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bonjour! Je vous ai deja di.. 翻译

bonjour! Je vous ai deja dit que je n'ai pas de le no. de ma commande. par contre 更多: , je vous ai donne toutes les informations que j'ai eu dans le mail precedent. Donc j'aimerais savoir ou en est la commande et dans le cas ou vous seriez dans l'incapacité a faire parvenir la commande je souhaiterais un remboursement de ce qui à ete prélevé. En vous remeciant.
hello! I have already said that I don 'have not the no. of my order. cons 更多: , I have given you all the information that I "ve had in the previous email. j therefore" would like to know or is in order and in case you would be in the "inability to send the command I would like a refund of what was taken. You in remeciant.

Hello! I already said I do not no. my command. on the other hand 更多: , I gives all the information that I got in the mail back. so I want to know is the command or in the case or you would be unable a send command I would like a refund of what was collected. You remeciant. .

Hello i you have already said that I do not have the no. of my order. by against 更多: , I have given you all the information that I had in the previous mail. Therefore I would like to know where is the command and in the case or you would be in the inability has to send the order I would like a refund of what has been taken. In you remeciant.


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