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bonjour j'ai l'intention d.. 翻译

bonjour j'ai l'intention d'acheter vos sacs mais une question me turlupine 更多: , vos sacs sont t-ils réellement authentiques ? et pourquoi sont ils à ce prix ? si je compare avec le prix des sites officiels ? est ce que je peux obtenir les certificats de garanties ? car je compte en acheter au moins 3. merci d'avance pour votre réponse car j’hésite depuis une semaine pour commander. cordialement Mme Zwiefelhofer
Hello j "have the" intention to "buy your bags but one question bothers me 更多: , your bags are t they really authentic? And why are they at this price? If I compare with the price of the official sites? Is what I can obtain certificates of guarantees? because I intend to buy at least 3. thank you for "advance for your answer because I hesitate for a week to order. Cordially same zwiefelhofer

Hi I intend to buy your bags but a question turlupine me 更多: , your bags are t - they really authentic? and why are they at this price? If I compare with the price of the official sites? can I obtain certificates of guarantee? because I will buy at least 3. Thank you in advance for your reply because I am reluctant for a week to order. cordially Ms. Zwiefelhofer

Hello I intend to buy your bags but a question bothers me 更多: , your bags are t-they really authentic? And why are they at this price?If i compared with the price of official sites? Is this that I can obtain the certificates of guarantees? Because I intend to buy at least 3.Thank you in advance for your reply because I hesitate since a week to order. cordially Ms. Zwiefelhofer


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