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今天和爸爸妈妈一起,终于来到了向往已久的长城。他想巨龙一.. 翻译

今天和爸爸妈妈一起,终于来到了向往已久的长城。他想巨龙一样卧在山脉之中,弯曲盘旋,顺着山势起伏。城墙和地面都是用大石头砌成的 更多: ,台阶是长长的条石。我们顺着很陡的台阶往上爬,过了半个小时才到达顶峰,虽然很累,但心里却很高兴。
Mom and Dad, finally came to a coveted Great Wall. He wanted to dragon lying in the same mountain range, bending hovering along the mountain ups and downs. Walls and floors are brick, with a big rock steps is long Oplegnathus. We climb down a very steep stairs 更多: , half an hour before reaching the peak, although very tired, but was very pleased.

And MOM and dad together today, managed to reach the coveted the great wall. He think Dragon lying in the midst of the mountains, bent circled, along the mountain ups and downs. Walls and floor are large stone 更多: , steps are long and narrow stone. We follow the very steep stairs to climb on, and after a half an hour to reach the peak, although very tired, but very happy.

Today with mother and father, finally came to the yearning already a long time of the Great Wall. He want to lie in the mountains as the dragon, bending hovering, down a hill ups and downs. The wall and the ground is in big stone bricks, steps are a long TiaoShi. We go down steep steps up 更多: , up, after half an hour to get to the top,Though very tired, but the heart is very happy.


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