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6月18日电 据ESPN体育报道,今天上午,迈阿密热火队.. 翻译

6月18日电 据ESPN体育报道,今天上午,迈阿密热火队在主场以91-85战胜俄克拉荷马雷霆队,在总决赛中2-1领先。这场异常关键的比赛,雷霆队却输给了自己的年轻。 今年季后赛,俄克拉荷马雷霆队就像他们的名字一样雷霆万钧,他们接连斩下小牛、湖人、马刺三大冠军球队。似乎在他们眼中,一切传统和规律统统如浮云般飘散。当雷霆队杀到总决赛的舞台时,他们无所畏惧,以杜兰特、韦斯特布鲁克、哈登为代表的这群年轻人,拥有着惊人的身体天赋,他们身高臂长,跑得飞快、跳得极高,雷霆队的比赛总是激情四溢、杀声震天。但是,他们的季后赛经验少的可怜,雷霆队中的大部分球员,每年6月时都已经在度假了。尽管,雷霆队在心态上比大多数人预想的成熟,但总决赛关键战役的压力让他们难以招架,他们的年龄和阅历,还不足以处理这样的大场面。更不用说,他们对面站着的是久经沙场的热火队。 总决赛第三场,是整个总决赛系列赛的分水岭之战,在历史上,在1-1后拿下第三场的球队,有超过80%最终获得了冠军。当比赛进行到第三节,雷霆队占据了10分的优势。但自从那时起,优势在年轻的雷霆队的一次次犯错中被蚕食。了他们没办法命中罚球,两次在对手投射三分时愚蠢地犯规;他们出现了很多次误攻,错失了太多的机会。雷霆队就这样莫名其妙地输掉了比赛,在最需要冷静和智慧的时候,年轻的雷霆三少却被紧张的局势彻底束缚住了,这,是年轻的代价。 当然,对于一支如此年轻的球队来说,出错是正常的。如果第三战中的错误只是偶尔出现,那么人们有理由原谅他们。但是,也有可能,雷霆队将无法迅速调整状态 更多: ,接下来的两个客场,对年轻的球队是巨大的挑战。 对于凯文`杜兰特来说,他在第三战中针对第二场出现的问题做出了调整,他更好地控制了自己的犯规数,不至于像上一场那样整个一节枯坐替补席。但是,杜兰特的调整并不完美,他在第三节仍旧因为犯规过多被迫休息了几分钟,而就在这几分钟里,雷霆队失去了对比赛的掌控。 帕金斯是雷霆队中除了费舍尔以外唯一拥有总决赛经验的人,他说:“我们必须意识到这是NBA总决赛,这不是第一场,而是至关重要的第三场,我们必须逆转颓势。” 整个下半场,俄克拉荷马雷霆队罚失了7个球,出现了9次失误。在至关重要的最后一分钟,威斯克布鲁克在身旁三米之内没人的情况下空位三分不中,失去了追平比分的最好机会。雷霆主帅布鲁克斯赛后说:“我们会从中学到些东西,下一次必须表现得更好。”杜兰特总结道:“我们有机会,关键的投篮我们必须要投进。” 面对1-2落后的局面,雷霆队已经不容有失。恐怕费舍尔和帕金斯会在赛后和全队一起交流他们的总决赛经验,告诉他们如何面对逆境的考验。帕金斯说:“我们需要每个人挺身而出。今天我们打得有些独,有些投篮很勉强,我们没有能坚持48分钟的强度。在这样的比赛里,我们必须明白机会的异常宝贵,或许一辈子就只有这一次。这是总决赛,我们需要小心翼翼地处理球,每一球都很关键。” 除了韦斯特布鲁克和杜兰特,哈登在第三战中的表现仍旧很糟糕。未来的比赛中,他的发挥将决定比赛的走势。 总之,年轻的雷霆队必须正确地审视他们面对的局面。雷霆队和热火队的实力非常接近,比赛的过程一定会相当焦灼。在这样的肉搏战中,心态将是决定比赛的关键。毫无疑问,比赛还远远没有分出胜负,未来可能出现的变数还有很多。但是,雷霆队已经不容再错,他们必须减少犯错的次数。否则,他们将为自己的年轻付出惨重的代价,这个代价未免太重了
June 18, espn sports reported this morning, the Miami Heat at home a 91-85 victory over Oklahoma City leading 2-1 in the finals. This unusually critical game, the Thunder lost their own young. This year's playoffs, Oklahoma City, as their name, like a thunderbolt, successive Zhanxia the Mavericks, Lakers, Spurs three championship teams. It seems that in their eyes, all the traditions and laws of all as a cloud-like drift. Thunder immediate concern to the finals stage, they are fearless, Durant, Westbrook, Harden, represented by these young people,Have amazing physical talent, their height and arm length, run fast, jump high, the Thunder's game is always passionate and rolls around. However, their playoff experience pitiful, most of the players in the Thunder in June of each year are already in a holiday. Thunder mentality than most people expected mature, but the pressure of the key battle of the Finals so that they overwhelmed their age and experience, not enough to deal with such a big scene. Needless to say, they stood over the Miami Heat of the battle-hardened. Third of the finals, a watershed in the battle of the entire finals series.Won 1-1 after the third team in history, with more than 80% eventually won the championship. When the game to the third quarter, the Thunder occupies a 10-point advantage. Since then, the advantage of mistakes in the young Thunder team will be eroded. They can not hit free throws, two stupid opponents projected one-third foul; they appeared many times mistakenly attack and missed too many opportunities. Thunder somehow lost the game, when most in need of calm and wisdom, the young Thunder less been tensions completely bound hand and foot, this is a young price. Of course,For a such a young team, the error is normal. If the error appears only occasionally in the third war, then people have reason to forgive them. However, there are possible 更多: , Thunder team can not quickly adjust to the state, the next two away, the young team is a great challenge. Kevin `Durant, in his third war against the problems of the second field to make adjustments, better control of their own fouls, and will not like the last game, as the entire one sit the bench. However, Durant's adjustment is not perfect, he is still in the third quarter because of foul trouble too much forced to rest for a few minutes,And in these few minutes, the Thunder lost control of the game. Perkins In addition to Fisher, other than the sole owner of Thunder Finals experience, he said: "We must be aware that this is the nba finals, this is not the first, but the crucial third field, we must reverse the decline. " The entire second half, Oklahoma City missed seven goals and had nine turnovers. The third space is not the case in the crucial last-minute, Wesker Brook within three meters beside nobody lost the best chance of tying the score. Thunder coach Brooks said after the game:"We will learn something, the next must be better." Durant concluded: "We have the opportunity, key shots, we must be dropped into the. Thunder round the face of the 1-2 backwardness. I am afraid that Fisher and Perkins will be together after the game and the team share their Finals experience, tell them how to face the test of adversity. Perkins said: "We need everyone to come forward, today we played some alone, some shooting very