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Do you want to watch a hot m.. 翻译

Do you want to watch a hot movie on the phone while taking a bus, or shop on the phone while at work? Now you can use 3G phone. 3G refers to the third generation of mobile telephony. As the name suggests, it follows two earlier generations. The 3G technology can enable mobile phone users to enjoy high speed Internet based services. In fact, many mobile phones nowadays which are not with 3G also allow you to send emails or read the latest stories on the Internet, but their services are limited (有限的) by their transporting speed 更多: , which is only 10 KB per second. But 3G can enable you to connect to the Internet with a speed of 2 M (1M=1024KB) per second. For example, a mobile phone with 3G technology will enable you to download a three-minute MP3 song within a few seconds. 3G has become a part of modem business life. In the UK and many other European countries, 3G services have been used since 2003. Nowadays, some of the employees are able to spend some of their working hours at home. The new technology allows the emergency services to provide a video link with a hospital or a doctor for patients who need special care. It is reported that China Mobile is ringing the changes with LTE and UMB in the soon future. In fact, LTE and UMB are often called 4G (fourth generation) technologies. The new technology will allow users to move even more easily between the two main 4G networks.
翻译结果(Hmong Daw)1:
Ua koj xav saib ib tug kub Ticket rau tus xov tooj thaum noj tau ib lub tsheb loj, los sis mus kav khw hauv xov tooj tom hauj lwm? Tam sim no koj tau siv 3 G xov tooj. 3 G tam sid rau lub cim mobile telephony thib peb. Raws li qhia lub npe, nws li ob yav generations. Lub tshuab 3 G yuav pab kom cov neeg siv txawb hu xov tooj rau kev txaus siab rau kev pab hauv Internet raws siab ceev. Hauv qhov tseeb, ntau txawb phones nta uas tsis nrog 3 G kuj pub koj xa emails los nyeem cov zajlus liaj nyob hauv Internet, tab sis lawv pab luag (有限的) los ntawm qhov lawv thauj kom 更多: , uas yog tsuas 10 KB ib ob. Tiam sis 3 G yuav pab kom koj mus cuag tau rau hauv Internet rau tus ceev ntawm 2 M (1 M = 1024KB) ib ob. Piv txwv li, ib tug Xuv tooj txawb nrog 3 G tshuab yuav pab kom koj mus luam tau ib zaj kwv txhiaj MP3 peb-feeb tsis pub dhau ob peb second. 3 G xeem tau ib feem ntawm lub neej modem lag luam. Hauv lub UK thiab ntau lwm sab Europe chaws, 3 G pab tau tau siv txij xyoo 2003. Nta, ib co ntawm cov neeg ua hauj lwm yeej muaj nyob rau tej lawv ua hauj lwm teev nyob rau hauv tsev. Lub tshuab tshiab tso cai rau cov kev pab thaum muaj xwm ceev mus muab ib cov video link nrog ib lub tsev kho mob lossis tus kws kho mob rau cov neeg uas xav tau kev pab tshwj xeeb. Nws yog qhia tias Xov Tshoj txawb yog ringing qhov hloov nrog LTE thiab UMB nyob hauv tus tsis ntev tom ntej no. Qhov tseeb, LTE thiab UMB mas feem ntau hu 4 G (plaub cim) yees. Lub tshuab tshiab yuav pub rau cov neeg siv yooj txawm txav ntawm tes hauj tus ob ntsiab 4 G lwm.


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