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《去你妈的劲舞团》 大家听我来说说 现在越来.. 翻译

《去你妈的劲舞团》 大家听我来说说 现在越来越觉得劲舞团这个游戏垃圾,那不是一般的垃圾啊。下面你们听我慢慢道来、 第一:浪费金钱 第二:浪费时间 第三:诱害未成年&小青年 第四:导致好多刚步入社会的小青年迷恋这破垃圾 失去自己的理智搞的工作都不要了。 第五:没有真感情 更多: ,都是逢场做戏,虚情假意(好多丑女人来诱惑小青年 两个字:恶心 第六:等...... 反正不管他们的怎么讲就是他妈的垃圾透了顶!
Audition of "fuck you" Listen to me say Feel more and more this game Audition garbage, it is not garbage. Below, you listen to me slowly 更多: , : A waste of money The second: a waste of time Third: induced harm minors & small youth Fourth: lead to a lot just entered the community youth obsessed with this broken garbage losing their intellect to engage in work do not. Fifth: there is no true feelings are every field put on a show, hypocrites (a lot of ugly women to entice young people the word: nausea : And so on ...... Anyway, regardless of their how to talk about is fucking garbage through the top!

The audition of your mother Members hear me say Now increasingly feel that audition this game rubbish, it is not an ordinary garbage Ah. Following you to listen to me slowly road, The first: a waste of money II: wasting time Third: luring underage victims & young man Fourth: led to a lot of young man obsessed with this broken junk that you just entered the community lose their sanity don't have work. Fifth: there is no real feelings 更多: , are on nonsense, untrue (better word ugly woman to tempt a young man: nausea Sixth: ... ... Anyway, regardless of what they say is his mother's junk through the roof!

"Fuck you checkout" everyone to listen to me say now more and feel the game checkout garbage, it's not the general wastes ah. Below you road to listen to me slowly, the first: waste of money 2: a waste of time 3: lure & lad 4 against a minor:Lead to a lot of just enter the society's fascination with this broken garbage lad lost his reason make work all don't. 5: no true feelings 更多: , is take acting, insincerity (many are to lure lad two words: nausea 6: wait... anyway, no matter how they speak is fucking junk through the roof!


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