reluctantly, we do not have to adhere to the intensity of 48 minutes in this game, we must understand the opportunities for valuable exception.Perhaps life only this time. This is the finals, we need to carefully handle the ball, each ball is very critical. " In addition to Westbrook and Durant, Harden's performance in the third war is still very bad. In the next game, his play will determine the trend of the game. In short, the young Thunder must properly examine the situation they face. Thunder and Miami's strength is very close to the competition process will be quite anxious. In this melee, the mentality is the key to decide the game. There is no doubt that the game is far from a winner, there are many variables that may arise in the future.However, the Thunder can no longer be wrong, they must reduce the number of mistakes. Otherwise, they will be young to pay a heavy price, that price is a bit too heavy

June 18-according to ESPN Sports reported that this morning, the maiamirehuo home 91-85 beat ekelahemaleiting team, leading 2-1 in the finals. This unusual key game, Thunder team but lost out to their young. The playoffs this year, ekelahemaleiting is as overwhelming as their name, they chopped calf under successive, Lakers, spurs, three championship teams. Seems to be in their eyes, all traditions and laws all such as cloud-like hair. When the Thunder team kill to the finals stage, they fearlessly, Durant, Westbrook, Marcia gay harden as representatives of this group of young people,With amazing body talent, their stature arm length, running very fast, can jump very high, always overflowing passion Thunder game, Battle cries reached to the sky.. However, their playoff experience, very little of it, Spellbinder most of the players in the team each year in June, had been on holiday at the time. Although, Thunder team in the mature mentality than most people expected, but the key battles make it difficult for them to cope with the pressure of finals, their age and experience, are not sufficient to deal with such a large scene. Needless to say, they stood opposite experienced heat team. Final third, is the entire finals series battle of the watershed,In history, won third team after the 1-1, over 80% ultimately won. When the game was to continue on to section III, Thunder team accounted for 10 minutes of advantage. But since then, the advantage in the young Thunder team was eating into mistakes again and again. They can't hit free throws, two opponents projected three TOU silly fouls; they appear many times mistaken attack, missed too many opportunities. Thunder team was inexplicably lost the game, most in need of calm and wisdom when young Spellbinder III was less tense situation has completely tied, this is the cost of the young. Of course,For such a young team, an error is normal. If the error appears only occasionally in the third war 更多: , then there is reason to forgive them. However, it is also possible, Thunder team will not be able to adjust quickly, and the next two away, the young team was a huge challenge. ' For Kevin Durant, in his third fight against the second adjustment to the emerging issues, number of fouls he had better control of their own, not the entire section like the last sit the bench. However, Durant adjustment is not perfect, he remained because too many fouls in the third section was forced to rest for a few minutes,And in a few minutes, Thunder team had lost control of the game. Perkins Thunder team in addition to Fisher who only has finals experience, he said: "we must be aware that this is the NBA Finals, this is not the first, but a vital third, we need to reverse the decline. ” The entire second half, ekelahemaleiting team lost 7 balls of penalties, there are 9 errors. In the vital last minute, weisikebuluke near me no one within three meters of space three part, lost to catch up with the best opportunity to score. Thunder head coach Brooks said after the game:"We learned some stuff, must show better next time. "Durant concludes:" we have the opportunity, the key shot we have to into. ” 1-2 poor situation, Thunder team have not lost. I'm afraid Fisher and Perkins after the game and the whole team together to share their experience in finals, tests telling them how to face adversity. Perkins said: "we need everyone to come forward. Today we play some alone, some shooting very reluctantly, we do not have to adhere to 48 minutes of strength. In the game, we must understand that the valuable opportunity exception,Maybe your life only once. This is the finals, we need to carefully handle the ball, each ball is critical. ” In addition to Westbrook and Durant, Marcia gay Harden's performance in the third war is still very bad. In future matches, he will determine the movement of the game to play. Overall, young Thunder team had the right to look at the situation they face. Strength of the Thunder and heat team is very close to, the game must be very anxious. In the head-to-head battle, mentality will be critical to decided the game. There is no doubt that competition was far from ceding defeat, there are many variables that may occur in the future.However, the Thunder team is not wrong, they must reduce the number of mistakes. Otherwise, they will pay a heavy price for their young, that price would be too heavy

