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1。也 许幸福就是,陪你走一条叫一辈子的路,跨一座叫奈何.. 翻译

1。也 许幸福就是,陪你走一条叫一辈子的路,跨一座叫奈何的桥,喝一种叫孟婆的汤。也许会累,会疲惫 更多: ,却从没想过放弃;可能沿途风景迷人充满诱惑,却彼此保留住最初的感觉;也许会起争执,会有分歧,却依然会听从和默认;也许不能没分每秒在一起,却在心里始终留着位置。
A . Maybe happiness is to accompany you to go one called the road of a lifetime , cross a bridge called regrettable drink called Meng Po soup . May be tired, and will be tired , but never thought of giving up ; charming scenery along the possible temptation 更多: , but with each other to retain the initial feeling ; may be rough spots , there will be differences , but still will listen to and the default ; may not be not points per seconds together , but always keep the location in the heart .

1. Perhaps happiness is, you go on a road called life, across a bridge, called Meng Po Tang drink. Perhaps tired, exhausted 更多: , but never thought to give up; along the charming scenery full of temptation, but retain the original feel with each other; may be in dispute, there will be differences, but still be listened to and the default; may not be not every moment together, but always kept in mind.

1. Also make happiness is that goes with you a call for a lifetime of road, cross a call helpless of bridge, and drink a kind of call meng old woman of the soup. May be tired, will be exhausted, but never thought to give up; May be charming scenery along the seductive 更多: , but each other to keep the original feeling; May argument, there will be disagreement,But still would listen and default; Perhaps not without a second together, but in my heart always keep the position.


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