Relations ambigus entre les .. 翻译
Relations ambigus entre les 2 sociétés: investissement partagé, concurrents sur certains marchés 更多: , etc…
Transformer un acteur local en usine de performance mondiale avec des process standards et rigoureux.
Nouveaux produits développé avec un nouveau fournisseur d’un nouveau pays avec une équipe nouvelle…
ambiguous relationship between the two companies: shared investment, competition in some markets 更多: , etc ...
Transform a local player in plant performance with global standards and rigorous process.
New products developed with a new supplier of a new country with a new team ...
Ambiguous relations between the 2 companies: shared investment, competitors in some markets 更多: , etc.
Transform a local player in world performance with standards and rigorous process plant.
New products developed with a new supplier of a new country with a team new…
Ambiguous Relations between the 2 companies: shared investment, competitors in some markets 更多: ,Etc… *
transform a local actor in the factory of performance of the world with process standards and rigorous.
New products developed with a new supplier of a new country with a team nouvelle… *
Upgrade switches (indicator lights,你不懂英语?,You do not understand English?
,she decided to test them to see ho,我也是中国人,Les défis,操,Relations ambigus entre les 2 soci,Transformer un acteur local en usi,most of the crops die and some of ,没有啊,wait for giving me,thank you. i have been busy this w,would you like me to teach you eac,