case has already begun on June 12, U.S. time trial, news that Donaghy's requirements Witschel compensation of $ 200,000, one of the reasons is to repay the sum of the old debts --- 2007 after the incident nba on his punishable by a fine of $ 195,000, he has failed to pay. (

According to United States media messages, once regarded as NBA gambling referees of the first black whistle after the publication of his autobiography, Donaszi publishers sued the Tribunal due to cost issues. 2007 years, Donaszi gambling event one's criminal conspiracy was unmasked, the 13 years in the NBA referee indicted for suspected of fixing games, Donaszi being tried to give out a lot of cover-ups of the Alliance, which includes the 2005 playoffs "black out" Yao Ming. In July 2008, he acknowledged after the bet in question was sentenced to 15 months, but to accept three years supervision after release. But Donaszi is a person who can convert the stain to Giro,He had blown itself to a fine experience and brings together the Union's black whistle inside, out of a titled autobiography of personal fouls, autobiography revealed a number of referees in shady, just launched 更多: , he was immediately snapped up the first edition. But after a short time, Donaszi due to publishing costs and profit-sharing problem with publishers have conflicts, resulting in unfair decisions of publishers before Shaun? Witschel and his company sued the Court, requiring the latter to pay costs of approximately $ 200,000. Donaszi lawyer Nicholas? Mooney claimed that Witschel know memories of Donaszi can be used to make a pen,But Witschel lawyers say that because Donaszi requires some additional conditions lead to publishing profit fell, such additional conditions include publishing company book turned into a movie and the search for the book published in China. The case in the United States on June 12 local time had started, I get a message saying Donaszi asked Witschel award of us $ 200,000, one reason is that wish to repay an old debt---2007 year NBA punishable by a fine of up to $ 195,000 to him after the incident, he has not been paid. (

According to the American media news, was once regarded as the first black shao NBA referee the wager ball more in his autobiography naxi published after because of the cost will publishers to court. 2007, many naxi wager ball sticky events, the NBA work in 13 years of the referee for alleged match-fixing be charged,More on trial for naxi out a lot of union shady decision-making, including the 2005 playoffs "black to drop" yao Ming. In July 2008, he admitted involvement in the gambling was sentenced to 15 months, but released three years after he accept supervision. but more is a naxi to stain into the source of income,He will have to blow a league experience and black shao inside come together and gave a book called "personal fouls" autobiography, his autobiography revealed more than a referee shady decision-making, just a first edition launched immediately be snapped up. But before long 更多: ,He published more than naxi charges and because of the profit problems and publishers contradiction happened, the results before the black shao decided to publishers Sean? D cher and his company to court, ask the latter pay about the cost of us $200000. much of the naxi lawyer Nicholas? Mooney says,D cher know can use more of the naxi past to make a fortune, but d cher's lawyer said the naxi because demand some additional conditions, published in profits, this kind of additional conditions including requirements book publishing company will be made into a film and seek the book published in China. this case local time in the United States on June 12, has begun hearing, sources said the naxi more requirements d cher compensation of $, one of the reasons is hope to repay the debt--in after the incident on his NBA pay a $195000 fine, he has yet to pay. (


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