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十几天的军训生活,我尝遍了酸甜苦辣。在这短短的十几天里,.. 翻译

十几天的军训生活,我尝遍了酸甜苦辣。在这短短的十几天里,我懂得了军训的真正意义,知道了川音为何一定要每届新生进行军训,更深深地了解了“吃得苦中苦,方为川音人。”的含义。总结出了总结学习的价值。 1.吃苦的过程是财富;2.先苦后甜贵在先苦;3.苦得其所。更学会了许多科学学习方法,我们要学会科学借助 更多: ,因为“借”也一种学问。 十几天军训,让我受益匪浅,我真正懂得了什么是“苦”,在以后的学习中,我会把这种坚持不屑,吃苦耐劳的精神融入到学习中去。 大学
10 days of military life, I tasted the ups and downs. In this short period of 10 days, I understand the true meaning of military training, to know why Kawaoto must each newborn military training, and more deeply understand the "eat bitter bitter, side for Kawaoto people." The meaning . Summed up a summary of the value of learning. A hardship process of wealth; 2. Bitter sweet earlier bitter; bitter. More learned many scientific learning methods 更多: , we have to learn science with the "borrowed" a scholarship. 10 days military training, I learned a lot, I truly understand what is "bitter," in a later study,I will persist in disdain, hard-working spirit into the study. University of

A dozen days of military life, I tasted the sweets and bitters. In this short of a dozen days, I know the true meaning of military training, know why, Sichuan must every freshmen for military training, to understand more deeply the "eat bitter bitter, party for the people of Sichuan. The meaning of ". Summarize the value of summary of learning. 1. work hard is the process of wealth; 2. bitter sweet expensive after earlier suffering; 3. bitter as they would have. More learned many scientific learning method 更多: , we have to learn science through, since "take" is also a learning. A dozen days of military training, let me, I really understand what a "bitter", learning in the future,I will adhere to the disdain that, hard working spirit go into learning. University of

10 days of military training of life, I taste all the sweet and bitter experiences. In the short of more than 10 days, I understand the real meaning of military training, know the sichuan why should sound of each new military training, more deeply understand the "eat no cross, party for the sichuan." Meaning. Summarize the study summarized the value. 1.The hard process is wealth; 2. Business before pleasure is the first suffering; 3. The bitter. More learned many scientific learning method, we have to learn how to science with 更多: , because "borrow" is a kind of learning. 10 days military training, let me benefit a lot, I really know what is "bitter", in the later study,I'll take this to despise, diligent spirit into the study. university


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