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有个农夫正在田里翻土,突然,他看见一直兔子从旁边的草丛里.. 翻译

有个农夫正在田里翻土,突然,他看见一直兔子从旁边的草丛里窜了出来,一头撞在田边的树墩子上,便倒在那不动了。农民过去一看,兔子死了,农民高兴极了 更多: ,没花一点力气,就捡到一只大兔子。他心想:如果天天能见到撞死的兔子,那日子就好过了。从此他再也不出力气锄地了,他每天守到树墩子旁,一直等待着前来撞死的兔子,世上哪有掉馅饼的事啊,而他的田地却荒芜了。
There is a farmer is plowing the fields, suddenly, he saw to have been a rabbit from the bushes next to the channeling, a hit on the stump sub Tanabe they did in that move. Farmers look past a dead rabbit, farmers very happy, did not spend a little effort 更多: , picked up a big rabbit. He thought: If every day to see the killed rabbits, like the day before. Since then, he could no effort hoe, his daily keep next to the stump child has been waiting for to come killed the rabbit, the world can there be fall out of things, his fields barren.

A farmer is the field enable no-till, suddenly, he sees have been rushed out from the bushes next to the rabbit, straight into field edges on the stump, that does not move. Farmers a look, the rabbit died, farmer delighted 更多: , didn't take a little effort, picked up a big rabbit. He thought if you can see every day killed a rabbit, that day would have been better. From then on he never was out hoeing in strength, next to him every day to keep the stump has been waiting to come to killing the rabbit, how can there be a pie, and his land was barren.

A farmer was in the field turn soil, suddenly, he saw a rabbit has been from next bushes ran out and bumped into the trees on the light side, then pour in that did not move. Farmers in the past a look, rabbit dead, farmers was very happy, didn't take a strength 更多: , will pick up to a big rabbit. He thought:If every day to see as the rabbit, and that day will better. From then on he never out of the awesome strength, every day he keep to the tree light, waited for a rabbit came on as of the world, which have off the pie affair, and his field was deserted.


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