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偶然间想起老朋友,就习惯性的打开空间,然而上面显示.. 翻译

偶然间想起老朋友,就习惯性的打开空间,然而上面显示:“抱歉,该空间仅对主人指定的人开放 ” 我顿时愣了!随后,却又淡然了。 有些人,总是会慢慢的淡出你的世界,慢慢的在你的记忆里模糊… 因为时间,因为距离,因为没有联系… QQ上,清一色的手机挂着,我隐身着,你看不见,你隐身着,我亦看不见,很多人宁愿找些陌生人或者不熟悉的人聊天,也不愿意和以前的好朋友聊天。 不知道要聊什么,也不知道从何聊起…时间长了,渐渐的,疏远了,陌生了… 虽然曾经彼此之间很熟悉,但是现在却多了一层隔阂,QQ上见面只剩下一个简单的“最近好吗?”“恩,还好,就那样”,没有下文了… 很多时候都是开着QQ,看着那么多的朋友在线,却只会对着屏幕发呆,因为不知道说什么… 多长时间没和朋友们发短信了?多长时间没和朋友们打电话了?又多长时间没约上几个好友出来聚聚了? 偶尔发条短信息,也是逢年过节的时候,问候一下,祝福一下。 有些人,我们彼此相遇,相识 更多: ,相知,一起哭过笑过,然而还是不能逃过离别的结果。这些人,是我们心底真真正正承认的朋友,然而,离别之后,还是会逐渐联系减少。 是什么?让大家越来越疏远了。 是什么?让大家越来越淡漠了? 是什么?让曾经彼此之间很要好的朋友,如今即使见了面也没有什么话说了… 时间、距离、没有联系…是感情最可怕的敌人! 时间久了,感情会变淡。距离长了,感情会疏远!这是真真切切的… 原来我把朋友丢了。! 抑或风轻云淡的一笑抑或满脸无谓的接着过自己的生活,为自己的以后着急。 亲爱的朋友们,我们曾说天长地久。 一直知道自己是个怀旧的人,可是自己却总是让身边的某些人越走越远。 偶然翻起电话本,听到她的声音,我竟一时有种想哭的感觉,曾经几时,我们已没有想起彼此,所幸我们一直都记着彼此! 友谊长存,不会因时间距离而变化。不知道是不是真的。 好久好久没联系的老朋友们,我们都有自己的生活,或许我们也好久没有想起彼此了,但是,我们都要记得曾经的美好时光,并相信,在今后渐行渐远的路上,还会有更多的人与我们由陌生到相知,一起度过更多的美好时光。虽然还是会有离别,但希望大家,想起彼此的时候,再给自己会心一笑。 渐行渐远的老朋友们,谢谢你们曾经陪我走过,我曾经很幸福,希望你们在以后的道路上能够顺利的走下去。
Happened to think of an old friend of habitual open space, however, shown above: "Sorry, the only master of the space specified open I suddenly froze! Then, but indifferent. Some people always will slowly fade out of your world, slowly in your memory fuzzy ... because of the time, because of the distance, because there is no contact ... Qq, all phone hung, I stealth and you can not see you hide and I do not see a lot of people prefer to find some stranger or someone to talk to are not familiar with, but also do not want to chat and former good friend . Do not know what you want to chat, do not know where chatting about ... a long time, gradually alienated, strange ... Although once each other very familiar with, but are now multi-layer barrier qq meet only a simple "How are you?" "Well, okay, that" do not follow ... A lot of time driving qq, watching so many friends are online, but only at the screen in a daze, because they do not know what to say ... How long did friends and send text messages? How long it did not and my friends call it?Addition of a long time not about a few friends out to get together? Occasionally winding short, holidays, greetings, blessings look. Some people we meet each other, acquaintance, friend, together cried smile, however 更多: , still can not escape the results of the parting. These people are our heart really recognize friends, however, after the parting, or will gradually contact to reduce. What? Let more and more estranged. What is it? More and more indifferent? What is it? Have each other very good friends,Now even met have nothing to say ... Time, distance, no contact ... the feelings of the most terrible enemy! Over time, feelings will be dimmed. Long distance, would alienate the feelings! This is so true ... Friends lost. ! Or fine, clear smile or face unnecessary and then live their lives, for their own future to worry. My dear friends, we said that last forever. Own nostalgic, but he was always around some people further and further away. Accidentally flips the phone book, I heard her voice, feeling, once I am actually a moment to burst into tears when we have not thought of each other, but fortunately we all remember each other! Friendship will not change because of the distance of time. I do not know is not true. Long time no contact old friends, we all have their own lives, perhaps we have a long time did not think of each other, but we must remember that once the good times, and believe in the future lopsided road there are more people with us from the strange to know each other, spent more good times.Although there will still be leaving, but I hope that we think of each other's time, give a knowing smile. Drifted further away the old friends, Thank you once to accompany me through, I was very happy and hope that you in the future on the road to go smoothly.

