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有时候,幸福来得太突然,不一定是件好事。至少对于昨晚的申.. 翻译

有时候,幸福来得太突然,不一定是件好事。至少对于昨晚的申花来说,是这样。 如果只看前70分钟,申花有点像阿根廷,行云流水;如果只看后20分钟,申花有点像特克斯和凯科斯群岛队(这支西印度群岛中的英属岛群球队在FIFA排名206位,成绩垫底),毫无章法,乱作一团。 从运动装换成了皮鞋衬衫,看得出,在虹口首秀的巴蒂斯塔志在必得。“球队正按照我的思路踢球”,确实像阿根廷人说的那样,如今的申花,地面配合明显增多,无论中场还是对方禁区,球员敢控球,敢传球,也更默契,似乎让人看到了老申花时“小、快、灵”的一点影子。这和蒂加纳时代过多无谓的长传冲吊,对比明显。巴蒂斯塔的手术刀动得很快。 冯仁亮 更多: ,这个蒂加纳的弃将,成了巴蒂斯塔的座上宾。在阿内尔卡吸引众多防守球员时,冯仁亮成了一把藏在禁区里的“匕首”,时时亮剑,让人很难招架。 可梦总有醒过来的时候。申花昨夜的美梦,只做了72分钟。在两球领先时,球员思想怠慢,尖刀入鞘,结果,十几分钟便被大连阿尔滨连入两球,最终申花2比2被追平比分。 终场哨音响起,煮熟的鸭子飞了,巴蒂斯塔头也不回,表情落寞地走回更衣室。“我们下半场后退得太多,让出了阵地。对于结果,我不满意。”确实,如果不是于涛在禁区附近几次破坏对手的进攻,阿尔滨昨天很可能会带走3分。 逆境中能稳住阵脚,顺境中不骄不躁。除了球技,申花还要补上心理课。
Sometimes, to the well-being as a surprise, not necessarily a good thing. Shenhua last night at least, is the case. If look at the first 70 minutes, Shenhua bit like Argentina, to fill the gap; If they only 20 minutes, Shenhua is a bit like the Turks and Caicos Islands team (this British West Indies island group team in fifa ranking 206, score the bottom), the clueless, whack. Replaced by from sportswear shoes, shirt, I can see Batista in Hongkou first show is determined to win. "The team is playing according to my ideas, really like the Argentines say, today's Shenhua, the ground line with significantly increasedMidfield or other restricted area, players dare to point, the courage to pass, more understanding, it seems that people see the old Shenhua "small 更多: , fast, and spirit," a little shadow. Tigana era and too much unnecessary long-ball with significant contrast. Batista scalpel move quickly. FengRenLiang Tigana's abandonment will become a guest of Batista. Anelka to attract a number of defensive players, "dagger" FengRenLiang became a possession in the box, from time to time Sword, make it difficult to parry. Dream woke up. Shenhua last night's dream, only 72 minutes. In the two-goal lead, the players thought neglectDagger sheathed, results, ten minutes by Dalian aerbin even two goals, the final Shenhua 2 2 tied the game. Whistle sound from the cooked duck to fly, without looking Batista expression lonely locker room. "We back the second half too much, give up the position. Result, I am not satisfied." Indeed, if not Yu Tao in the closed area several times to disrupt an adversary's attack, Albin yesterday is likely to take three points. Adversity can hold its ground, mindful of good times. In addition to the game, Shenhua also make up a psychology class.

Sometimes happiness comes too suddenly, is not necessarily a good thing. For Shenhua last night, at least, I hope so. If you see only the first 70 minutes, Shenhua is a bit like Argentina, natural and smooth; if you look only at 20 minutes after, Shenhua is a bit like the Turks and Caicos Islands (British island group in the West Indies team in the FIFA ranking 206, bottom), confused, scrambled. Exchanged from sportswear, shoes, shirts, see Hongkou Batista determined to have in the first show. "Team was along the lines of I play football", exactly like Argentina as people say, today's Shenhua, combined with a marked increase in the ground,Neither midfield nor the other closed areas, players controlled the ball, daring passes and more tacit understanding, it seems that when you let them see my old Shenhua "small, fast 更多: , Ling" shadow. And Jean Tigana times too many unnecessary students ' kickball rushed mobile cranes and contrasts. Batista scalpel moving quickly. Feng Renliang, abandoned the pedicles, Ghana, became a guest of Batista. When attracting numerous defensive player in Anelka, Feng Renliang was hidden in a restricted area by the "dagger", and always bright sword, makes it hard to cope with. Dream total wake time. Shenhua's dream last night, only 72 minutes. Two goals while leading, players thought has always attached great importanceDagger into its sheath, with the result that is connected to the two balls by Dalian aerbin a dozen minutes, Shenhua 2:2 eventually be recovery of scores. The final whistle sound, cooked duck fly, Batista's head without looking back, look lonely walk back to the locker room. "Our game plan back too much, yields its positions. For the results, I am not satisfied with. "Indeed, if not Yu Tao in a restricted zone near the destruction of opponent's attack on several occasions, aerbin yesterday was likely to take 3 points. Can secure one ' s position in adversity, prosperity free from arrogance and rashness. In addition to skills, Shenhua also up to psychological lessons.

Sometimes, happiness was a surprise, it is not always a good thing. At least for last night's shenhua, it does. if looking at only minutes before, shenhua a bit like Argentina, clouds flowing water; If looking at only 20 minutes after the,Shenhua a little bit like the turks and caicos islands team (this one in the west India islands of British islands in the FIFA rankings 206 a team, achievement bottom), is kept in random order, disorderly making a group. from sportswear for leather shoes shirt, see, at the first show of hongkou batista is in the bag."The team is playing in my train of thought," really like the Argentine said it, now shenhua, the ground with significantly increased, whether midfielder or penalty area, players can control the ball, dare to pass the ball, also more tacit understanding, seems to let people see the old shenhua "small, fast 更多: , and spirit" of a shadow.It's too much time and Ghana needless struggled long, apparent contrast. Batista's scalpel's moving pretty fast. FengRenLiang, she abandoned the Ghana will, became batista's many high brow functions. In nicolas anelka attracted many defensive player, FengRenLiang became a hidden in the box of "dagger", always LiangJian,Let a person very entertaining. can dream there is always wake up. Shenhua dream last night, do only 72 minutes. The second goal, players thought snub, the knife sheath, results, more than ten minutes later and dalian coast's connected to two balls, eventually shenhua than 2 is 2 to equalise. final horn sounded,Cooked ducks fly, batista's head also doesn't back, the facial expression to walk back to the dressing room lonely. "We in the second half back too much, to make room for the results, the position. I am not happy." Indeed, if not in the penalty area YuTao several times destroy an attack, al yesterday will likely take coast three points. adversity can hold the line and not in prosperity. In addition to game, to fill the psychology class shenhua.


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