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人生就是这样:和阳光的人在一起,心里就不会晦暗;和快乐的.. 翻译

人生就是这样:和阳光的人在一起,心里就不会晦暗;和快乐的人在一起,嘴角就常带微笑;和进取的人在一起,行动就不会落后;和大方的人在一起,处事就不小气;和睿智的人在一起 更多: ,遇事就不迷茫;和聪明的人在一起,做事就变机敏。------借人之智,完善自己。学最好的别人,做最好的自己。。。
Life is this: the sun together, and my heart will not dull; and happy, mouth always, with a smile; and aggressive action will not lag behind; and generous people together. of doing things is not stingy; and wise people together 更多: , failing is not lost; smart people together, things change on the alert. ------, By the people of intellect, to improve themselves. Learn the best others to do the best. . .

Life is such: and sunshine of people in together, heart on does not dark; and happy of people in together, mouth on often with smile; and enterprising of people in together, action on does not behind; and generous of people in together, way on does not stingy; and wise of people in together 更多: , failing to on does not confused; and smart of people in together, do on variable smart. ------Take the wisdom of man, improve themselves. Learn the best of others, make the best of themselves ...

This is life: and the sun people together, the in the mind will not dull; And happy people together, the mouth cape will often smile; And enterprising people together, the action will not lag behind; And the generous man together 更多: , doing things will not mean; And wise people together, it will not lost; And smart people together,Work will become alert. - - - borrow a wisdom of people and improve themselves. Learn the best version of someone else, do your best...


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