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我要嫁的那个人。不一定要会甜言蜜语。但是一定要.. 翻译

我要嫁的那个人。不一定要会甜言蜜语。但是一定要有好的脾气。 我要嫁的那个人。一定要是能和我一起到老的,能够了解我内心的坚强,不让我脆弱的不堪一击的。 我要嫁的那个人。可能不帅,但是不会让我手足无措,甚至不知道要和他讲什么才对。 我要嫁的那个人。一定会从我们牵手那刻起,对我说 宝贝从今天起,我们有福同享有难我当。 我要嫁的那个人。一定要霸道些。他会对我说 宝贝我认定你了就赖你了你就是我一个人的我不许别人走近你。 我要嫁的那个人。一定会在过马路的时候牵着我的手,对我说 宝贝要跟我走。 我要嫁的那个人。一定会明白老婆是用来疼的,而且会吹着快乐的口哨和我一起做家务。 我要嫁的那个人。他明白,我不会生气 更多: ,因为我不想吵架。但是我会有心烦的时候,不能总是我让着。 我要嫁的那个人。他明白,我不会轻易的哭,尤其是在他面前,因为我要坚强。 我要嫁的那个人。一定会在我累的时候,伸出手臂,很心疼的说 宝贝抱抱。 我要嫁的那个人。一定会在睡觉前跟我说 宝贝你要早点睡觉。晚安。 我要嫁的那个人。一定会把我带回家。对他妈说 看。这是我给你找的儿媳妇。然后对我说 这是咱妈。 我要嫁的那个人。一定会在某一个阳光明媚的日子,顶着一片湛蓝的天,笑着对我说 宝贝我们该有个家 了
I want to marry that person. Do not have to sweet talk. But must have a good temper. I want to marry that person. Must be and I went to the old, be able to understand my heart strong, let me vulnerable vulnerable. I want to marry that person. May not handsome, but will not let me know what to do, what if it did not even know he spoke. I want to marry that person. Will be from our hand carved from the baby starting today, we share bliss difficult to me, said to me. I want to marry that person. Must be some high-handed.He will say to me baby I found you depends on you you is I am a man I did not let anyone come near you. I want to marry that person. Will be crossing the street, holding my hand, and said to me, baby keep me walking. I want to marry that person. Will certainly understand his wife is used to pain, and blowing happy whistle and I do housework. I want to marry that person. He will understand that I am not angry 更多: , because I do not want to quarrel. But I will be upset, can not I always let. I want to marry that person. He understands, I do not cry easily, especially in front of him, because I want to be strong. I want to marry that person. Will be when I'm tired, stretched out his arm, said a very distressed baby hug. I want to marry that person. Will I said before going to sleep with the baby you want to go to bed early. Good night. I want to marry that person. 'll Get me home. See his mom. I'll find you daughter. And then told me that this is our mother. I want to marry that person. Will be a sunny day, wore a blue sky, smiled and said to me, baby we a home a

I want to marry that man. Does not have to be sweet. But be sure to have a good temper. I want to marry that man. Must be able to come with me to the old, to understand my inner strength, don't make me weak vulnerable. I want to marry that man. May not be handsome, but it will not let me catch, do not even know what to talk about with his right. I want to marry that man. Will certainly from our hands the moment, tell me baby from today onwards, we sharing too hard for me. I want to marry that man. Be sure to hegemony.He would say to me baby I found you on you you are my I do not permit others to come to you. I want to marry that man. Will hold my hand when in the road, said to me baby come with me. I want to marry that man. Must understand that his wife was used to pain 更多: , and blowing happy whistle do housework with me. I want to marry that man. He knows I'm not angry, because I don't want to quarrel. But I will be upset when can't I always let. I want to marry that man. He knows I will not cry easily, especially in front of him, because I want to be strong. I want to marry that man. Must be when I am tired, stretched out his arm, very distressed that baby hug. I want to marry that man. Will tell me baby do you want to go to bed early before you go to sleep. Good night. I want to marry that man. Will take me home. Said to his MOM. This is my daughter-in-law for you. And then told me that this was my mother. I want to marry that man. Must be a sunny day, I had a piece of blue sky, smiled and said to me that we have a baby

I marry that man. Not necessarily have to be sweet words. But must have good temper. I marry that man. Must be will join me to the old, can understand my heart strong, do not let my fragile meat. I marry that man. May not handsome,But won't let me helpless, don't even know what to say to him that. I marry that man. Will we in hand from the moment, said to me baby from today, we sink when I served. I marry that man. Must bully some.He will say to me that you will baby I depend on you is you a person's I forbid others come near you. I marry that man. Will be in crossing the road took me by the hand and said to me baby to go with me. I marry that man. Will understand that his wife is used to ache,And will blow the whistle of happiness and I together with the housework. I marry that man. He understand that I will not angry, because I don't want to fight. But I can have upset 更多: , can't always I let. I marry that man. He understand that I will not easily cry, especially in front of him,Because I want to be strong. I marry that man. A I'm tired, stretched out his arm, very distressed said the baby hold. I marry that man. Will be in bed with me before you go to bed early to say baby. Good night. I marry that man. Will bring me home. His mother said to see.This is my daughter-in-law to find you. Then said to me this is our mother. I marry that man. Will in a sunny day, top, a piece of blue day, smile to say to me baby should we have a home


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