June 18, according to ESPN sports report, this morning, the Miami heat in the 91-85 home victory over the Oklahoma city thunder team in the NBA finals 2-1 lead. The unusually big games, thunder team losing to their young. the playoffs this year,Oklahoma city thunder team as their name as LeiTingWanJun, they were cut to the lakers, the spurs, mavs under three champions. It seems in their eyes, all traditions and rules as the floating clouds all have a. When thunder team to the NBA finals down to the stage, they have nothing to fear, to durant,West brooke, HaDeng as a representative of the group of young people, with amazing body talent, they height arm length, running very fast, jump extremely high, thunder team always 4 excessive, ShaSheng versus passion. But, their playoff experience less of the poor, thunder most of the team player,Every year, in June have been on holiday. Although, thunder team in mind than most people expected mature, but the finals of the battle of key pressure to make them difficult to parry, their age and experience, not enough to deal with such a big occasion. Needless to say, they stood over against the Miami heat is battle-tested. finals game 3, it is whole the watershed of the finals series of wars, in the past, in 1-1 win in game 3 of the team, with more than eventually won the championship. When competition to the third quarter, thunder team occupies 10 points advantage. But since then,Advantage in the young thunder's mistakes and get nibbled. They can't hit a free throw, two opponents in the projection foolish enough to three points at foul; They appeared many times attack by mistake, missed too many chances. Thunder team so somehow lost the game, in the most need to calm and wisdom,The young thunder three but less tense situation completely chained down, this is the price of young. and, of course, for a team so relatively young team 更多: , error is normal. If the error in the war only occasionally appear, so people have reason to forgive them. But, perhaps,Thunder team will not be quickly adjust state, the next two on the road, to the young team is a huge challenge. ` for Kevin durant speaking, he is in the third war in the second game of the problems made adjustments, he better control their foul count,Not like a game like that whole section bench sitting. But, durant adjustment is not perfect, in the third quarter because of foul still forced to rest for a few minutes too much, and in the few minutes, thunder team lost control of the game. perkins is thunder in the team only has outside except fisher finals experience, he said: "we must be aware that this is the NBA finals, this is not the first game, but the crucial game 3, we must reverse fortunes around." the whole of the second half, Oklahoma city thunder team missed seven goals,Appeared 9 turnovers. In the crucial last minutes, wesker brooke three meters to no one within the open 3 points for Boston, lose the best chance to equalise. Thunder boss Brooks said after the game: "we'll learn something, the next must do better."Durant concluded:" we have the opportunity, the key shots we must be put into. " 1-2 face backward situation, thunder team has not lose some. I'm afraid fisher and perkins will communicate with the team after the game and their finals experience, and tell them how to face adversity test. Perkins says:"We need everyone to stand up. Today we played some alone, some shot was forced, we don't have to insist on the strength of the 48 minutes. In this race, we must understand the precious opportunity for abnormal, perhaps only this time. This is the NBA finals, we need to carefully the ball,Each ball is key. " besides west brooke and Kevin durant, HaDeng in the third war the performance is still very bad. The future of the race, he decided to play the game will go. anyhow, the young thunder team must accurately survey they face the situation.Thunder team and the strength of the Miami heat are very close, and the process of the game will quite deeply worried. In such a combat, the mindset is the key to the match. No doubt, the game is far from the tie, the possibility of future variables and lots more. But, thunder team has not again wrong,They have to reduce the number of mistakes. Otherwise, they will pay for their young horrific price, the price is rather too


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