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许多的事情,总是在经历过以后才会懂得。一如感情,痛过了,.. 翻译

许多的事情,总是在经历过以后才会懂得。一如感情,痛过了,才会懂得如何保护自己;傻过了,才会懂得适时的坚持与放弃,在得到与失去中我们慢慢地认识自己。其实,生活并不需要这么些无谓的执着,没有什么就真的不能割舍。学会放弃,生活会更容易。 学会放弃,在落泪以前转身离去,留下简单的背影;学会放弃,将昨天埋在心底,留下最美好的回忆;学会放弃,让彼此都能有个更轻松的开始,遍体鳞伤的爱并不一定就刻骨铭心。这一程情深缘浅,走到今天,已经不容易,轻轻地抽出手,说声再见,真的很感谢,这一路上有你。曾说过爱你的,今天,仍是爱你。只是,爱你,却不能与你在一起。一如爱那原野的火苗,爱它,却不能携它归去。 每一份感情都很美,每一程相伴也都令人迷醉。是不能拥有的遗憾让我们更感眷恋;是夜半无眠的思念让我们更觉留恋。感情是一份没有答案的问卷,苦苦的追寻并不能让生活更圆满。也许一点遗憾,一丝伤感,会让这份答卷更隽永,也更久远。 收拾起心情,继续走吧,错过花,你将收获雨;错过他,我才遇到了你。继续走吧,你终将收获自己的美丽。 一个永远不想失去你的人,未必是爱你的人,未必对你忠心耿耿。有时只是这种脑袋不清的强烈占有欲者,他们才会做出各种“损人不利己”的事情,还如此理所当然。 在心中如果有“曾经拥有就永远不要失去”的偏执狂与占有欲,越想要获得爱的永久保证书,只会越走越偏离。 谁说喜欢一样东西就一定要得到它。有时候,有些人 更多: ,为了得到他喜欢的东西,殚精竭虑,费尽心机,更甚者可能会不择手段,以至走向极端。也许他得到了他喜欢的东西,但是在他追逐的过程中,失去的东西也无法计算,他付出的代价是其得到的东西所无法弥补的。也许那代价是沉重的,直到最后才会被他发现罢了。其实喜欢一样东西,不一定要得到它。 有时候为了强求一样东西而令自己的身心都疲惫不堪,是很不划算的。再者,有些东西是“只可远观而不可近瞧的”,一旦你得到了它,日子一久你可能会发现其实它并不如想象中的那么好。如果你再发现你失去的和放弃的东西更珍贵的时候,我想你一定会懊恼不已。所以也常有这样的一句话“得不到的东西永远是最好的。”所以当你喜欢一样东西时,得到它并不是你最明智的选择。 谁说喜欢一个人就一定要和他在一起。有时候,有些人,为了能和自己喜欢的人在一起,他们不惜使用“一哭二闹三上吊”这种最原始的办法,想以此挽留爱人。也许这留住了爱人的人,但是这却留不住他的心。更有甚至,为了这而赔上了自己那年轻而又灿烂的生命,可能这会唤起爱人的回应吧,但是这也带给了他更多的内疚与自责,还有不安,从此快乐就会和他挥手告别。其实喜欢一个人,并不一定要和他在一起,虽然有人常说“不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有”,但是并不是所有人都会快乐。喜欢一个,最重要的是让他快乐,因为他的喜怒哀乐都会牵动你的心绪。所以也有这样一句话“你快乐,所以我快乐。” 喜欢一样东西,就要学会欣赏它,珍惜它,使它更弥足珍贵。 喜欢一个人,就要让他快乐,让他幸福,使那份感情更诚挚。如果你做不到,那你就放手吧!所以有时候,有些人,也要学会放弃,因为放弃也叫成全
翻译失败翻译失败也更久远。 翻译失败 一共32元一样东西,就要学会欣赏它 更多: ,珍惜它,使它更弥足珍贵。

