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2012“蓝色·风尚杯”第三届北京市职工足球联赛日前在北.. 翻译

2012“蓝色·风尚杯”第三届北京市职工足球联赛日前在北京师范大学落幕。北京烟草中南海队、北京东仁汽车队和北京市电力公司队分获甲级组冠军、亚军和季军。 北京奥运会后,市总工会和市体育局决定从2010年起联合主办职工足球联赛,满足职工日益增长的健身需求。本届联赛由市职工体协、市足协、北京筑景广告公司承办。比赛于5月10日开始,共有16支队参加,分为甲、乙两组进行比赛 更多: ,基本代表了我市职工业余足球最高水平。整个赛事历时近两个月,共进行了43场比赛。颁奖仪式上,除了冠、亚、季军,赛事组委会还颁发了个人奖项和团体奖,市烟草专卖局、北京燃气集团荣获“特别贡献”奖
2012 "Blue Fashion Cup third of workers in Beijing Football League has ended in Beijing Normal University. Beijing tobacco Zhongnanhai, East Ren car team and the Beijing Electric Power Corporation team won the Class A champion, first and second runners. Beijing Olympic Games, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the Municipal Sports Bureau jointly organized by trade unions Football League from 2010 to meet the fitness needs of the growing of workers. Municipal workers, the current league SF City Football Association, built King advertising contractors. The game began on May 10, a total of 16 detachment, divided into A, B two games 更多: , and basically represents the highest level of amateur football in our city workers.The entire event lasted nearly two months, a total of 43 games. Award ceremony, in addition to 1st, 2nd, second, third, tournament organizers also awarded individual awards and team awards, Municipal Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Beijing Gas Group won the "Special Contribution" Award

2012 "blue · fashion Cup" in Beijing Normal University, Beijing workers ' Football League announced at its third session ends. Tobacco here in Beijing, Beijing Tung Yan car teams and power company Beijing team won the class a champion, first runner-up and second runner-up. After the Beijing Olympic Games, city and municipal Sports Bureau decided that beginning in 2010 jointly organized workers ' Football League, meet the growing demand for fitness of employees. Football Association in this League by the SF city workers, city, Beijing built King advertising firms. Competition began on May 10 更多: , a total of 16 team participation, competition is divided into two groups, the basic representative of amateur football of the city employees the highest levels.Entire event lasted nearly two months, conducted a total of 43 games. Prize-giving ceremony, in addition to the champion, first runner-up and second runner-up group awards also awarded individual awards of the Organizing Committee of the competition, tobacco and wine monopoly Bureau, Beijing gas group was awarded "special contribution Award"

2012 "blue · fashion cup" the third Beijing worker football league in Beijing normal university has ended. Beijing, Beijing east team as well as the tobacco QiCheDui benevolence and the Beijing municipal power company sharing serie a championship team group runner-up, and third. Beijing after the Olympic Games,City federation of trade unions and the municipal sports department decided since 2010 jointly hosted the worker football league, to meet the growing demand worker fitness. The league by city worker, the football association, Beijing countries.combining build scene advertising company to undertake. The race May 10 start, there are 16 crews to participate 更多: , party a and party b is divided into two groups for the game,Basic represents our city worker amateur football the highest level. The whole event lasted nearly two months, a total of 43 games. The awards ceremony, in addition to crown, and the champion, the organizing committee has issued the personal awards and group award, the tobacco monopoly bureau, Beijing gas group won the "special contribution award for"


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