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bonjour! je suis vraiment n.. 翻译

bonjour! je suis vraiment navre, mais je ne connais pas du tout le no. de ma commande. si je vous passe toutes les information de ma commande, j'espere que ca suiffira. j'ai commande le sac messanger bag hermes grise au 10/juillet/2012 avec ma carte bancaire 更多: , la somme etait retire de mon compte au 13/juillet/2012. mon coordonee : JOGUET-CAMPAGNE, Ji-Hee JC BIGUINE 65, rue de la boetie 75008 Paris Tel. 01. 53. 76. 27. 50 j'attends votre reponse avec l'impatience.
hello! I'm really sorry, but I do not know anything about the no. my order. So I'll spare you all the information of my order, I "hope that suiffira ca. J" command have the messanger bag hermes bag gray 10/juillet/2012 with my credit card 更多: , the sum was withdrawn from my account 13/juillet/2012. My-coordinate: Joguet-campaign-hee ji jc beguine 65,Rue de la Boetie 75008 Paris tel . 01. 53. 76. 27. 50 j 'await your response with "impatience.

Hello! I'm really vessel, but I know not at all no. my command. If I turn you all information in my order, I hope that ca suiffira. I command the messanger bag hermes bag grey at July 10, 2012 with my credit card 更多: , the sum was removed from my account on July 13, 2012. My coordinated: JOGUET-campaign, Ji - Hee JC BIGUINE 65,. Rue de la Boétie 75008 Paris Tel. 01 53. 76 27. 50 I look forward your reply with impatience. .

Hello i am really sorry, but I do not know of all the no. of my order. If i you past all the information of my order, I hope that ca suiffira. I ordered the bag messanger bag hermes gray at 10/July/2012 with my credit card 更多: , the sum was removed from my account in 13/July/2012. My coordinated: JOGUET-CAMPAIGN,Ji-Hee JC La Beguine - 65, rue de la Boetie 75008 Paris Tel. 01. 53. 76. 27. 50 I await your reply with the impatience.


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