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近年来,国内在强调建立现代企业制度,完善法人治理结构的同.. 翻译

近年来,国内在强调建立现代企业制度,完善法人治理结构的同时,理论和实务界不约而同地把治理的重点瞄向加强企业内部控制,强化企业自身的“免疫”和“抗干扰”能力上。得控则强 更多: ,失控则弱,无控则乱,在内部控制备受关注的大环境下,内部审计对内部控制建设的 在内部控制审计的实行过程中存着许多的问题,主要表现为内审机构建制不适应质量控制要求;内审人员素质不适应需要;没有建立起完善的内部审计质量控制体系等。造成这些问题的原因包括由于内部审计机构的组织模式不尽科学。内部控制审计制度建立较晚,各单位在借鉴国外经验方面不尽相同,导致我国内部控制审计机构设置存在多种模式,内部控制审计人员素质较低,审计技术落后。内部控制审计相关法规不够完善。为解决上诉问题应当从建立健全有效的内部控制审计组织保障机制,建立健全内部控制审计质量控制机构和控制,建立内部控制审计质量控制的人员保障机制,建立内部审计质量控制的手段保障机制等方面着手采取措施,从而提高内部控制审计在企业的日常管理中须发挥的作用和意义。
In recent years, the emphasis on establishing a modern enterprise system, improve the corporate governance structure at the same time, theory and practice invariably the focus of governance aimed at the strengthening internal control, strengthening the enterprises themselves "immune" and "anti-jamming capability. Have control, out of control is weak, uncontrolled chaos and concern in the internal control environment 更多: , the construction of the internal audit of internal control Save in the implementation of internal control audit process with many problems, mainly for the audit agency formed not meet the quality control requirements; audit the quality of personnel not meet the need; did not establish internal audit quality control system.The reasons for these problems, including the organization of internal audit mode is not scientific. Internal control audit system was established later, the units in foreign experiences are not the same result in China's internal control audit institutions exist a variety of modes, the lower the quality of internal control and audit personnel, backward technology audit. Relevant laws and regulations of the internal control audit is inadequate. To resolve appeal issues should establish a sound and effective internal control audit organizations safeguard mechanism to establish a sound internal control bodies and control of audit quality control, internal control audit quality control personnel security mechanism.Establish the means to protect the internal audit quality control mechanism to initiate measures to improve the role and significance of the internal control audit to be played in the daily management of the enterprise.

In recent years, emphasized the establishment of modern enterprise system in China, as well as improving corporate governance structure, theory and practice, both aiming to strengthen the focus of enterprise internal control management, strengthen the enterprises ' "immunity" and "anti-jamming" ability. Control is strong, out of the weak, no control, the internal control environment of concern, construction of internal audit of internal controls In the internal control audit of the implementation process exists in a number of issues 更多: , mainly for internal audit organizations formed does not meet the quality control requirements; the quality does not meet internal audit staff requirements; does not have sound internal audit quality control system.Cause these problems include not science because of internal audit bodies of the organization model. Establishing internal control audit system later, units in terms of learning from foreign experience, not the same, leading to various models of internal control audit body setting in our country, lower internal auditing quality control, auditing technology. Internal control audit-related regulations is not perfect enough. To address the issue of appeal should be the establishment of a sound and effective internal control audit organizations of protection mechanisms, establishing and perfecting the internal control audit quality control bodies and control, establishment of internal auditing quality control personnel protection mechanisms,Establishment of protection mechanisms such as internal auditing quality control means to initiate measures, thus enhancing internal control audit shall play a role in the day-to-day management of the enterprise and significance.

In recent years, domestic in the emphasis on the establishment of modern enterprise system, perfect the corporate governance structure at the same time, theory and practice of averted their governance on reinforcing the enterprise internal control head, the strengthened enterprise own "immune" and "the anti-interference ability. Have to control is strong, out of control is weak, without control is messy,In the internal control environment of concern, internal audit to internal control in the construction of internal control auditing in the process of the practice of having a lot of problems, mainly for the internal audit institutions organizational system does not adapt the quality control requirements; Internal audit personnel quality does not adapt the need;No set up complete internal audit quality control system 更多: , etc. The reasons contributing to these problems including through internal audit organization modes of organization not science. Internal control audit system established late, each unit in foreign experience is not the same,Our country's internal control audit institutions to set up there are many mode, internal control auditing personnel quality is low, the audit backward in technology. Internal control audit regulations are not perfect. To solve the problem should establish and perfect the appeal from the effective internal control audit organization security mechanism,Establish a sound internal control audit quality control agencies and control, establish an internal control audit quality control personnel security mechanism, establish an internal audit quality control means guarantee mechanism from the aspects such as take measures, so as to improve the internal control audit in the daily management of the enterprise shall be play of function and meaning.


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