Occasionally think of old friends, habitual open space, however shown above: "we're sorry, but the space specified by the owner only is open" I was immediately stunned! Subsequently, it tastes. Some people always will slowly fade out of your world, slowly in your mind fuzzy ... Because of the time, because of the distance, because there is no contact ... On the QQ, homogenous cell phone hangs, I dressed in implicit, you can't see, your stealth, I do not see, a lot of people would rather get some strangers or people who are not familiar with chat, is not willing to chat and former good friend. Don't know what to talk about, nor does it know where to talk ... A long time, little by little, alienated, a stranger ... Once familiar with one another, but now more than a layer of estrangement, meet on QQ leaving only a simple "recent OK? "" Well, okay, so "no below ... In many cases were open, QQ, looked at so many friends online, but the screen is only a daze, because they do not know what to say ... Not been texting friends and for how long? How long did not and call friends?Not about some friends get together for a long time? Clockwork SMS occasionally, when on holidays, greetings, wishes. Some people we encounter, acquaintances, strangers 更多: , cry with laughter, but still can not escape the results of parting. These people, are we really recognize friends, however, after the departure, also contact is gradually reduced. What is? Increasingly alienated. What is? Let everyone have increasingly indifferent? What is? Once with each other very good friends,Now even if the met had nothing to say ... Time, distance, and no contact ... Is feeling the most terrible enemies! A long time, feelings will lighten. Distance long, emotional alienation! This is true ... I lost friends.! Or light wind clouds light smile or her face unnecessary went on to live their lives, for their worry in the future. Dear friends, we said forever. Always knew himself to be a nostalgic person, but always let someone around to walk farther. This came across the phone, hear her voice, I got the feeling like crying, when will have, we have no thought of each other, but luckily we have always remembered each other! Long live friendship, time distance will not change. Don't know if it's true. Long time haven't contact old friends, we all have our own lives, maybe we haven't thought of each other, but we have to remember the good times, and believe that wearing way far in the future, there will be more people and we know from stranger to, spend more quality time together.While there would still be leaving, but I hope that you, think of each other's time, and then give yourself a knowing smile. Friends fading away, thank you have you ever walked with me, I have to be happy, I want you to go smoothly on the road in the future.

haphazardly think of old friends, habitual open space, however above shows: "I'm sorry, this space to master the designated only open" I immediately leng! Then, the brighest....... some people, always will slowly fade out of your world,Slowly in your memory blur... Because of the time, because the distance, because no contact... QQ, all of the same phone hang, I stealth, you see, and you stealth, I also see, many people prefer to find some stranger or not familiar with people chat,Like the previous good friends to chat. don't know about what, also don't know where to talk about... For a long time, gradually, distant, strange... although once between each other is very familiar with, but now has a layer of estrangement,QQ meet on only a simple "recent good?" "Well, well, just like that," not below... many times were open QQ, looked at so many friends online, but will only a screen stunned,Because don't know what to say... long time no and friends to send a text message? Long time no and friends call? And how long about some good friends to come out on didn't get together? occasionally clockwork short message, also is the holiday, to say hello, bless it. some people, and we met each other, know, who know each other 更多: , together cry have laughed, but still can't escape the separation results. These people, our heart is real admitted that friends, however, after parting, or will gradually reduce the contact. ??? What???Let all the more and more estranged. ??? What??? Let everyone more and more anymore? ??? What??? Let once each other very good friends, now even met to also do not have what words... time, distance, no contact... Affection is the most terrible enemy! Time is long, the feelings will become weak.Long distance, emotional alienate! This is true... originally I take my friend lost. ! or the wind light cloud light a smile or a meaningless and then live my own life, for his own later try so hard. dear friends, we have say forever. always know oneself is a nostalgic man, but his often let side some people will walk away. accidentally turn on the phone this, to hear her voice, but I have a feeling of want to cry, had long, we have not think of each other, but we always remember each other! friendship for ever, and not because of distance and time change. Don't know if it's really true. long long time no connect old friends, we all have our own life, perhaps we haven't remind of each other, but we have to remember the good times, and believe that,In the future the habbit is on the way, there will be more people with us by strange to who know each other, more good times together. Although still have left, but I hope you, think of each other, and then give yourself a hearty laugh. habbit is old friends,Thank you for ever with me through, I have been very happiness, hope you on the road in the future to be able smoothly go down.


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