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当我们全心全意地付出之后、当默默地坚持与等待之后、当应有.. 翻译

当我们全心全意地付出之后、当默默地坚持与等待之后、当应有的宽容与忍耐之后,想挽留的仍然会走,再坚持就是一味坚持。在爱情中,坚持就是以真心换真情。倘若什么都换不回来,坚持就是守住自己。留下 更多: ,不代表还爱;离开,不代表不爱。得到,未必是幸;失去,也未必是不幸。
We are committed to pay when the quietly insist on waiting, when after the tolerance and patience, want to stay will still go, insist blindly adhere. 更多: , Insisted that to truly change the truth in love. If anything change does not come back, adhere to is to hold our own. Leave not love; to leave, does not mean do not love. Obtained may not be fortunate; lost, it may not be unfortunate.

After when we wholeheartedly give, when persistence and after waiting silently, when after due tolerance and forbearance, still wants to retain, then there is a stick. In love 更多: , persistence is to really change the truth. Change does not come back if anything, persistence is holding its own. Left, does not mean that love without, does not mean that does not love. Received may not be cold, may not necessarily be unfortunate.

When we doesn't pay, when quiet persistence and after, after waiting for tolerance and patience when due after, want to detain can still walk, insist again is blindly insist on. In love, the persistence is to sincerely for truth. If what all change does not come back 更多: , is to keep. Stay,Do not represent still love; Leave, doesn't mean don't love. Get, is not necessarily a good; Lost, could not be unfortunate.


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