许多的事情,总是在经历过以后才会懂得。一如感情,痛过了,才会懂得如何保护自己;傻过了,才会懂得适时的坚持与放弃,在得到与失去中我们慢慢地认识自己。其实,生活并不需要这么些无谓的执着,没有什么就真的不能割舍。学会放弃,生活会更容易。 学会放弃,在落泪以前转身离去,留下简单的背影;学会放弃,将昨天埋在心底,留下最美好的回忆;学会放弃,让彼此都能有个更轻松的开始,遍体鳞伤的爱并不一定就刻骨铭心。这一程情深缘浅,走到今天,已经不容易,轻轻地抽出手,说声再见,真的很感谢,这一路上有你。曾说过爱你的,今天,仍是爱你。只是,爱你,却不能与你在一起。一如爱那原野的火苗,爱它,却不能携它归去。 每一份感情都很美,每一程相伴也都令人迷醉。是不能拥有的遗憾让我们更感眷恋;是夜半无眠的思念让我们更觉留恋。感情是一份没有答案的问卷,苦苦的追寻并不能让生活更圆满。也许一点遗憾,一丝伤感,会让这份答卷更隽永,也更久远。 收拾起心情,继续走吧,错过花,你将收获雨;错过他,我才遇到了你。继续走吧,你终将收获自己的美丽。 一个永远不想失去你的人,未必是爱你的人,未必对你忠心耿耿。有时只是这种脑袋不清的强烈占有欲者,他们才会做出各种"损人不利己"的事情,还如此理所当然。 在心中如果有"曾经拥有就永远不要失去"的偏执狂与占有欲,越想要获得爱的永久保证书,只会越走越偏离。 谁说喜欢一样东西就一定要得到它。有时候,有些人 更多: ,为了得到他喜欢的东西,殚精竭虑,费尽心机,更甚者可能会不择手段,以至走向极端。也许他得到了他喜欢的东西,但是在他追逐的过程中,失去的东西也无法计算,他付出的代价是其得到的东西所无法弥补的。也许那代价是沉重的,直到最后才会被他发现罢了。其实喜欢一样东西,不一定要得到它。 有时候为了强求一样东西而令自己的身心都疲惫不堪,是很不划算的。再者,有些东西是"只可远观而不可近瞧的",一旦你得到了它,日子一久你可能会发现其实它并不如想象中的那么好。如果你再发现你失去的和放弃的东西更珍贵的时候,我想你一定会懊恼不已。所以也常有这样的一句话"得不到的东西永远是最好的。"所以当你喜欢一样东西时,得到它并不是你最明智的选择。 谁说喜欢一个人就一定要和他在一起。有时候,有些人,为了能和自己喜欢的人在一起,他们不惜使用"一哭二闹三上吊"这种最原始的办法,想以此挽留爱人。也许这留住了爱人的人,但是这却留不住他的心。更有甚至,为了这而赔上了自己那年轻而又灿烂的生命,可能这会唤起爱人的回应吧,但是这也带给了他更多的内疚与自责,还有不安,从此快乐就会和他挥手告别。其实喜欢一个人,并不一定要和他在一起,虽然有人常说"不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有",但是并不是所有人都会快乐。喜欢一个,最重要的是让他快乐,因为他的喜怒哀乐都会牵动你的心绪。所以也有这样一句话"你快乐,所以我快乐。" 喜欢一样东西,就要学会欣赏它,珍惜它,使它更弥足珍贵。 喜欢一个人,就要让他快乐,让他幸福,使那份感情更诚挚。如果你做不到,那你就放手吧!所以有时候,有些人,也要学会放弃,因为放弃也叫成全

Many things, always in after experience will know. As feelings, pain, we will know how to protect themselves; Silly, and we will know the timely persistence and give up, get in and lose, we come to know yourself. In fact, life is not need such meaningless clinging,Nothing is really can't give. Learn to give up, life will be more easily. learn to give up, in tears ago turned and walked away, leaving behind a simple-looking; Learn to give up yesterday will be buried in the bottom of my heart, leaving the best memories; Learn to give up, let each other can have a more relaxed start,Black and blue love does not necessarily have to forget. This a ride feeling margin shallow, go today, has been not easy, gently chouchushou, say goodbye, really appreciate that you have on. Once said love you, today, is still love you. But love you, but not with you in together.As the love of the wilderness flame, and love it, but don't carry it return. each feeling good, each accompanied by a ride all fascinating. Is can't have regret that we are more attachment; Sleepless night is missing let us feel more want to stay. Affection is a no answers to the questionnaire,The pursuit of hard and cannot make life more complete. Maybe a little regret, a sad, will let the far more meaningful, also more long. pack up the mood, continue to go, miss flower, and you will have rain; Miss him, I just met you. Continue to go, you will reap his beautiful. a always don't want to lose you, is not necessarily a love you of person, not loyal to you. Sometimes just the head not pure strong possessive person, they can make all kinds of "dog in the ego" thing, also so taken for granted. in mind if there is "someone who had never lose" paranoia and acquisitiveness, more want to get the permanent love bond, would be more walk more aside. who said like one thing will be to have it. Sometimes, some people, in order to get his favorite things 更多: , the minds, tactful,Worse, may will do anything, so that to go to extremes. Maybe he had his favorite things, but in the process of chasing him, lost thing also can not calculate, he pays the price is the things get cannot make up for that. Maybe that price is heavy, until the final will be he discovered.In fact like one thing, not necessarily get it. sometimes to demand the same things and make of your body and mind are tired, and is not bargain. Moreover, some of that is "can only far view and not nearly look", once you get it,Day one long you may find that in fact it is not as imagination of so good. If you find you again lost and give up more precious things, I think you'll be crying shame. So often such word "something is always the best." So when you like one thing,Get it isn't you the wise choice. who say like a person must with him. Sometimes, some people, in order to people like themselves together, they would use "a cry two make three commit suicide by hanging" the most primitive way, trying to keep a lover. Maybe that keep the loves,But this but do not leave his heart. There are even more, for this and forfeit themselves that young and bright life, perhaps it evokes the lover's response to it, but it also gave him more guilt and remorse, and upset, and happiness will and waved goodbye to him. Actually like a person,Must not with him, even though people often say "don't care everlasting, care once owned", but not all will be happy. Like a, the most important is to make him happy, because his feeling will affect up your mood. So also has such a word "you happy,So I'm happy. " like one thing, will learn to appreciate it and cherish it, make it more valuable. like a person, will let him happy, let him happy, make it a more sincere feelings. If you don't, then you to let go! So sometimes, some people, also want to learn to give up,Because give up also called pass


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